| IN THE CHURCHYARD 1a. | Medium HS fallen | | IMO George SMITH who dd Sep 7 1875 ad 53y AO Sarah his wife who dd May 8 1893 ad 71y The Lord gave? and the Lord hath taken away: Blessed be the name of the Lord AO Eliza SMITH who dd Jun 23 1903 ad 42y AO Rhoda SMITH who dd Mar 8 1865 ad 9m Children of the above
1b. | Small FS fallen | | GS 1875 | SS 1893 | ES 1905 | RS 1863 |
2. | Low limestone peaked table | | ILMO Anne Maria FISHER d Aug 1 1956 ad 91y At rest
3. | Low limestone table | | Sacred is the MO the Rev George Christopher HAYWARD M.A. for 27 y Rector of Nympsfield who dd Jul 23 1860 ad 62y I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day. AO Isabella daughter of the late Rev George HAYWARD Rector of Nympsfield, she dd Nov 30 1853 ad 51y Elizabeth Frances infant daughter of George C HAYWARD of Nympsfield Esquire who dd Mar 5 1858 It is well Kings IV:20 AO Infant? Godfrey Treviranus infant son of G C HAYWARD Esq who dd Sep 10 1861 ad 8w.
4. | Peaked table | | George Christopher HAYWARD JP of The Highlands, Nympsfield b Nov 20 1826 dd Sept 1 1867 + George Treviranus HAYWARD b Jun 5 1856 d Sep 6 1862
5. | Peaked table | | IMO Charles Marriott s OTL Rev George Christopher HAYWARD who dd Apr 10 1868 ad 27y IMO Augusta Sarah w OTL Rev George Christopher HAYWARD who dd Nov 5 1871 ad 68y
6. | Stone Celtic cross | | ILMO Anthony Ralph D'ARCY Rector OTP 1878-1894 dd Sep 17 1894 ad 62y To live is Christ and to die is gain AO Caroline his w dd 10 Dec 1913 ad 72 They rest from their labours
7a. | Large pointed HS | | ILMO Elizabeth Mary d of Charles and Sarah NEALE who FA Feb 19 1887 ad 11y AO their s Albert Edward who PTHR Feb 6 1903 ad 17y The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
8. | Plain cross | | Thy will be done ILMO Samuel TAINTON of N who dd Feb 11 1900 ad 81 AO Susannah his w dd Sept 11 1873 ad 52y
9a. | Medium size pointed HS | | TTMO John SHELTON OTP who DTL 19 Jan 1838 ad 80y Man know thyself as willful thou ?shouldst know? True .. the.. ... reward Also Sarah his w dd 20 Nov 1860 ad 8(?)7y
10a. | Large HS pointed top. Carved with dove | | IARO Jesse Henry SHELTON dd May 16 1869 ad 66y Not lost but gone before AO Eliza his wife who dd Feb 10 1891 ad 83y She is not dead but sleepeth
11a. | Large HS | | IMO Llewellyn SHELTON who dd Jun 17 1911 ad 75y. AO Elizabeth his wife who dd Oct 27 1901 ad 73y. Thy purpose lord we cannot see But all is well that's done by thee.
12a. | Large HS curved top | | STTMO Richard TOWNSEND who DTL Apr 22 1855 ad 71y Also Temperance wife OTA who DTL Jan 6 1860 ad 78y.
13. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | IMO Alice BENNET d of William and Sarah BENNET OTP who DTL Mar 18 1824 ad 77y
*14. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | Mary d of Wm & Sarah BENNET OTP who DTL Dec 23 1792 ad 47y She lived with John WADE Esq at Puddhill 13 y a faithful servant
*15. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | IMO William BENNET OTP who DTL Aug 20 1779 ad 67y AO Sarah relict OT aforesaid William BENNET. She ended this life Mar 7 1794 ad 72y.
