


Uplyme Parishioners 1826

Henry Tucker, Rector

Devon Record Office (DRO 3030A PI 1-7)

Transcribed by Jenni Gay

Made available by permission of the Devon Record Office


List of my Parish at Uplyme in the year 1826 furnished by Jonn Marshall, Clerk of the Parish
  Between my house and the Sidmouth road
[No.] [Name] [Comments]
1 W. Dare and family [Ware?] Farm Farmer
2 W. John Newberry Farmer
3 Richd Eldon Married but sep. from his wife
  John Hodder Lionel Hodder 4 children
4 Thos Hodder and family 3 children
5 James Sansom and family 3 children
  Joseph Hurford 3 children
6 Ben Sanson and family 6 children
7 Perry and family 7 children come to S[unday].S[chool].
8 M. John Bayley Bulcher [Butcher?]
9 John Dare and family 5 children
10 Ben Hallet and family Partly Dissenters. Come to S[unday] S[chool]
11 Danl. Fowler and wife None
  Elizabeth Pepin keeps a school None
12 Thos Mitchell and family 5 children. Come to S[unday S[chool]
  Betty Govier, Ann Dare, George Ebdon, Frances   
Marshall, James Hodder
In the Poor house. All the women had [each?] 6 children
13 John Bulcher and family [.........]
14 Thos Fowler and family 2 children
  Betty Collier and Eleanor [Freck?] None
  Holkham and Cannington
15 Robt Fowler and family [........] None
16 S. And family A.W.[?]
17 John Fowler and John Sansom and family Partly Dissenters
18 Mr. John Davey & family Cannington Dissenter
19 David Wyatt and wife None
20 Hezekiah Sansom and wife None
21 John Evans and wife Farmer
22 Mr John Clark and family Farmer
23 Mr. Mathew Bayley and family Farmer
24 John Fowler and family 3 children
25 John Holman and family Farmer
26 Newbery and family None
27 Hook and wife None
28 Thos Hitchcock and family 4 [children]. Come to S[unday].S[chool].
29 W Capron & family None
30 Hannah Fowler and family 5 [children]. 1 comes to S[unday] S[chool]
  Caleb Gage Farmer
31 John Dunning and family Farmer
  Workhouse Bottom
  Thos. Seward  
  Henry Seward  
32 Jacob Adam's family Farmer
33 Isaacs Gage and family None
34 John Hutchings and wife None
35 Joseph Jefford and family Dissenters
36 Thomas Collier and family  
37 Henry Hitchcock and family  
38 John Hurford and family  
  From the Rectory to Yawl
  Mary Hardy None
  Mary Bayet None
39 George Hodder and family Dissenters
40 Gabriel Dare and family Farmer
41 John Emmet and family  
  George Hallet None
42 John White and family  
43 William Mitchell and family Farmer
44 William Patterson and family Farmer
45 Richd Dean and family Blacksmith
46 William Burridge and family Come to S[unday] S[chool]
47 John Young and family Dissenters [.....] [......]
  Robt Fowler  
  Mary Govier None
48 Burgess and wife  
49 Robert Domet and family Farmer
50 Thornhill Gay and family Farmer
51 John Gay and family  
52 Thos. Sansom and family  
53 William Sansom and family  
54 John Austin and wife None
55 Isaacs Bayley and family Farmer
56 Elizabeth Gorling and family Comes to S[unday] S[chool]
  Sarah Jefford None
  Ann Games None, lives with Mrs Denslow
57 Samuel England and family Farmer
  From the Church to Sir John Talbots
58 William Gratton and family Farmer
59 Robt Dunning and family Farmer
60 John Paul and family Farmer
61 William Fowler and family Dissenters
62 Eli Fowler and family Dissenters; Turnpike
  From the Parsonage to the Factory
63 Matthew Jefford and family Able to educate her children
64 Thos. Legge and wife 5
65 Gardener and family Promise when they have clothes
66 William Clark and family 5 [children]
67 William Boyer and family 4 [children]
68 James Gage and family 9 [children]
69 Joseph Hunt and family 4 [children]
70 James Philllips and family 6 [children]
71 William Stocker and wife  
72 Robt Arkley and wife 2 [children]
  Mary White 2 [children]
  From the Rectory beyond the Turnpike Gate
73 Rachel Payne 4 [children]
74 Thos. Austin and family Grown up
75 James Jefford and wife None or Grown up
