Lease agreement between John Browne and Thomas Browne (1711)
Transcribed by Elizabeth Howard
(The original has been donated to the Devon Record Office)
A Lease for one year from John BROWNE of the extention of his Conveyance of Hollacombe to his kinsman Thomas BROWNE 7th Feb 1711
Sealed and Delivered in the presents of us John ALLEN, signs, Thomas PENROSE, mark [like I] Thomas HORMINETT, mark [small diamond shape] and James SLEEMAN, [signs].
This Indenture made the 7th Feb the 10th year of the reign of Queen Anne Between John BROWNE of the parish of Hollacombe in the co of Devon yeoman of the one part and Thomas BROWNE of the parish of Hollacombe of the second part yeoman son of Thomas BROWNE late of the parish of Hollacombe yeoman his father deceased of the second part Witnesseth that the said John BROWNE for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain, paid in hand to him by the said Thomas BROWNE at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents hath bargained and sold to the said Thomas BROWNE All that tenement and appurtenances together with barton land and justment ground known by the name of Hollacombe being situate and lying in Hollacombe heretofore in the tenure of Johan ALLYN of Plymouth widow since deceased and hath since been in the tenure of Robert PEARSE and is now in the tenure of Roger ALLYN of Hollacombe,yeoman, ............from the day before the day of the date of these presents to Thomas BROWNE .........for the period of one year from the above date In witness of the presents dated the above date 1711. Signed John BROWNE.