Address of the President
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 46, (1914), illus., pp. 46-68.
A. M. Worthington, C.B., F.R.S.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Association’s Presidential Address was delivered at its July 1914 Tavistock meeting. The President that year, Arthur Mason Worthington was a physicist and educator best known for his work on fluid mechanics, especially the physics of splashes. For observing those, he pioneered techniques of high speed photography. He was Science Master at Clifton College, Bristol from 1877-84, then Headmaster at Royal Naval Engineering College, Devonport. Worthington was elected Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in June 1893 and published his seminal 'A Study of Splashes' in 1908. Mr Worthington’s address is for genealogists a valuable source of names associated with the earliest research into our nation’s and our county’s unique natural sciences. His address focused on several of the major advances affecting those parts of natural science connected with his own studies. It can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Name | Page |
Acton, Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg | 68 |
Albe, Mr. Fournier d’ | 63 |
Anaxagoras | 48 |
Becquerel, Henry | 65, 68 |
Boys, Professor Vernon | 49-51 |
Bragg, Professor Sir William Henry | 65 |
Bragg, Mr. W.L. | 65 |
Cavendish, Henry | 50, 55 |
Collie, Dr. James Norman | 58 |
Cox, John | 68 |
Crookes, Sir William | 56-7, 60, 63 |
Dalton, John | 59 |
Dewar, Sir James | 52 |
Faraday, Michael | 47, 58, 62 |
Foster, Sir Michael | 48 |
Gill, Sir David | 53-4 |
Harper & Brothers | 67 |
Heaviside, Dr. Oliver | 47, 65 |
Hillebrand, William Francis | 56 |
Holmes, A. | 67 |
Kaye, G.W.E. | 65 |
Laue, Max Theodor Felix von | 65 |
Lebedew, Pyotr | 51 |
Lenard, Philipp | 64 |
Lockyer, Joseph Norman | 56-7 |
Lockyer, William J.S. | 56-7 |
Longman, Pearson | 65 |
Lorentz, Professor H.A. | 62 |
Maxwell. James Clerk | 59-60, 63 |
Michelson, Albert A. | 51, 62 |
Moseley, Mr. H.G.J. | 65 |
Neptune | 63 |
Poynting, John Henry | 51 |
Prout, William | 59 |
Ramsay, Sir William | 54-8, 66 |
Rayleigh, John William Strutt, Lord | 54-5, 65 |
Roentgen, Wilhelm | 63 |
Rowland, Henry Augustus | 53, 57 |
Rutherford, Ernest | 66 |
Soddy, Frederick | 66 |
Stokes, Sir G.G. | 63 |
Strutt, John William | 65 |
Thomson, Sir Joseph J. | 61-2, 64-5, 68 |
Travers, Dr. Morris W. | 57 |
Vincent, Saint | 68 |
Zeeman, Professor Pieter | 62 |