


Norfolk: Fincham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

FINCHAM is a neat village, forming a long street, with several good houses, on the Swaffham road, 5 miles E.N.E. of Downham, comprising in its parish 807 inhabitants, and 2,884A. 2R. 2P. of land, belonging to several proprietors; but about one-third is owned by Sir Thos. Hare, Bart., the lord of the manors of Fincham-Hall, Curple, Grancourt, Combe, Baynard-Hall, and Littlewell. Part of the parish is in the following manors, viz: - Fareswell, of which the Rev. J. Humfrey, is lord; Talbots', of which Mr. Geo. Aylmer, is lord; and Platers, of which Mr. Wm. Hebgin, is lord.

Fincham Hall, built about the reign of Edward IV., was formerly the seat of the Finchams, but is now a farm-house, and though frequently repaired and modernized, some portions of it retain their ancient character, exhibiting an early specimen of the revived Grecian style, with pillars of the Ionic order.

Fincham gives name to the deanery, which comprises the whole of Clackclose Hundred. There were anciently two CHURCHES here, but that dedicated to St. Michael, was appropriated to Shouldham priory, in 1350, and no traces of it now remain; the vicarage being consolidated after the Reformation, with the rectory of St. Martin's, a large and well-built church of flint, boulders, &c., with a lofty square tower, having quoins and battlements of freestone, and six bells, erected in 1844, in lieu of the old peel of four. A few brasses remain on the floor; but all the painted glass is gone, except the figure of an abbess in the window, at the east end of the south aisle. The large stone font has a basin a yard square, and is ornamented with figures emblematical of the fall of man, and the birth, baptism, and resurrection of our Saviour, but some of the devices are nearly defaced.

St. Michael's rectory and St. Martin's vicarage, the former valued in the King's Book at £10, and the latter at £7 6s. 8d., are consolidated, in the incumbency of the Rev. Arthur Loftus, and alternate patronage of the Crown, and the Rev. Edward Gwyn Blyth, of Burnham. The tithes have been commuted for £690 per annum to the rector, and £325 to Mr. Wm. Hebgin, the impropriator of one moiety. The glebe is worth about £50 a year. The church land, 9A, 4P., with a cottage, lets for £17 10s. the rectory-house was built in 1624, and has been often repaired and enlarged, the last renovation being in 1827; but its original style of architecture is still preserved.

At the enclosure in 1774, an allotment of 51A. 3R. 17P. was awarded to the poor, and is now let for £75, which is distributed yearly, in coals. The poor have also a yearly rent-charge of 9s. 4d., left by the Rev. Thos. Bodham; and the interest of £23, given by unknown donors.

Wm. Corston, one of the earliest patrons of Joseph Lancaster, was born here, in 1757, and died in 1843. In the church yard is an inscription to his memory, from the pen of James Montgomery, the poet.

The Wesleyans have a chapel here, built in 1809.

           Abel      John               butcher
           Arthy     Edward             surgeon
           Aylmer    Geo.               grocer and draper
           Ball      Rev. Thos.
                       Jennings, M.A.   curate
           Barsham   John               gentleman
           Barton    Charles            manager
           Bird      Jacob              miller and baker
           Bywater   Thomas             butcher
           Embling   John               joiner & timber dlr.
           Chapman   Misses Susan
                       and Eliz.
           Flood     Edmund             harness maker and ironmonger
           Flood     William            vict., White Swan
           Garman    James              hair dresser
           Garner    William            butcher
           Gent      Frederick          surgeon
           Hebgin    William            gent., Slater's Hall
           Hopkin    James              bricklayer
           Hubbard   William            wheelwright, &c.
           Kemps     Thomas             vict., Crown
           Loftus    Rev. Arthur, M.A.  Rectory
           Matthews  Joseph             beer house
           Matthews  Mrs. Sus.
           Nurse     John               tailor and draper
           Pigott    Rd.                druggist, (& Stoke Ferry)
           Rumble    James              tailor
           Sadd      Mr. Pat.
           Small     William            saddler
           Southgate Thomas             beer house
           Tiffin    Rd.                plumber, painter, &c.
           Tingey    James              shopkeeper
           Vare      Indah              schoolmistress
           Young     Henry              gentleman
           Cater     Henry
           Fryer     John
           Kendall   William
           Riches    Edward
           * are owners.
         * Aylmer    George             Talbots' Manor house
           Aylmer    Rbt.               Hall
         * Barsham   James
         * Bywater   John
           Dunthorn  Richd.
           Everett   Mrs.
           Hebgin    William
           Parker    William
           Towers    Thomas
         * Wetherell Thos.
           Wright    Robert             Malt house
           Belham    Edward
           Brett     Henry
           Emerson   William
           Harvey    George

See also the Fincham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
July 2015