Norfolk: Drayton - 1846 - Churchwardens' Rate
Drayton raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.
For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.
Surname Index
The following surnames (one or more) are contained in the document.
Adcock Blofeld Bradshaw Buttle Buxton | Blyth Cannell Collins French Garnier | Gosling Hipper Howard Latin | Laton (see Latin) Long Magmay Pratt | Rayson Talman Thomas Tuck |
This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 69/9 and microform MF 732/10] containing the Churchwardens' accounts for 1845-1876. The valuations and Rates payable have not been transcribed.
[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]
A Rate or Assessment taken on 20 August 1846 at the rate of 4d in the £ by :-
Thomas Blofeld, Rector | |
F G Bradshaw | |
Samuel Rayson } William Collins } | Churchwardens |
[End of Document]
See also the Drayton parish page.
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
February 2009