


Norfolk: Broome


White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

BROOME (or Brome) 2 miles N. by E. of Bungay, and 13 miles S.S.E. of Norwich, is a parish in Loddon union, Beccles county court district, Loddon petty sessional division, Loddon hundred, Yarmouth bankruptcy district, Loddon polling district of South Norfolk, and East Brooke rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry.

It had 514 inhabitants in 1881, living on 1419 acres, and has a rateable value of £2542 1s., and a gross rental of £3025 3s. 6d. The trustees of the late Sir William F. Fowle Middleton, Bart., own most of the soil, and are lords of the manor. Broome Place, a mansion overlooking the vale of the Waveney, belongs to Messrs. Samuel Darby and George Chase, but is now unoccupied. Mr. William Edward Cross also has an estate in the parish.

The CHURCH (St. Michael) is a large building of Perpendicular architecture, and comprises nave, chancel, south porch, and square embattled tower with five bells. In 1867 the chancel, which contains sedilia and a piscina, was rebuilt, and the church restored and re-seated. The rectory, valued in K.B. at £6 13s. 4d., is in the patronage of the trustees of the late Sir W. F. F. Middleton, Bart., and incumbency of the Rev. J. G. Brighton, M.D., who has a substantial brick residence, rebuilt in 1861. There are 26 acres of glebe, and the tithes have been commuted for £286 a year, of which £6 belong to the rector of Ditchingham.

A SCHOOL BOARD was established here in 1874, and consists of Rev. Dr. Brighton (chairman), and Messrs. L. Elden, G. Mickleburgh, W. Crowfoot, and Jas. Doe. Edward Cadge, Esq., of Loddon, is the clerk. The school was built in 1875, at a cost of £900, for the accommodation of 90 children.

The Town Lands, 27A. 3R. 19P., let for about £80 a year, have been vested in trust since 1520, for the repairs of the church and other 'town charges.' The Fuel Allotment, awarded at the enclosure in 1806, is 10A. 1R. 30P., let with 4A. 19P. awarded to the Town Lands, for £17 8s. a year. The poor have also the interest of £120 12s. 5d., Three per Cent. Annuities, derived from the sale of an acre of allotment land. These charities are now vested in the Charity Commissioners, under the management of the following board: Rev. Dr. Brighton (chairman), J. D. French, Esq., and the churchwardens for the time being. Austen Smith, Esq., is clerk to the board.

POST from Bungay. WALL LETTER BOX cleared at 4.50 p.m. on week days only.

 Brighton     Rev. John George,
                M.D.            rector, The Rectory
 Bull         Isaac             bricklayer and builder
 Chandler     Mr. Geo. Owles    Beech house
 Clow         Fredk.            Board schoolmaster
 Crowfoot     Wm.               farmer, Heath house
 Easter       William           market gardener
 Elden        James             builder, bricklayer, contractor, and
                                parish constable and farmer, Stone cottage
 Farrow       Henry             market gardener
 Frost        William           marsh farmer
 Goff         Ezekiel           vict. Three Tuns Inn
 Kent         Edward            farmer and overseer
 Mallinson    John              vict. Artichoke Inn
 Mickelburgh  Wm.               farmer & thatcher
 Moore        Thomas            farmer, and miller & merchant;
                                Wainford Mills, Suffolk
 Mortlock     Mrs Esther Herman Broome house
 Mortlock     Westall John      farmer and surveyor, Red house
 Mortlock     William Herbert   farmer & collector of taxes,
                                Broome house
 Pulford      George            vict. Rising Sun Inn
 Pulford      Mark & George     farmers
 Ramus        George            shoemaker & cowkpr
 Redgrave     Martin            shopkeeper
 Reeve        Henry             farmer & owner, Gambles farm;
                                h Lowestoft
 Riches       Walter            shopkeeper
 Saunders     Hy. Berry         farmer, Ivy hs
 Smith        Jeremiah          carpenter
 Smith        John              parish clerk and farmer
 Tubby        William           shopkeeper
 Wenn         Misses            Brome cottage
 Wilson       William           farmer, Church farm
 Wisken       Thomas            miller, corn and coal merchant
                                and assistant overseer

See also the Broome parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
December 2004