


Norfolk: Brundall


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

BRUNDALL, a small village on a commanding eminence above the Yare, 5½ miles E. of Norwich, is in Blofield union, Norwich county court district and bankruptcy district, Blofield hundred, Blofield and Walsham petty sessional division, Blofield polling district of South Norfolk, Waxham rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 54 inhabitants in 1881, and comprises 544 acres of land. William J.O. Holmes, Esq., of Strumpshaw Hall, is lord of the manor, but the soil belongs to many freeholders.

Brundall Railway Station, which stands in Bradestone parish, is a junction on the Brundall and Yarmouth, and the Norwich and Yarmouth lines.

Brundall House, a large brick mansion, is owned by E.W. Trafford, Esq. The Yare Yachting, Boating, and Angling Station belongs to Messrs. H. Flowers & Co., and comprises about 13 acres of land, situated in sight of Surlingham Broad, and within easy sail of the Rockland and Strumpshaw Broads.

The CHURCH (St. Lawrence) is a small building, consisting of nave and chancel, with a bell-cot containing one bell. It was partly fitted with open benches about thirty years ago, when the present roof, which is of lower pitch than the original one, was put up. The old window at the west end, which was for a long time bricked up, was opened in 1881, and in 1876 Edward William Trafford, Esq., inserted three small stained windows on the north side. The window at the east side is Perpendicular, and the others Early Decorated. Here is a holy water stoup. The font is curiously covered with lead.

The living is a rectory, valued in the King's Book at £4 10s., and consolidated with Little Plumstead and Witton. The glebe here is 9A. 3R. 16P.

WALL POST OFFICE. Letters arrive at 9 a.m., box cleared at 4.40 p.m., week-days only, via Norwich. Blofield is the nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office.

         Beck      William           farm bailiff
         Coleman   George Lovick     draper, Norwich
         Cubitt    Mrs Henrietta
         Flowers   H. & Co.          boat, fishing tackle and refreshment room
                                       proprietors, Brundall Fishing Station
         Gage      John              bricklayer
         Goodings  Robert            shoemaker
         Harper    John              wheelwright, parish clerk,
                                       and victualler, Ram Inn
         Hewett    Fleming           farmer; h Gorleston, Suffolk
         Hoare     James             stationmaster
         Marshall  Mr Frederick      Kenmare house
                     M.B., M.R.C.S.
         Skipper   William           solicitor, Norwich; h Bleak house
         Trafford  Mr Edward William Brundall house

Yare Boating & Angling Station; H. Flowers & Co. proprietors

CARRIERS from Cantley to Norwich pass though on Wed. and Sat


"for 'Waxham' rural deanery and 'Norfolk,' read 'Blofield' and 'Norwich.'"

So   "Waxham rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry."
becomes   "Blofield rural deanery, and Norwich archdeaconry."

See also the Brundall parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
July 2004