16a. | Small square top HS | | ... George HOWELL OTP who dd Jun 28 1838 ad 16y
16b. | Small FS | | G HOWELL 1838
17a. | Med. size curved top HS carved with swags | | IMO Thomas HOWETH OTP who dd ? 1856? ad ? AO Elizabeth his w who dd Feb 16 1856 ad 63y
18. | Lyre altar tomb, sides broken. | | Remains of hanging cloth carving on one side. Illegible
*19. | Lyre altar tomb | | Inscription too worn to give complete text. Bigland gives: IMO David HOWELL late of Moreton Valence Yeoman who dd 9 Oct 1760 ad 49. Abergail (in fact Abigail) his w dd 20 Mar 1785 ad 74 IMO Joseph (in fact, John) HOWELL dd 17 Jan 1731 ad 61 Hester his w dd 18 Sep 1751 ad 78
20. | Low 2'3" square domed HS | | J + N(or H?)
21. | Plain low limestone table. | | No inscription
22. | Med size HS. Scalloped top, leaf carving. | | Illegible
23a. | Medium HS | | IMO John CROOME of Uley who DTL Nov 3 1801 ad 62?y Four lines of text follow: Dear ....... children
23b. | Small FS | | John CROOME 1801
24. | Plain low table with plate | | IMO Willm GAINEY son of Samuel and Sarah GAINEY OTP who DPL Aug 8 1832 ad 69y Ye must be born again Prepare to meet thy God
25a. | Large curved top HS | | TTMO Elizabeth TBWO Thomas NEALE WDTL May 12 1877 ad 74y To be with Christ which is for better AO Thomas husband OTA who dd Jun 6 1890 ad 85y Absent from the body, present with the Lord
26a. | Large pointed HS | | ILMO Henry NEALE who dd Jun 8 1911 ad 73y. AO Mary Ann NEALE who dd Apr 23 1912 ad 76y Peace perfect peace
27. | Brass plate on plain low limestone table | | STTMO Ann M WILLIAMS OTP who DTL the 22 do Apr 1836 ad 66 Blessed are they that die in the Lord It is appointed for all men to die and after that the Judgement (Box Sculp Dursley)
28a. | Large pointed sandstone HS | | IMO Sarah and Christopher HOPKINS formerly of Tiverton in the County of Devon late OTP resident? who dd June 21 1822 ad 65?y Text follows - not easily readable And AO the above named Christopher HOPKINS dd Feb 17? 1830 ad 74?y
29. | Plain low limestone table, no plate |
30a. | Large pointed top HS | | ILMO John SMITH Church warden OTP who dd Apr 18 1896 ad 56y AO Louisa w OTA who dd Jan 7 1884 ad 47y and of Emily and Kath children OTA dd in infancy
30b. | Small pointed top FS | | |
31a. | Large HS | | ILMO John DEE who dd Feb 4 1915 ad 94 AO Elizabeth TBW of John DEE who dd Feb 2 1897 ad 78y Also their two ss George who dd Mar 8 1842 ad 7m James dd Oct 6 1844 ad 3y (Cratchley Bros Stroud)
31b. | Small FS | | ED 1897 | GD 1842 | JD 1844 | JD 1915 |
32. | Plain low limestone table with plate | | IMO Hannah and Ann two ds of Henry and Mary NEALE. Ann DTL Dec 3 1804 ad 15y. Hannah was their eldest d and wife of Wm PIKE. She dd May 31 1805 ad 20y. To a pale consumpt'on both did submit And murmur'd not at what the LORD thought fit They with a Christi'n courage, did resign Their souls to GOD at his appointed time (Cook Sculp)
33. | Plain low limestone table with rounded end and plate | | IMO two chn of George BROWN Yeoman by Mary his wife, viz
John | Oct 28 1795 | Jan 26 1801 | | born | dd | Elizabeth | Nov 17 | Dec 4 1796 | Weep not for chn they are blest They in Abraham's bosom rest Then weep no more lest you offend But strive your lives but to amend (Cook Sculp)
34a. | Large curved top HS | | IMO William NEALE OTP dd ? 1858 ad 62 AO Lydia NEALE w OTA who dd ? 1879
35a. | Medium curved top HS | | no lettering
35b. | Small curved top FS | | no lettering
