





[This article describes the author's family research in a way that may prove helpful to others.]

See also Organize Your Data by Dates and Latest Musings on the Whitfields" by Carol Minson.

Swinhope Valley, Allendale

I have been working a great deal on the Allendale WHITFIELDS the past few months, trying to get them into families. Almost all of the Whitfields from the Allendale Parish Registers, -- up until the mid 1800's, -- are in my computer. I have over 600 Allendale Whitfield entries, with their sources.

It has been interesting to see different patterns emerge. I can see the reality of several things, such as the fact that "many" people lived in Allendale during the lead mining times. I have two big maps (24" x 16") of the East Allendale area - one for the 1600's and another for the 1700's. I have placed red dots on the different homes and cottages in which Whitfield's lived. The emerging picture was exciting to me.

There are at least 12 Whitfield families in the East Allendale area in the 1600's with 53 children. Since Parish Registers started in 1662, there are undoubtedly more Whitfield families living in the area, but not recorded before 1662. They moved around quite a bit, even in the 1600's. Those 12 families lived in at least 20 different places. The majority of the Whitfields lived in the Swinhope area of Allendale, where eight different homes were inhabited by Whitfields in the 1600's.

Summary of Whitfield Families in E. Allendale in the 1600's:
(source: parish records & hearth tax)

  Number, DOB & birthplace of children
l.THOMAS W.=*ELIZABETH**3.1656-1661*.Whiterig.
2.HUGH W.=1.1665.Ride Rig Hill - Catton Grieveship.
3.THOMAS W.= ANN**8.1666-1668.Smda*** & Middleup.
4.JOHN W. =3.1669-1676.Scotch Halls, Swinup & Black Cleugh.
5.RICHARD= ANNE MADGON2.1671-1673.Allentown & Newfold House.
6.RALPH W.=1.1673.Swinhope.
7.WILLIAM W.= ANN HEWETSON6.1673-1683.Allentown.
8.THOMAS W.=2.1676-1679.Walls High House.
9.NICHOLAS= MARGARET1.1679.Small Burns.
10JOHN W. =9.1688-1708.Scotts Meadow & Midlup.
11WILLIAM W.= SARAH REED8.1698-1714.Broadgatehead, Pryhill & Waterhouse.
12JOSEPH W.= JANE **9.1699-1716.Huntwell, Hayrake, Holmes & Wide Eals.
[ #1 & #3 = same man, 2nd mg]* Buried at New Sheele.
[ #7 may be son of # 2]** Society of Friends
[ #10 probably son of # 4]*** meaning ??
[ #12 probably son of # 3] 

Whitfield Families in West Allendale in 1600's:
(source: History of Northumberland Vol III, Part I, Hinds. pg 86-104.)

1.Francis Whitfielde & Elizabeth Stocoe,with a tenement called Corry Hill in Ninebanks.
2.George Whitfieldeat Turner Sheele.
3.Francis Whitfieldeat Hartopley.
4.Matthew Whitfield,with a tenement called Hollinclose in East Allendale.

What were the living conditions faced by the Whitfields in the 1600's? The following was helpful, from History of Northumberland Vol. III, Part I, Hinds:

"In 1632 the connection (for Hexhamshire) with the Crown ceased entirely and it appears that almost all of the land and appurtenances went to Sir John Fenwick, by letters patent. This grant comprised East and West Allendale. . . all lead mines and lead ore to be obtained within the liberty. In spite of the privileges of the Hexham copyholders, and notwithstanding the fact that they paid no heriots, and had almost complete liberty in the disposal of their lands, they were miserably poor, and were always in difficulties." (pg. 59)

1600's Dates that may be helpful in your ancestor searches:
(Allendale happenings are italicized)

