Norfolk: Old Buckenham
Census: 1811
Old Buckenham is one of the few places in the county for which a census before 1841 containing names survives.
There are censuses for 27th May 1811 (this page) and 1821.
- Buckenham, Old - Census of 1811 and 1821
- Transcript in NFHS Library and the Norfolk Record Office (contains names and occupations)
[Graham Loveday King, typescript, 1977]
I have just listed and indexed the surnames.
Name Index
The census contains the following names. The numbers in brackets indicate the Page number of the original on which one or more occurences may be found.
Algar (6,9) Allden (3) Allen (9,10) Archer (7) Baker (1) Barrett (2,3) Baxter (1,4,10) Beales (5) Bennett (6) Betts (1,4) Bird (8) Birt (3) Blackburn (2,6,8) Blomfield (8) Bolam (2) Boosey (4) Bowen (10) Bowles (3,6) Bray (4) Brickham (3) Briggs (10) Brighton (5) Brown (1) Bunting (7) Burlingham (4) Burrell (7) Burton (7) Carver (7) Catlyn (2,10) Chapman (5) Chestnut (3) Chilvers (9) Claxton (10) Cock (3,4) | Cunstable (7) Curzon (7) Daines (3) Davy (7) Dickson (3) Dobbs (6) Eaton (5) Eglinton (9) Elliss (1,2,5) Filby (4) Finchman (3) Fisher (2,3) Foyster (5) Fulcher (1,10) Foulsham (1,10) Gardiner (6) Gedge (5,7) Gibbs (6) Goodrum (9) Hainsworth (7) Halls (3,6) Hardiman (3,7) Haywood (9) Herbert (9) Hewett (4) Hilton (3) Houchin (10) Howes (8) Humphries (6) Hunt (6,9) Jessup (4) John (5)[*] Johnson (1) Kibon (1) | King (4) Lanchester (6) Large (6) Last (5) Leeder (8,9) Lemmen (10) Limmer (1) Lincoln (1) Long (1,7) Lock (2,7) Loveday (2,5) Lucas (2) Mash (5) Maxwell (5) Meer (1) Mickeburgh (5) Moor (2) Nicholls (3) Norton (8,9) Nunn (2,3) Oaker (3) Orford (2) Palmer (2,7,9) Peck (5) Phillips (10) Pilgrim (1,8) Platt (4) Plumptom (8) Poll (6) Potter (4,6,7) Quantrill (5,8) Reeve (8) Riches (9) Ringer (1) | Rix (7) Robinson (8) Rodwell (2) Roper (4,9) Rose (2) Ruddock (10) Rush (2) Sare (4,6) Sevel (8) Smith (2,3,4,5,9) Snelling (4) Sparroe (6) Stebbings (5,10) Steel (9) Stewart (4) Strame? (10) Stubbard (2) Talbot (10) Tann (8) Taylor (4) Thane (4) Thompson (1) Tuffield (3,6) Turner (2,5,6,7,9) Walker (6) Ward (1,5,8,10) Warren (6,7,8,9) Whitehand (3) Whitler (2) Wingfield (4,10) Woodcock (6) Woods (5) Worns (1) Youngman (4) |
The Census Document
The original document had the following headings.
- No of Houses
- Christian name and surname
- Families
- Males
- Females
- Occupations
- All the names were "Christian name" followed by "Surname". I believe "Eaton John" has possibly been transposed so have included both the names for completeness in the index.
John Last
Eaton John
Andrew Turner
......... - In addition to the individual entries summary of houses, families employed in agriculture etc. is given for 1801 and 1811.
See also the Old Buckenham parish page and the main Census page
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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
March 2004