*36. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | IMO John & Robert BURFORD ss of John & Mary BURFORD OTP who DTL John Apr 13 1781 ad 34y Robert Sep 29 1785 ad 28y Death nipt us in our prime Lay'd we to sleep, be time Our days, was scarce a span, So vain is every man (Cook)
*37. | Lyre altar tomb | | Inscription mostly too faint to read but enough to identify as PARRY tomb given by Bigland: Under this tomb lie the remains of Joseph PARRY LOTP Yeoman who dd May 8 1773 ad 67 Also Hester his w who dd Mar 30 1767 ad 52 Also Mary their d who dd May 23 1767 ad 20 AO Margaret r of Mr Joseph Dudley who dd Nov 9 1773 ad 34 TTMO Mary w of Edward PARRY OTP Gent who dd Feb 24 1776 ad 23y Edward PARRY Gent s OTS Joseph and Hester PARRY dd at Bishop Sutton 6 Apr 1787 ad 42 and was bd at Chew Magna Somerset Joseph PARRY s OTS Edward dd 16 June 1796 ad 20 and lies bd near this tomb
38. | Low limestone table. Plate is missing |
39. | Low limestone table with plate | | IMO Harriott w of James TOWNSHEND OTP Yeoman who DTL Mar 13 1812 ad 29y And of Joseph their s who died in his infancy AO TA James TOWNSHEND who DTL Jan 22 1849 ad 69y. He was 53y at the Court Farm in this parish
40. | Carved limestone HS. Early C19?. | | Lettering below ground?
41. | Carved limestone HS. Early C19?. | | Lettering worn away
42. | Plain, curved top, limestone HS v. worn. | | ILMO? John HERBERT
43. | Small limestone HS carved with cherubs. Early C19? |
44. | Small carved limestone HS. Early C19? | | W + H Date probably below ground level
*45. | Rectangular ended altar tomb. Close to collapse | | Inscription on S side just recognisable from Bigland: William PROUT dd 1 Mar 1763 ad 76 Also his s William PROUT 21 Nov 1793 ad 78 IMO Bridget WOTL Thos SUMMERFORD who DTL 3 Jan 1781 ad 81 Proverbs Ch XXXI v XXX
46. | Plain low limestone table, no plate. |
*47. | Low plain limestone table with two plates | | Plate 1 IMO Jonathan HARDING OTP who DTL the 17th day of July 1782 ad 67y All you that come my grave to see As I am now so you must be Depart from sin live Godly still Then welcome death come when it will (Cook Sculp Hampton) Plate 2 Betty SHIPWAY dd Nov 30 1790 She lived servant with Mr Harding and family upwards of 30 y and lie Interr'd at the foot of this tomb. (Cook)
*48. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | IMO two ss and two ds of William and Ann PROUT OTP. Thos dd Jan 9 1788 ad 29y Hester Emmanuel and Hannah dd in their childhood the other was still born. (Cook Sculp)
*49. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | STTMO Robert PROUT s of William and Ann PROUT OTP. He dd Oct 3 1795 ad 26y He was a virtuous man A loving youth and joyful in his death
50. | Low plain limestone table with plate. | | ILMO Emily w of Joseph PROUT of Field Farm N. who dd Jan 29 1893 ad 53y So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom Ps XD.V xii AO Joseph PROUT of Field Farm who dd Oct 20 1895 ad 58y Watch for ye know not what hour
51. | Low plain limestone table | | J . P(?) 1796
52. | Marble scroll | | ILMO Alice Annie MILLS dd Aug 11 1935 ad 72y Thy will be done AO George MILLS h OTA dd Sep 19 1935 ad 67 At rest.
53. | Marble scroll | | ILMO Georgina Alice MILLS who PA Jul 1 1921 ad 21y Granddaughter OTL Joseph PROUT Field Farm N AO W.G.H. MILLS (Harry) who dd Feb 20 1947 ad 41y
54. | Scroll in marble | | ILMO Alfred Edward PROUT dd Jan 3 1914 ad 52y At Rest Also his w Charlotte dd Aug 27 1941 ad 82y Peace, perfect peace.