1603-1625James I, king.
1608The Kings Mill, a water corn mill, at Catton. (Hodgson pg 91)
1611King James version of the Bible, printed and published
1611Pilgrim Fathers set sail in Mayflower.
1620-1660Civil War. Registers poorly kept. Frequent gaps in BT's and parish registers.
1632Crown grant of Hexhamshire to Sir. John Fenwick.
1649Charles I executed. Commonwealth estab.
1649-1660Oliver Cromwell period.
mid 1600'sInflux of miners into Allendale (Hodgson,op. cit. pg 79)
1660King Charles II
1664Hearth Tax for East & West Allendale. About 200 families listed. Exempt if their annual value was less than 1 L. (NDFHS Journal, 1985, Vol 10, No.1, lists Allendale Hearth Tax.)
1664Mill at Burn Tongues, Allendale. (Hodgson,op. cit. pg 91)
1665Plague of London
1666Fire of London
1670Allendale Parish Chapel repaired. (Hodgson,op. cit. pg 79)
1671Nonconformist given freedom of worship; last recorded death from the plague in England.
16782nd "Wool" act. "Paupers" those who can't afford wool burial.
1683One of most severe winters on record - the King (Charles II) gives strict orders for relief of the poor.
1685King Charles II dies. King James II (Catholic)
1688King deposed & Jacobites take up his cause. Crown lands pass into private hands. Land tax.
1688Quakers numerous in Allendale; built another meeting house at Limestone Brae. (Hodgson,op. cit. pg. 89)
1689William & Mary. Bloody war against French League of Augsburg.
1694Queen Mary II dies; William III rules. Tax "gentlemen" burials.
1694Sir Wm. Blackett purchased manor of Hexham from Sir John Fenwick. (Turnbull, History of Lead Mining in the North East of England, pg.10.)
1695Fines imposed if failure to report a birth to parish minister. Registers to contain lists of all births incl. dissenters.
1696Windows subject to tax for first time.
1697Poor Laws require settlement certif. to enter parish; paupers "P" on right shoulder + first letter of parish. (repealed 1782)
1698Taxes imposed on entries in registers.

Summary of Whitfield Families in E. Allendale in the 1700's:

 MarriedNo, DOB & birthplace of children
EDWARD W. = ELIZABETH DARGUE17 May 179441795-1800Allendaletown
GEORGE W. = JANEAbt 178731788-1791Newshields
GIDEON W. = MARY WILLIAMSON2 Sep 175851759-1770Allendaletown
JOHN W.Abt 171771718-1733Hopehead
JOHN W. = ANN GOLIGHTLY28 Nov 173?31741-1747Allenheads, Waterhouse
JOHN W. = MARGARET OLIVER8 Sep 174891749-1775Blackcleugh, Hopehead, Swinhop, Hayrake
JOHN W. = MARY MADGEON22 Jul 176261763-1777Tedham Green
JOHN W. = ELIZABETH TEMPERLY23 May 176571766-1784Wooles & Catton
JOHN W. = MARGT WHITFIELD27 Sep 1770    
JOHN W. = ELIZABETH NIXON8 Apr 178671787-1802Newshield & Holmes
JOHN W. = MARY STOBBART4 Jun 178921790-1792Allendaletown, Sparty Well
JOSEPH W. = ELIZABETH SPARKApr 173511736Bowersmill (Soc of Friends)
JOSHUA W.= ELIZABETH PARKER2 May 175211753Stonestile
MADGEON W. = JANE CLEMETSON30 Jan 179121792-1795Allentowne
MATTHEW SPARK W. = SARAHAbt 176811769North Wingfield, Darby
NICHOLAS W. = ANN DAVIDSON170311704Swinhope
*TEASDALE W. = MARY DAWSON18 Nov 1761101762-1787Swinhope, Butts, Hopehead
THOMAS W. = KATHERINE DAWSON12 Dec 170041701-1709Huntwell, Whitehill
*THOMAS W. = MARGT TEASDALE6 Jun 171561716-1730Sipton, Swinhope, Hopehead
THOMAS W. = ANN RAILTON18 Feb 175041751-1759Blackcleugh, Pryfieldhse
THOMAS W. = SUSANNA SHIELD26 Apr 176211763 
THOMAS W. = HANNAH MAKEPEACEAbt 176411765Nether Limestonebrey
THOMAS W. = ANNAbt 176741767-1771Coal Cleugh
THOMAS W. = JANE SMITH22 May 177921780-1785Ninebanks
THOMAS W. = JANEAbt 178231783-1787Hay Leases, Oakpool
*THOMAS W. = ELIZABETH WALTON8 Jun 178291783-1800Smallburns, Harbeslaw, Wolf Cleugh
THOMAS W. = ANN IRVING24 Jun 1786   
WILLIAM W. = MGT RITSON28 Jun 170231703-1709Allentown
WILLIAM W. = ISBELL DAWSON21 Apr 170021703-1706Catton Hill
WILLIAM W. = HANNAHAbt 175031750-1759Monkwood House
WILLIAM W. = ELIZABETH FAIRLESS1 Jun 175111753Jacksbank
WILLIAM W. = ANN BELL24 Nov 1765    

