


Norfolk: Garboldisham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

POST OFFICE at Wm. Elliott's. Letters despatched via Thetford at 6 p.m.

         Beeton      Thomas               poulterer
         Boyce       Fredk.               glazier & victualler, Swan
         Caudwell    Thos.                victualler, Fox & Goose
         Edwards     James                cattle dealer
         Frost       Robert               bricklayer
         Hoste       Capt. Sir. William
                       Legge George,
                       Bart., R.N.        Cottage
         Horton      Rev. Geo. L.W., M.A. Rectory
         Huggins     Ephraim              carpenter
         Linstead    Henry Alfred         saddler, &c.
         Montgomerie Hon. Mrs.            Hall
         Saunders    James, jun.          tailor
         Sturgeon    Wm.                  vict. Marlborough Arms
         Whistler    Samuel               linen manufacturer
         Worby       Richard              baker and butcher
         Brooke      Jesse                Goodchild   Robert,
         Cooke       Wm. Uphall                         Hall farm
         Davey       T. Ling farm         Huggins     Saul
         Edwards     Walter               Lambert     Richard
         Fincham     Joseph               Ong         Samuel
         Green       George               Quantrill   John
         Green       John                 Stubbings   Henry
                                          Turner      Edward
           BLACKSMITHS.                     SHOEMAKERS.
         Edwards     Fredk.               Doe         Elimelech
         Jolly       John                 Taylor      George
         Jolly       Mary
           CORN MILLERS.                    SHOPKEEPERS.
         Lawrence    Wm.                  Quantrill   John
         Quantrill   John                 Turner      Edmund
           GROCERS & DRAPERS.               TAILORS.
         Elliott     William              Saunders    Jas. jun.
         Saunders    James                Worby       John

CARRIERS pass thro' to Norwich, Monday & Thursday

See also the Garboldisham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2006