55. | Peaked limestone table | | STTMO Thomas GINGELL who dd Mar 17 1857 ad 61y AO Margaret GINGELL his w who dd Sep 2 1878 ad 78y Henry s of Thomas and Margaret GINGELL dd Jan 26 1853 ad 16y
56. | Plain low limestone table with brass plate | | IMO George GINGELL who dd Oct 14 1835 ad 76y Also Elizth. his w who dd Feb 8 1834 ad 69y Read heedless passenger as you pass by In the cold grave you soon must lie If in your sins you live and also die Where Jesus is you never can come nigh (J Box Sculp Dursley)
57a. | Pointed, med. size limestone HS. Dove carving in low relief | | IMO Jane TBWO Enoch GRIFFIN and d of George and Jane STANLEY of Coaley who dd Oct 10 1860 ad 21y Also of Henry their s who dd IHI. For so he giveth his beloved sleep
58. | Large stone rustic cross | | ILMO Edith Helen GRACIE who fell asleep Jan 14 1933 ad 69 AO George Stewart GRACIE her h who was lost at sea June 22 1901 Until the day break
59. | Large stone rustic cross | | ILMO Henry WITCHELL who dd Sept 26 1886 ad 56 and of Mary Jane his BW who dd Jan 1 1904 ad 74 AO Mary Elizabeth their d who dd Aug 17 1879 ad 12 Awaiting the Resurrection
60. | Small limestone HS | | ILMO Mary 1909-1915 and Henry 1904-1961 d and s of Jane and Edward WITCHELL
61. | Low peaked table | | IMO Thomas BURFORD of Whitfield in the Parish of Thornbury who dd May 28 1874 ad 64y Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev 14.13 AO Susannah BURFORD his w who dd Apr 7 1879 ad 78y I am the resurrection and the life John 11.25
62. | Large 'pointed arch' HS | | Edward Frederick beloved s OTL Joseph BUTCHER who dd at Umbullah East India Nov 9 1864 ad 17y AO Ellen Emily the beloved child of Arthur and Hannah MYRRS of Stroud who dd Nov 2 1866 ad 2y and 4m Gone from earth in youthful....
63. | Peaked (cross shape) table | | Avere s of John and Caroline ? dd M.. 18..
64. | Peaked table | | STTMO Elizabeth TBDOTL Daniel and Hannah WHITE of N who dd Dec 11 1871 ad 53y I know that quiet your hearts will tend While you my loss deplore Still farewell though I love you much I love my Saviour more
65. | Wide, low, limestone HS with flat, 'pointed arch' | | Charles WITCHELL 1816 - 1841 Jane SIMS his sister 1841 - 1933 At Rest
66. | Open book | | IMO Mabel Jane ANDREW dd at Bussage Aug 12 1950 in her 73rd y Rest in Peace Beloved mother of Nigel Andrew, Wellington, New Zealand Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way
67a. | Large 'pointed arch' HS | | IARO George WHITE who dd Apr 3 1877 ad 73y AO Susannah WHITE w OTA who dd Jan 25 1879 ad 73 There remaineth a rest to the people of God AO Elizabeth Ellen WHITE d OTA who dd Mar 1 1909 ad 62y You shall receive a crown of glory
68. | Large 'pointed arch' HS | | ILMO Mary Ann WHITE who dd at Walkley Wood Nailsworth Oct 7 1887 ad 49y A few more years shall roll A few more seasons come And we shall lie with them that rest Asleep within the tomb
69. | Low limestone table | | Edward .. dd Nov .. ad 82y Hannah his w dd Mar 16 1851 ad 72y Hannah their d dd Dec 1874 ad 21?y
70a. | Large 'pointed arch' HS | | ILMO Hannah (Annie) NEALE TBWO Peter NEALE who fell asleep July 26 1895 ad 60y A light from our household gone The voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled AO Peter NEALE who dd Aug 25 1919 ad 81y At rest in the Lord
71. | Large 'scalloped, pointed arch' HS | | ILMO Arthur MYERS of Castle Villa Stroud who FAIJ Nov 26 1897 ad 76y Them also which sleep in Jesus.... AD Hannah HBW who dd Apr 10 1918 in her 99th y
*72. | Low, plain, limestone table with plate | | IMO Frances SHOWELL the d of John and Elizabeth SHOWELL, spinster. She DTL the 15th day of Jun 1781 ad near 50y. (Cook Sculp Minchinhampton)