* Carol Minson's line of Whitfields

I often find myself wondering what political forces were shaping the lives of Whitfield people in Northumberland, specifically in Allendale. The following dates and events have been gathered from family history seminars plus encyclopedias. They may not be entirely accurate, but will give you an idea of what was happening in England in this time period. The following events/dates may help explain what was happening to your ancestor. .

1700's Dates that may be helpful in your ancestor searches:
(Allendale happenings are italicized)

1702William III dies; succeeded by Anne. War with France again.
1703Taxes on register-entries, repealed.
1707Scottish Parliament ends. England & Scotland united
1708/15/19The Old Pretender, son of James II leads 3 unsuccessful Jacobite rebellions.
1711More than 21 Quakers of Allendale were convicted for non- payment of tythes. (History of Northumberland, Vol IV, Part II, Hodgson pg. 83.)
1714Queen Anne dies. George I, king.
1715Jacobite Rebellion in Scotland. Hexhamshire feeling was the strongest. Govt. harsh on copyholders in Hexhamshire.
1720Window tax
1730-1840Industrial Revolution
1733"No more Latin in registers."
1739John Wesley begins Methodist revival.
1745Young Pretender "Bonnie Prince Charlie" leads '45 Rebellion, defeated at Culloden
1748/52/61Allendale was visited by John Wesley. (Hodgson, op. cit. pg. 88.)
1754Lord Hardwicks Marriage Act. Had to be married at parish church of bride or groom. Banns & License. Clandestine church marriages.
1756Bad harvest.
1757The militia started to control people. Age 18-45 list of men - parish chest - name by name - pension lists of family.
1765By 1765 over 200 acts of parliament take away farmers lands. 300,000 acres taken away from common man.
1775A chapel was built by the Wesleyan Methodist's. By 1884, besides the parish church, Allendale Town had 2 chapels belonging to the Methodists. By 1884 there were 11 chapels of Wesleyan Methodist and also 11 chapels belonging to Primitive Methodists in the Allendale Circuit. (Hodgson, op. cit. pg. 88-89.)
1776Enclosure Acts forced poorer farmers into roadways & cities.
1784Methodist clergy banned from Anglican churches.

Almost all of the Whitfields in the parish registers were listed as "Miners." Remember that Sir Wm. Blackett purchased the manor of Hexham from Sir John Fenwick in 1694 . This purchase included all the lead mines and their ore.

Les Turnbull's History of Lead Mining in the North East of England further clarifies what was happening in the Allendales in 1700's:

"The great mines. . .at Coalcleugh in West Allen and at Allenheads in the East Allen valley; the smelt mills at Dukesfield, Catton, Rookhope and Dirt Pot; and the refinery and warehouses at Blaydon (all) belonged to the Blacketts." (Turnbull, pg. 10)

"Lead Industry . . . made the region famous in the 18th and 19th century as the principal lead mining area of Britain, at a time when Britain was the world's largest producer of lead." (Turnbull, pg. 7)

"The Blackett-Beaumont family (provided for) schools for the workmen and their families. The mines (were worked) in the Allendales and Weardale until the industry collapsed two hundred years later . . .(along with) the closure in 1896 of the Allenheads mine, once the largest silver-lead mine in the world." Turnbull pg. 10)

© Carol Minson 1997, 1998

Mrs. Minson's address is:
22 Rockbridge Drive, Afton, Wyoming, 83110, USA and her e-mail address is: cnminson[at]gmail[dot]com
She welcomes correspondence on the Whitfields.