76 Thos. Collier and family 7 [children]
77 Willm Alford and family Come to S[unday] S[chool]
78 Robt Jefford and family None
  Edith Pearce  
79 Benj. Hallet and wife 2
80 Mr Isaacs Boon and family Gent[lteman].
81 Benjm Sansom and family Come to S.S.
82 Benjm Davie and wife Farmer
83 Elizabeth Gratton and family grown up
84 Elizabeth Hardy and family [......] [.......]
85 Braddock and family  
86 Knight and family  
87 Mr Broughton and family Gent[leman]
88 Thos. Chapman and family 5
  Yaul and Woolley Bottoms
89 George Gay Sen. and family  
90 Narehene[?] and family  
91 George Gay Jun. and family  
92 Richd Gay and family Opp old Hodder
93 Richd Collier and family  
94 Robt. Collier and family Poor
95 James Austin and family Grown up
96 Stephen Fowler and family Come to S[unday] S[chool]
97 Joel Rowland and family Grown up
98 Thos. Hodder and family Grown up
99 Williams and family Comes to S[unday] S[chool]
100   Lincoln and family None
101 Chas. Beere and family Comes to Sunday School
102 Edward Long and family 1 very young [child]
  Rowcomb and Carswell Bottom
103 Wm. Pike and family  
104 Samuel [?] Gaitch 1 [child]. Comes to S[unday] S[chool]
105 Thos. Huxford and family 3 children. Eldest 3 years
106 Mary Jefford and family 2 very young children
107 Joseph Adams and family 5 [?] Comes to [...] Sunday School
108 Hep. Symes and family Come to Sunday School
109 John Huxford and family 3 children. Eldest 6 years
110 George Gaitch and family Both old
111 Joel Moore and family Comes to Sunday School
112 James Gay[ge] and family Children grown up. Dissenters
113 H. Denslow and family Farmer
114 Lionel Hodder and family Large family
115 James Loveridge and family None
116 Saml[?] Lee and family One young child
117 ?? Fowler and family 2. Eldest 11 years
  Silas Norman and family 3 Children
118 Benj. Fowler and family Dissenters
119 Uriah Fowler and family 4 [children] at home. 2 [children] come to Sunday School. Parents never come to church
120 Geo. Bailey and family 4 [children]. Oldest 6[years]. Parents do not come to church
121 Jonathon Ostler and family Dissenters
122 Willm Cox and family 6 [children]. Only 4 at home. 1 comes to S.S.
  Harcomb Bottom
123 John Turner None. Comes to Church and Meeting
124 James[?] Tarner[?] and family None. Comes to Church and Meeting
125 Thos. Fowler and wife. Son and wife live with them. 1 child. 1 year old
126 Jas Loveridge Junr[?] and wife None
127 Sarah Fowler and family None [Comes to] Church and Meeting
128 John [?] Adams and family 2 children. Dissenters
129 John [?] Crabbe and family 6 children. Come to Sunday School
130 Geo. Harris and family 2 [children]. Oldest 5 [years]
131 Thos. Crop and son None
132 Robt. Browne 3 sons grown up. [Comes to] Church and Meeting
133 John[?] Bone and family 2 grown up [children]
134 Elizabeth Miller and family None
135 John [?] Hoare and family Come to Sunday School
136 John [?] Case and family, Eliz. Case Dissenters. 3 [children]. Oldest 5years
137 Mary Case and family 2 [children] grown up. Dissenters
138 Thos. Lane Not yet come [to church]
139 Job Fowler and family Dissenters
140 Willm Morey and family 1 very young [child]
141 James Case and family 2 children. Eldest 3 [years]
142 Richd. Denning and family Grown up. Never comes to church
143 Wm. Collier and family 3 children
144 Rocket and family 2 [children]. Eldest 14 [years]
145 Geo. Fowler and family Dissenters
  Sallan and family Comes to S[unday] S[chool]
146 Joel Moore and family  
147 Ben Moore and family Dissenters
148 Benj. Austin and family 5 [children]. Come to Sunday School
149 Thos. Dodge and family None
150 Thos. White and family 2 [children]. Eldest 7 [years]
151 Saml. Farrant and family 1 [child]. Grown up
152 Joseph Mansfield and family Farmer
153 Wm. Larcombe and wife [..........] Sir J. Talbot
154 John[?] White and wife Just married
155 Mr Wm Boon and family Clothier [......]
156 Geo. Melb[?] and family Farmer