*73. | Lyre altar tomb in poor condition. | | Enough script readable to identify it from Bigland (who gives SHEWELL) Mary d of Robert SHOWELL Snr d 16 Jul 1737 ad 34 John s of Robert SHOWELL Jnr and Hannah his w dd Jun 19 1740 ad 16y Robert SHOWELL Snr dd 28 Oct 1756 ad 83 Frances w OTA? dd 8 Nov 1759 ad 86y
74. | Low plain limestone table with plate | | IMO John SHEWELL OTP Yeoman who DTL Dec 6 1775 Aetatis 39 Grace his w dd July 30 1800 Aetatis 65 Also three of their ds viz Anne 9 May 1782 19 Eliz dd 15 Sep 1782 aged 16 years Mary 21 May 1802 30 Mary Ann d of John and Mary SHEWELL of Painswick was b 10 Oct 1802 dd Aug 5 1803 (Cook Sculp)
75. | Large 'pointed arch' sandstone HS | | ILMO Sarah the dearly loved w of John Gower ROWLES of Clevedon and d of Thomas and Gemima HERBERT OTP who dd Jan 31 1906 ad 61y In Jesus sleeping AO John Gower ROWLES h OTA dd Dec 22 1921 ad 74y Peace, perfect peace
76. | Med. size limestone HS carved with leaves. | | Illegible
*77a. | Medium sandstone HS | | Underneath this stone lieth the body of George BODLEY (Note: Bigland gives RODLEY) who DTL Sep 19 1787 ad 46y. He continued in the service of Lord DUCIE's family 31y who as a testimony of his long and faithful service caused this stone to be erected.
78. | Plain low limestone table. | | No inscription
79. | Plain low limestone table, inscribed on side | | STTMO Edward POULTON late of Nupend in the parish of Eastington Yeoman he dd Oct 13 1811 ad 67y AO Mary r OTA named Edward POULTON who dd Apr 3 1829 ad 79y.
*80. | Plain low limestone table, inscribed on side | | STTMO James POULTON OTP who dd Oct 2 1797 ad near 76y. AO Ursula his w who dd May 15 1773 ad 65y God together did us join So did he part us for a while Till now we near together lie Till God do call us to arise IMO William s of William and Rachel POULTON OTP of Owlpen and grandson of the said James and Ursula POULTON who dd May 24 1797 ad 17y. Behold in me the life of man Compared by David to a span Let friends and parents weep no more Here's all the odds(?) I went before
81. | Plain low limestone table, inscribed on side | | STTMO Thomas POULTON OTP who dd June? 5 1831 (poss. 1851) STTMO Joseph POULTON OTP of Bagpath who dd Apr 12 1815 ad 28y
82. | Plain low limestone table, inscribed on side | | STTMO William POULTON OTP of Frocester who DTL Sep 13 1823 ad 76y AO Rachel POULTON his r who DTL may 9 1826 ad 82y
83. | Small tablet | | ILMO Jason Charles SMITH Taken from us 25 Jul 1975 ad 51y
84. | Lyre altar tomb. | | Very faint inscription. ? ? N?.. who died ...ember 6th 17.. Aged 86y. (Does not tally with anything in Bigland)
85. | Broken limestone HS | | inscription gone
86. | Medium limestone HS | | inscription gone
87. | Large pointed sandstone HS | | ILRO Thomas MILLS who dd Jan 18 1890 ad 75y AO Mary HBW who dd Jan? 31 1894 ad 78 Thy will be done AO Charles Henry Chandler MILLS youngest s of Thomas and Mary MILLS who dd Jun 15 1904 ad 46y. Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians skill was vain Till God above in tender love Relieved me of my pain AO Reumah Ann MILLS second d of Thomas and Mary MILLS who dd Mar 10 1905 ad 61y
88. | Large pointed sandstone HS | | ILMO Samuel BURFORD who dd Jan 29 1879 ad 86y AO Susannah BURFORD w OTA who dd Jan 19 1880 ad 84y Peace perfect peace
89. | Medium limestone HS carved with cherub, hour glass | | ILMO Richard BURFORD who PA Oct 19 1867 at Rockness Hill, Nailsworth ad 77 AO Mary Ann White BURFORD eldest d OTA who FA Mar 19 1911 ad 70
90. | Medium limestone HS carved with roses. | | No inscription
91. | Marble cross | | ILMO Peggy (Margaret Osborne) dearly loved child of WO and MJ LAMBERT dd Jun 25 1929 ad 9 1/2 y For such is the kingdom of heaven
92. | Marble book | | Olive HERBERT dd 27.12.84 ad 70y A dear MUM and Nan. Nos da. God bless Pearl HERBERT dd 1942 ad 14m
93. | Medium limestone HS carved with leaves. | | Writing gone.
