


Devon - Taxation

Land Tax records, in general covering 1780-1832, are held for most Devon Hundreds at the Devon Record Office. Microfilms of these records are available at LDS Family History Centres.

The Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies has produced an index to Devon Land Tax Records 1780 - 1832 - this "lists the names of over 310,000 people, with their dates and parishes, in the Land Tax records of 108 Devon parishes, and includes the 42 parish indexes previously published by AIGS in booklet form".

Hemp and Flax Bounty papers - QS43/1 - transcribed by Brian Brassett.

Banks, Charles Edward. Taxacio tertii subsidii trium integroru: Dno usio Jacobo regi...1624: Subsidy roll 102/463 (2 vols.), Typescript [1925?]. [D&CRS Library, Exeter: P1624]

Brooking-Rowe, J. and Cotton, R.W. Townsend MSS. In Fourth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Records. Trans. Devon. Assoc. 1892, Vol XXIV, pp. 61-63. [Index]

Chiswell, Ann. Land Tax Assessments: South West Devon 1780 (41 parishes). [Devon FHS Library 929.34235] [LDS Fiche 6036835]

Lake, Brian. Land Tax Assessments for Devon, Devon Family Historian, no. 187, (2023) p.10.

Discovery on the Barrow of a Fishmonger. Western Morning News (6 Feb 1928). [Transcript]

A number of early tax lists have been transcribed and published, including:

Erskine, A.M. Devon Lay Subsidy of 1332, Devon & Cornwall Record Society, Vol. NS 14 (1969) 176 pp.

Gray, Todd. Devon parish taxpayers, 1500-1650 vol 1. Abbotskerswell to Beer & Seaton, Devon & Cornwall Record Society, new series, vol. 58 (2016) 368pp.

Gray, Todd. Devon parish taxpayers, 1500-1650 vol  2. Bere Ferrers to Chudleigh, Devon & Cornwall Record Society, new series, vol. 59 (2017) 405pp.

Gray, Todd. Devon parish taxpayers, 1500-1650 vol  3. Churchstow to Dunkeswell, Devon & Cornwall Record Society, new series, vol. 65 (2023) 362pp.

Reichel, Oswald J. Extracts from the Pipe Rolls of Henry II Relating to Devon, with an Appendix from Testa de Nevil. Trans. Devon. Assoc., 1897, Vol XXIX, pp. 453-509. [Index]

Rose-Troup, Frances. The Lay-Subsidy of 1524 in East Devon: Income Tax and Capital Levy. vol. 11, Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries, (1920-21), pp. 227-240. [Index]

Stoate, T. L. (ed.). Devon lay subsidy rolls, 1524-7. Lower Court, Almondsbury, Bristol: T.L Stoate (1979) xviii, 291 pp.

Stoate, T. L. (Ed.). Devon Hearth Tax Return Lady Day 1674, Lower Court, Almondsbury, Bristol: Stoate, T.L. (1982) xvi, 258 pp.

Stoate, T. L. (Ed.). Devon Taxes, 1581-1660, Lower Court, Almondsbury, Bristol BS12 4DX, (1988) 260p.

Stoate, T. L. (ed.). Devon lay subsidy rolls, 1543-45. Bernard D. Welchman, The Cottage, Manor Terrace, Paignton, Devon (2003) CD-ROM

Whale, Rev. T.W. Devonshire, Extracts from the Pipe Rolls of Hen. II. & Ric. I. In a simplified form, Bath, Goodall and Sons (1901) 72 pp.

Whale, Rev. T.W. Extracts from the Pipe Rolls of Hen. II. & Ric. I. Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. XXXIII, (1901), pp. 363-398. [Index]

Whale, T W. Exchequer tax books and Domesday identification. Trans. Devon. Assoc vol. 29 (1897) pp. 216-224. [Index]

Whale, T.W. The Tax Roll for Devon, 31 Edward I. Trans. Dev. Assoc. (1899) Vol. 31, pp. 376-429. [ISSN 0309-7994] [PDF] [Index]

The Devon Lay Subsidy 1524-7, Devon Lay Subsidy Rolls 1543-5, and Devon Hearth Tax Return Lady Day 1674 are available on microfiche from Harry Galloway Publishers and Booksellers, The Cottage, Manor Terrace, Paignton, Devon TQ3 3RQ.