


Norfolk: Blofield


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

BLOFIELD, which gives name to this Hundred, is a large village and parish, containing many neat houses, 1112 inhabitants, and 2277 acres of land, pleasantly situated on the Yarmouth turnpike, 7 miles E. of Norwich. H.N. Burroughes, Esq., is lord of tha manor, which was held by the Bishop till about the year 1070; but the land belongs to a number of freeholders, several of whom reside here.

The CHURCH (St. Andrew,) has a fine lofty tower, and six bells, and was re-pewed and otherwise improved in 1819, at the cost of £350. New western doors were erected in 1844, made from the timber of an oak tree which had been planted in the churchyard by the late rector.

The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £23. 6s. 8d., and in 1831, at £933, is in the patronage of Caius College, Cambridge, and incumbency of the Rev. John Drew Borton, M.A., who rebuilt the Rectory House, &c., in 1805-'6. The tithes were commuted in 1845. The glebe is 61A. 3R. 22P.

The Wesleyans have a chapel here.

The School-house and garden were given in 1727 by the Rev. Chas. Reeve, who left out of his estate at Halvergate, the following yearly rent-charges, viz.:- £10 to the schoolmaster, for teaching ten poor children; 52s. for the weekly distribution of 1s. worth of bread; 40s. for distribution on Whitsunday; and 35s. for clothing three poor widows at Christmas. The School-room was enlarged by subscription in 1813.

The Poor's Land, 37A. 29P., allotted at the enclosure in 1805, is let for £66 a year, which is distributed in coals. The poor have also a yearly rent-charge of £2, left by a Mr. Buttifant, out of land now belonging to Mrs. Jary.

A Hiring Session for servants, is held here a few days before Old Michaelmas; and Petty Sessions are held at the Globe and King's Head alternately, every other Monday. The POST-OFFICE is at the Globe, where letters are received from Norwich every morning.

         Bane       Joseph              vict. King's Head
         Bane       Mr Matthew
         Bayes      John                thatcher
         Barnes     Fiddy               policeman
         Benstead   Thomas              saddler, &c
         Boast      Robert              machine maker
         Borton     Rev John Drew, M.A. Rectory
         Brundell   Wm.                 watchmaker
         Cheyne     John                chimney sweeper
         Codling    Wm. Hy.             Union and magistrates' clerk,
                                          supt. regr. & schoolr
         Coleman    Timothy             vety. surgeon
         Dobson     Wm.                 hair dresser
         Eade       Peter               surgeon and registrar
         Evans      Thomas              cooper
         Gapp       Rd. Rant            schoolr. & tea dlr
         Garrard    Misses
         Goulder    Robert              chief constable, &c
         Greaves    Rev Thos. Berkeley  vicar of South Lynn
         Haggata    Leonard             vict. Swan
         Jary       Mrs                 gent
         Lambert    Thomas              tinner & brazier
         Lincoln    John                cattle dealer
         Lynes      Jph.                machine mkr. & wheelgt
         Mace       Robt.               gent
         Miles      Lieut. Edmund, R.N.
         Mingay     John W.             cabinet maker
         Overed     John                farrier
         Onslow     Rev Wm. L.
         Parker     Mrs My.
         Postle     Jeposaphat          relieving officer
         Read       Richard             cattle dealer
         Reeve      James               schoolmaster
         Ringer     Mr John
         Rising     Edward              corn miller
         Rix        Mrs Bridget
         Rogers     Mrs Sarah           corn miller
         Riches     Thomas              hawker
         Sillett    Mrs Sarah           schoolmistress
         Tuck       John Hy. Esq.       High House
         Tuck       Misses              gentlewomen
         Tunmore    John                sawyer
         Ward       Joseph              vict. Globe Inn
            Beer Houses.                   Bricklayers.
         Brown      John                Clarke     Wm.
         Gowen      Benj.               Rushmore   Anty.
                                        Withers    John
            Blacksmiths.                   Butchers.
         Sawyer     Richard             Caston     Wm.
         Scurll     Wm.                 Hilling    John
         Sizer      Henry               Read       Rt. jun.
         Woodrow    John                Redgment   Robt.
         Allen      John                Grimble    James
         Browne     Wm.                 Hardesty   Wm.
         Browne     W. jun              Lillystone Mrs
         Brooks     Wm.                 Long       Robert
         Crow       Robert              Morris     Wm.
         Edrich     Henry               Osborne    Wm.
         Ellis      Henry               Postle     Jsha. D.
         Goulder    Robert              Riches     Thomas
         Goulder    Rt. jun.            Southgate  Henry
                      (and maltster)    Waters     Robert
            Gardeners.                     Shoemakers.
         Hazel      Charles             Bailey     John
         Hazel      Samuel              Bell       Robert
         Patterson  Henry               Bulley     Robert
                                        Clarke     Charles
                                        Fox        Richard
                                        Gowen      Benjamin
                                        Harpley    Tovel
                                        Shalders   Robert
            Joiners, &c.                   Shopkeepers.
         Benns      Thomas              Benns      Thomas
         Broom      John                Bowens     Jas. (baker)
         Lynes      Joseph              Bunn       Samuel
         Mingay     John W              Fisher     Wm.
         Rushmore   Rt.                 Rushmore   Robt.
         Stockings  Wm. (& builder)     Salisbury  Walter
                                        Tabor      Edward
            Plumbers, Glaziers,            Tailors.
            & Painters.
                                        Crow       Wm.
         Emms       Hy. W.              Dunt       Adam
         Fisher     Wm.                 Pyle       Henry
         Fox        George              Lusher     Rebecca

CARRIER. R. Waters, to Norwich, Sat.

See also the Blofield parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
August 2004