


Norfolk: Castle Acre


Family Burial Vaults

This has been found by the Norfolk transcribers for FreeREG, in the Castle Acre register of burials 1813-1881. It is headed Grave-Yard, but one of the vaults is inside the church.

Grave-Yard of the Parish of Castle Acre.

The following Family Vaults have been made and appropriated during my Incumbency.

John Hague Bloom, Vicar of Castle Acre in the County of Norfolk

A.D.1838.   A substantial Brick Vault with Tomb situate at a distance of three clear Feet from the Eastern end of the Chancel of the Church, of the following Dimensions:
     Length from East to West - 15 Ft.
     Width from North to South - 8 Ft.
containing space for Three interments.
The Property of the Family of John Hudson

J.H.B. Vicar.

A.D.1842.   A spacious Vault with approach, situate within the Chancel of the Church and occupying the whole Southern half of the Area within the Altar Rail. The approach marked by a black stone diamond inserted in a common freestone slab. Tablet on the South Wall of the Chancel.
The Property of the Family of Henry Abbott.

J.H.B. Vicar.

A.D.1854.   An enclosed Area for Family Interments of the following Dimensions,
     Length from East to West - 18 ft.
     Width from North to South - 14 ft.
This Area already contains one substantial Tomb covering three Graves, the approach to which is at the West end. It is situated in a direct line with the Southern side of the Tower of the Church.
The Property of the Family of John Hudson Esqr.

J.H.B. Vicar.

A.D.1857.   Two Graves, enclosed within Iron railing, of Dimensions following; viz.
     Length from East to West - 8 ft 6 in
     Width from North to South - 6 ft 2 in.
The Property of Mr Jacob Finch, Swaffham.

J.H.B. Vicar.

A.D.1858.   Two Graves, enclosed within Iron railing, with rest? Stones as follows; viz.
     Length from East to West - 8 ft 6 in
     Width from North to South - 8 ft 6 in
The property of Messrs Gostling.

J.H.B. Vicar.

A.D.1861.   Substantial Tomb, enclosing Two Graves, with Iron railing, of Dimensions following; viz.
     Length from East to West - 10 ft 2 in
     Width from North to South - 6 ft 10 in.
The property of Misses Young.

[This was not signed by the vicar].

A.D.1870.   Substantial Stone tomb, with enclosing rail of Iron, situate on the South side of Church, immediately continguous to the Enclosed Area appertaining to the family of the late John Hudson Esqr deceased; of dimensions following; viz.
     Length from East to West - 5 ft 6 in
     Width from North to South - 2 ft 6 in.
The property of Thos. M. Hudson Esqr

J.H.B. Vicar.

See also the Castle Acre parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2008