


Norfolk: Earlham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

This information about Earlham has been extracted from the Norwich section of the directory.

EARLHAM is a small hamlet on the banks of the Yare, 2 miles W. of Norwich. The greater part of the soil and the manor belong to the son of the late Bacon Frank, Esq., but the Hall is occupied by Joseph John Gurney, Esq., who has an estate here. The bridge was built in 1502, and rebuilt in 1579 and 1744. [Page 152].

EARLHAM CHURCH, dedicated to St. Mary, is a small building on the east bank of the Yare, about 2 miles W. of the [ie Norwich] Market place. It has a low square embattled tower, containing three bells, and partly mantled with ivy. It was re-pewed in 1834, and is a vicarage, valued in the King's Book at £5. 7s. 8½d., in the gift of the heirs of Bacon Frank, Esq., and now enjoyed by the Rev. George Cotterill. [Page 118].

[Directory. Page 217]

         Gurney    Jph. Jno. Esq.  Earlham Hall
         Gurney    John, Esq.
         Bright    Edward          gardener
         Bright    John            joiner, &c.
         Cotterill Rev Geo.        vicar; h Colney
         Cross     John            farmer
         Girling   John            farmer
         Kett      James           farmer
         Scarnell  John            farmer
         Webster   Allen           farmer

See also the Earlham parish page.

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January 2003