Norfolk: Flordon
William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864
[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]
The description of the parish has not been transcribed because it is similiar to that in White's Directories for 1845 and 1883.
These are the names in the text that are not included in the list of residents and tradespeople, below:
Brightwell Thos., Esq. Clabburn Thos. Kemp Rev. Sir Wm. Robt., Bart Orford Earl of Whitaker Rev. Gascoigne Fredk., M.A.
This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.
POST OFFICE at Emma Coleman's. Letters desp. via Long Stratton at 5.30 p.m.
Walpole Hon. Fredk. Rainthorpe Hall Brightwell Barron corn miller Coleman Emma shopkeeper George George bricklayer Lansdell Isaac blacksmith, shopkeeper, and victualler, Black Horse Turner Isc. Johnson station master White Jas. victualler, Railway Tavern Whitaker Rev. G. Fredk. Rectory Wright George N. parish clerk FARMERS. Banham Robert Old Hall Bird John Brightwell Barron Riseborough Thos. Sword White Henry
See also the Flordon parish page.
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Copyright © Pat Newby.
October 2008