


Norfolk: Barton Turf - 1801-1815 - Churchwardens' Payments


Barton Turf raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 187/39 and microform MF718/4] which contains the Churchwardens' accounts (for the years 1793-1888) and are the payments for the years 1801-1815.
Note that only extracts have been transcribed but this includes most items which mention surnames. Common events eg. bread/wine, some non-specific trade bills etc. have for the most part been excluded.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -    


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Disbursements of Thomas Cadge Churchwarden from Easter 1801 to Easter 1802.

Paid for a ton of Westmoreland Slate6150
Cartg of a ton of Slate from Irstead Steath [Staithe]0  40
To 100 weight of Slate from Beeston Hall   10
Pd Mr Wiggetts bill1172
Pd for the Psalm Singers   50
Pd for 1lb/2 of Nails for the Church   13

Disbursements of Robt Shackle Churchwarden from Easter 1802 to Easter 1803.

Pd Mr King 129
Pd for 2 pints of tent Wine for Sacrament   40
Pd Mr Skipps bill1  03
Pd Mr Wiggetts bill   94

Disbursements of Henry Edrich Churchwarden from Easter 1803 to Easter 1804.

Pd Mr Shackle   16
Pd J Spanton   56
Pd Mr Skipp for a ladder 140

Disbursements of Henry Edrich Churchwarden from Easter 1804 to Easter 1805.

Paid John? Wiggett2  410½
To 6 Solly? Stons?117  6½
Brin[g]ing from Yarmouth   1  6
Lime and Sand   
Pd Mrs John Skipps bill   
Pd John Wiggett   
Pd J Spanton bill   

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1805 to Easter 1806.

Cushion for the Pulpit   80
Pd for Silver Cup and Plate  6  60
Glaziers bill   
Blacksmiths bill   
Mr Shepherds bill   

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1806 to Easter 1807.

Glaziers bill Mr Rayner 1210
Mr Spantons bill - Blacksmith   4  0
Mr Spantons bill - the Glazier   4  4

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1809 to Easter 1810.

Mr Cubitt for makg 2 Indented bills   20
Pd Baldwins bill   52

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1810 to Easter 1811.

Pd Mrs Barnes bill Bricklayer13  0  6

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1811 to Easter 1812.

Ironmongers bill  2  05
Charged to little for Lessons
Pd Knights for Teaching the Children 2 months
Pd Neave for Mats   71

We appoint Mr Augt King Churchwarden for the year ensuing - March 1812.

Christopher Knights appointed Master of the Sunday School - Salary £5 per annum to attend the church on Sunday and at home 2 evenings in each week to educate the children entrusted to his care.
[Signed] Richd Dobson, Jno Hacon, Tho Storey, Thos Cadge, Henry Edrich

Disbursements of Augt King Churchwarden from Easter 1812 to Easter 1813.

Pd to the Charity school Boys   50
Pd Mr Grout for Bell Rope 100
Pd the carrier for bringing stove   26
Pd Mr Taylors bill for Bricks and Lime  4  40
Pd Knights - Teaching the Charity School Children  5  00
Pd Mr Mornements Bill for Nails   54


Subscription ending 1814£
Colonel Preston for Neatishead  1
Mrs Preston for Barton & Neatishead  2
Revd Wm Gunn  2
Mr Morse  1
Given by the National Society  3
From Neatishead Parish  1

Disbursements of Churchwarden from Easter 1813 to Easter 1814.

Pd Mr Mollett for Iron Chest  4  40
[School Expences here]   

Disbursements of Churchwarden from Easter 1814 to Easter 1815.

Pd Jas Amis for ¼? ton of slate and carting  2100
Pd Mr Pratt for Lime   10
Pd Watt - Carrier  2
Pd Baldwins Bricklayers bill  2  10
Pd Spantons bill Blacksmith 199
Pd Spantons bill Glazier 142



[End of Document]

See also the Barton Turf parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
November 2008