


Surname Index to


Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Devon:

Being Observations on Many Churches in Devonshire.

With some Memoranda for the History of Cornwall

Volume 1


Dr George Oliver

Exeter: Printed by W C Featherstone, New London Inn Square (1840). illus., xi, 252 pp.

Provided by Michael Steer

The work was originally published in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette and again by Oliver and Jones in 1828, then an expanded version in three volumes by Oliver alone in 1840, with a note explaining that several parishes in the 1828 edition had been removed from the later edition because the Rev. Jones had been unable to update them. These parishes were Moreton-Hampstead (sic), Ilsington, Lustleigh, North Bovey, Ashburton, Bickington, Buckland, Widdecombe in the Moor, Hennock, Manaton and Inwardleigh. The present index deals only with the names recorded in Volume 1, pp. 14 to 252 of the book. A small section presents information on Cornish ecclesiastical antiquities. That section has been omitted from the index. This copy of the rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy held in the Harvard University Library collection that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Abbott, Walter137
Abingdon, James Earl of222
Abraham, Richard142
Abyngdon, Thomas28
Achard, Thomas64
Acland, Lady Elizabeth124
Acland, Hugh Esq126
Acland, John126, 129
Acland, Sir John124
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke Bt126, 142
Ackland arms (also Acland)55, 124, 129
Adam, abbot205
Adam, Jane124
Adam, James93, 124
Adam, Michael124
Adam, William124
Adams, William212
Adlam, Richard182
Albamarra, Reginald de, Kt34
Albo Rivo, Robert de134
Aldeby, John de125
Alden, John76
Alden, Thomas41, 76
Alford, John197
Alhebarwe, John57
Alkeborne, John53
Aller, John154
Aller, William128
Alley, Roger134
Almeton, Richard de181
Alnethecote, John187
Alton, Robert de85
Alyn, Roger128
Alyngton, Robert181
Andrew, John31, 77, 155
Andrew, Thomas64
Andrew, William28
Anne, Queen171, 204
Appleby, Thomas177
Apulia, Bishop Simon de44, 78, 133, 143
Arche, Richard18
Arches arms170
Arragon, Catherine of19
Arthur, Nicholas50
Artour, John98, 140
Arundell, Bishop John161
Arundell, John Esq65
Arundell, Sir John Kt65
Asburton, Thomas176
Ashford, Thomas149
Athelstan, King142
Athelstan, King arms37
Atherley, Arthur AM49
Athide, John140
Atstone, Edmund125
Attehele, John105
Attewylle, Richard134
Atteyard, John, alias Yard120
Atteyhene, William104
Attmille, John85
Atton, Nicholas de89
Attpute, William69
Atwill, Sir Hewe99
Atwill, Hugh101
Atwill, Thomas100
Atwyll, Walter57
Austen, William197
Avenel, Alice141
Avenel, Christina141
Avenel, Eleanora141
Avenel, Emma de35
Avenel family139-40
Avenel, John140-1
Avenel, Ralph de72
Avenel, Robert140
Avenel, William de35, 72
Avery, William Esq114
Awliscombe, Walter de145, 147
Axe, Rogero de156
Ayloff, William148
Bacon, Richard69
Badstone, Alexander de78
Bagnall, Richard76
Baker, Gregory186
Baker, Sydwell186
Baker, John153
Baker, Richard204
Balet, Robert197
Ball, Giles18
Ball, Sir Peter31
Ball, Robert AM187-8
Bamfeld, Richard de50
Bamfylde, Sir Amias Kt165
Bamfylde, Dorothy165
Bampfield, Thomas Esq35
Bampfylde arms37, 60, 72
Banaster, Thomas129
Banks, Joseph149
Banks, Thomas75
Bankes, William49
Barger, Jeffery75, 125
Baring family166
Baring, John Esq45, 47, 164-5, 167
Baring, Sir Thomas Bt167
Barker, William91, 126
Barley, William48
Barnard, Manister252