94. | Small tablet | | IMO Eric John HUGHES 1918 - 1987
95. | Small tablet | | Sophie PITTAWAY 19 Jun 1987
96. | Carved medium marble HS | | ILMO Sara WOOLDRIDGE who drifted away 3 Sept 1990 ad 39 loving w of Francis and dear m to Michael Peter and Robert Love for always
97. | Small wooden cross | | Joan ADAMS
98. | Standard military HS | | 19520 Driver R E CLIFFORD Royal Engineers 14 Nov 1918 ad 23y
99. | Standard military HS | | 17651 Private A CLIFFORD Gloucestershire Regiment 6 Mar 1915 ad 25y
100. | 6" square tablet | | R CLIFFORD d Sep 27 1942 ad 80y
101. | Small FS | | (probably from BURFORD tomb, No. 88) S - B 1879 S.B - 1880
102. | Marble scroll with large surround | | STTMO Emily DANIELS who dd Jul 7 1930 ad 67y AO Florence Annie d OTA who dd Feb 16 1905 ad 18y Thy will be done Also Arthur Edward DANIELS d Sep 23 1933 ad 44y
103. | Med size square top Portland HS | | Treas'd memories of Ivor KEAR a DBH & f who dd 25 Nov 1988 ad 74y God's greatest gift remembrance
104. | Lyre altar tomb. | | Too faint to read.
105. | Medium limestone HS carved with angel, skull, crossbones andhour glass. | | Here resteth the body of James SMITH. (Most of the rest illegible)
106. | Medium limestone HS geometric curve design. | | No lettering.
107. | Small tablet | | Herbert Murray WORTHING (Priest) 1901-1985
108. | Medium limestone HS carved with 2 cherubs and leaves. | | Writing gone.
*109. | Altar tomb, straight sided, carved leaf designs around inscriptions which cover all four vertical sides plus 2 copper plates on top. | | Plate 1: In this vault lie the remains of Mary r of Samuel DUDLEY late OTP of Minchin Hampton clothier she DTL Oct 17 1780 ad 84y. Samuel Dudley MANNING s of the under named and grandson OTA DTL May 1790 ad 27y Plate 2: IMO Elizabeth w of Henry MANNING OTP of Minchin Hampton clothier. And d of Samuel and Mary DUDLEY of the same place. She DTL 19 Aug 1791 in the 65th YOHA (Cook) West side Sara d of Samuel and Mary DUDLEY and w of Samuel WATHEN d at Tewkesbury in the 53rd? YOHA and was there interr'd North side Here are interred the remains of Joseph DUDLEY Clothier in the PO Minchinhampton s of Samuel and Mary DUDLEY who dd June 19 1771 a 30y Farewell vain world I've had enough of thee And now I'm careless what thou say'st of me Thy smiles I court not nor thy frowns shun(?) My days are past my head lies quiet here What faults in me you've seen take care to shun And look at home enough there's to be done. Also the remains of Mary Dudley MANNING who dd IHI East side ..interred the remains of Margery r of Joseph DUDLEY and d of Joseph PARRY she dd Nov 9? 177(3?) ad 31 South side Under this tomb lie the remains of Samuel DUDLEY clothier in TPO Minchinhampton who dd Jul 25 1761 ad 62y. Also the remains of three of his ss Samuel, Samuel and William and a d Elizabeth who all dd in their infancy.
110. | Large pointed sandstone HS | | ILMO John DANIELS who dd Jan 11 1865 ad 47y AO Jane HBW who FA Mar 23 1904 ad 84 Peace perfect peace
111. | Low peaked table, limestone | | IMO George MILLS who dd Aug 21 1868? ad 82y Thy will be done And ILMO Blanche Grace d OTA who entered into glory Oct 26 1895 ad 31y
112. | Low limestone table with 2 plates | | Plate 1 IMO Mary MILLS who dd Feb 24 1895 ad 45y Prepare for death make no delay The Lord you see took me away (Box Sculp Dursley) Plate 2 STTMO Benjamin MILLS OTP d Mar 17 1848 ad 68y (Box Sculp Dursley) Plate 3 Also IMO Charles MILLS s OTA named Benjamin and Mary MILLS who dd may 1 1887 ad 71y
113. | Med size square top marble HS | | ILMO Annieliese HOLLOWAY dd 12 Mar 1976 AO her s Clinton dd 27 Oct 1982 ad 22y
114. | Small square top Portland HS | | ILMO Frank BILLET d 16 May 1972 ad 64y At Rest
115. | Low limestone altar tomb with plate | | IMO Hester MILLS who dd Apr 13 1830 ad 50 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord (Box Sculp Dursley)
116. | Wide low marble HS with surround | | ILMO Emily Eleanor GRIFFITHS dd Sep 29 1943 Rest in peace Also Albert GRIFFITHS dd Aug 4 1963 ad 83
117. | (Type not recorded) | | ILMO David GRIFFITHS of Field Farm Nympsfield who dd Jan 30 1928 at 77y At rest AO Mary Anne GRIFFITHS w OTA who PA 16 Feb 1935 ad 83y To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die
118. | Flower pot on otherwise unmarked grave | | M & - T . F
119. | Med size grey marble HS | | ILMO Norman Allan OLEJNIK who dd at N on 18 May 1980 ad 33
120. | Small square top Portland HS | | ILMO Charles Maurice HOLLOWAY dd 12 Apr 1975 ad 73y Also His w Emma Louise HOLLOWAY dd 17 Jul 1975 ad 83y
*121a. | Large curved top sandstone HS lettering mostly spalled away | | John so.... ..PENLEY John and Jo.....infants In youth.... Inscription from Bigland: John s of John and Susannah PENLEY dd 21 Oct 1797 ad 16y
121b. | FS | | John PENLEY 1797 John and Joseph PENLEY
122. | Small carved limestone HS | | broken and lettering gone
123. | Medium sized limestone HS carved with deaths heads or cherubs | | very worn, no lettering
124. | Medium size portland HS with low relief carving | | ILMO Sarah Ellen HILL dd 5 Apr 1976 ad 92y At peace
125. | Half buried limestone slab with large, fairly crude lettering | | IMO Richard BURFORD OTP who DTL the 5th S.. in the 75th YOHA Anno Domini 1729 Verse too difficult to read.
126. | Marble scroll | | ILMO Elizabeth HOLLOWAY dd Feb 11 1927 ad 64y Also HBH Benjamin dd May 12 1937 ad 78y And Percy (son) dd in action Nov 11 1917 ad 20 Thy will be done
127. | Small curved top Portland HS | | IMO Ellen Kate DANIELS dd 28 June 1983 ad 83y Also Arthur John DANIELS dd 15 Jul 1985 ad 85y
128. | Plain low limestone table with plate | | STTMO George CAVE of Lowesmoor Fm Avening who dd Apr 25 1881 ad 76y. AO Eliza HBW who dd Apr 1 1883 ad 79y Rock of ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee
129. | Plain low limestone table with plate | | ILMO John CAVE late of Uley who FAIJ Jul 31 1885 ad 82y Nothing in my hand I bring Simply to thy cross I cling AO Elizabeth HW who dd Nov 14 1897 ad 67y
130. | Marble scroll with surround | | ILMO James DANIELS for 46y clerk and sexton OTP dd Aug 18 1908 ad 77y. AO Eliza w OTA dd Aug 24 1916 ad 82y Gone but not forgotten
131. | Marble scroll and surround | | IARO Kathleen Emily only d of John and Julia MILLS who PA Apr 3 1926 ad 26. Thy will be done AO John MILLS who PA Sep 3 1929 ad 64y To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die AO Julia MILLS who PA Jul 6 1932 ad 72y. Peace perfect peace
*132. | Plain low limestone table with 4 plates | | Plate 1 IMO Anne w of Thos COLLINS OTP baker who DTL 18 Oct 1788 ad 54y. AO Ann Collins CAVE of the same place who dd May 20 1789 ad 12w. (Cook) Plate 2 Here also lie TRO the aforesaid Thomas COLLINS. He DTL Jun 26 1792 in the 53y OHA Likewise of Sarah 3rd d of Thos and Mary CAVE. She dd Aug 18 1795 ad 2y6m Plate 3 STTMO Sarah C CAVE TBW of John CAVE of Uley who DTL Jan 17 1875 ad 67y Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev XIV 13 It is appointed unto men once to die but after that the judgement Heb 9.27 Plate 4 IARO Elizabeth TBWO Charles Daniel CAVE late of Uley who dd Dec 20 1875 ad 39y. Not my will but thine be done
133. | Plain low limestone table with 2 plates | | Plate 1 STTMO Thomas CAVE OTP Yeoman who DTL Jun 24 1847 ad 89y He set his face in early youth To tread the path of sacred truth No wonder then the way he trod Led him in peace to meet his God AO Daniel Dean CAVE s OTA (Missionary) who dd at Demerara Oct 29 1844 ad 33y What though he died in all his prime In full activity of zeal and power A Christian cannot die before the time The Lord's appointment is the servant's hour AO Elizabeth r OTAN Thomas CAVE who DTL Aug 21 1857 ad 87y Time which had silvered o'er my aged head At length has ranged me with the peaceful dead One hint gay youth from dust and ashes borrow My days were many thine may end tomorrow (J Freebury Sculp Stroud) Plate 2 IMO Thomas Collins CAVE OTP Maltster. He was the last survivor of the family of Thomas and Mary CAVE and grandson OTAN Thomas COLLINS. He dd 9 Sept 1865 ad 73y and doth here underneath rest in hope of a glorious resurrection. (Jackson Sculp Uley)
*134. | Plain low limestone table with 2 plates | | Plate 1 IMO Mary w of Thos CAVE OTP she dd Apr 29 1798 ad 37y Also two of their chn vz My. Ann | born | Feb 21 1790 | died | 12 | 1800 John | | Jun 26 1791 | May | 15 | Close by a fond and tender parent's side Here lies the father's joy the mother's pride The mother with her babes will leave this clay When Christ shall roll this gloomy tomb away Plate 2 IARO Caroline th BW of William CAVE OTP who dd Oct 20 1879 ad 59y He hath done all things well Also ILMO William CAVE who dd Dec 16 1897 at Woodleigh Masterton New Zealand ad 95y
135a. | Medium size limestone HS carved with crossed palms? | | Badly eroded. STTMO Eliza Jane S.. who DTL 21 Jun 1836
136. | Medium size Portland HS | | IELMO my dear w Annabel FISHER who dd Apr 20 1949 ad 77 Rest in peace
137. | Low limestone peaked table | | STTMO The Revd Charles THORP MA Rector of N who dd Jun 14 1861 ad 57y Whose faith follow Here also rest the mortal remains of his widow Jane Ellerton THORP who FAIJ Dec 26 1864 ad 55y I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness
138a. | Large sandstone HS | | ILMO Robert SMITH who FAIJ Oct 14 1902 ad 80 AO Ann his BW who PTHR Oct 22 1902 ad 78y Oh not lost but gone before us Let them never be forgot Sweet their memory to the lonely In our hearts they perish not (Cratchley Bros Stroud)
138b. | (Type not recorded) | | |
139. | Small Portland HS | | ILMO Sarah Ann FISHER dear w of Charles dd 6 Oct ad 42
140. | Small Portland HS | | TTMO Anne Maria PITCHER dd 24 Apr 1943 ad 68y Also her h George Leonard dd 4 Nov 1943 ad 78y. R.I.P.
141. | Small limestone HS carved with swagged cloth | | IMO Charles SMITH dd Aug 18 1858 ad 25y George SMITH dd Jun 21 1861 ad 57y