Barnes, Henry Esq49
Barnes, Ralph AMDedication page, 49, 155
Barnvill, Muriel138
Barnwill, Simon138
Barr, Walter154
Barrett, Rev Thomas110
Bartholomew, Bishop21, 109, 112
Bartholomew, Vicar125
Bartlett, John58, 205
Bartlett, John jnr206
Bartlett, Roger jnr205
Bartlett, William107
Barton, Montagu BA126
Basch, Ricardus155
Bassett family213
Bassett, Gilberto175
Bassett, Johanne175
Basill, Edward30
Basyngham, John24
Batchellor, John19
Bath, Earl of170
Bath, John Earl of76, 225
Bath, Rachel Countess of76
Bath, William Earl of76
Battersby, Nicholas25
Batty, John181
Battyn, Walter58
Baucomb, Walter93
Baunton, William74
Bawden, Thomas42, 194, 197
Bayly, John26
Beare, Robert193
Beauchamp, Alice89
Beauchamp, Eudo de78
Beauchamp family186
Beauchamp, Sir Edmund Kt207
Beauchamp, Hugh de138
Beauchamp, Johannis de89
Beaufort family123
Beaumont, Robert181
Beauvoir, Richard Benyon de Esq115
Becket, Saint Thomas à17, 20, 51, 54, 82
Bedeburgh, Andrew (or Cedeburgh)140
Bedeford, Richard28
Bedford, Edward Earl of56, 58
Bedford, Elizabeth, Duchess of70
Bedford, Francis Earl of58, 69-70
Bedford, John Earl of (also Duke)69-70
Bedford, William Duke of70
Bedford, Wriotesley Duke of70
Beeke, Christopher182
Bele, John166, 187
Belebuche, Philip78
Belfield, Finney Esq212
Belfield, Finney the younger AM209
Belfield, John Esq177
Belfield, Samuel177, 212
Bello-Campo, Eudo de77-8
Belworth, Thomas193
Bendle, William194
Benet, Thomas AM46
Benet, William196
Benyn, Hugh53
Berkelay, William de137
Bernardo, chaplain175
Bernebine, Simon gent (also Bernevyle)105
Bernevyle, John gent138
Berry, Mary119
Berry, Sir Thomas Bt119
Bers, Walter47
Bertie, Lady Anne222
Bertie, Hon Charles LLD42, 252
Bertie, Elizabeth42
Bertie, Earl James42
Bertie, John42
Bery, John AM (also Bury)49, 57
Betty, Robert120
Bidgood, Charles77
Bilbie, Thomas71, 170
Birell, Nicholas (also Burch)101
Birt, Thomas18
Bishop, Thomas206
Bisshopleigh, Richard de28
Blackall, John MD155
Blackall, Bishop Offspring44
Blackford family91
Blackhay, William197
Blackmore, Major107
Blakbrom, Walter de137
Blakedon, John de39, 176
Blatchford, William197, 204
Blaxton, John25
Blewet, John Esq138
Blight, John141
Bloy, Stephen25
Blund, Hilary153, 155-6
Blund, Bishop Richard (also Blondy)155
Bundel, Willielmo156
Blythe, Thomas120
Bocher, Walter alias Adam105
Bodley, Dr69
Bohun arms222
Bohun, Earl Hugh de27
Bohun, Humphrey de28, 221
Bohun, Countess Margaret de28, 166
Bokepound, John181
Bole, Henry160
Bole, Richard gent69
Bollai, Hugone de156
Bond, John105
Bonevyll, Sir William32-3
Bonville arms27
Bonville family147
Bonville, Sir William147
Bonvile Thomas de93
Borde, Robert86
Borrington, Humphrey gent64
Borough, William191
Borroughs, John194
Bossuyon, Philip24
Boson arms92
Bosuyon, Philip93
Bothe, Bishop125
Botour arms110
Bottreaux, Countess Ann39
Bottreaux, Earl John39
Bouchet, Monsieur de31
Bourchier arms37, 72, 99, 168
Bourchier, Lady Cecelia169
Bourchier, Lady Elizabeth169
Bourchier family116
Bourchier, Sir John Kt168-9
Bourchier, Sir William Kt171
Bourgeanyll, Prior John53
Bourgoyn, John128
Bourn arms88
Bourn, Dr Gilbert88
Bovey, Edward, vicar of85
Bovey, John Esq30
Bovey, Mary30
Boway, Walter48
Bowcer, Lady Elyabethe225
Bowden, Margery108
Bowden, Mary108
Bowden, Nicholas165
Bowden, Walter108
Bowden, William197, 212
Bowring, Thomas191
Bowrton, John (also Burton)48
Boycot, William (also Boyecote)85, 166
Boyle family56
Bradbridge, Bishop18
Bradewelle, Adam203
Bradford, Rev John58, 66, 200
Bradley, Richard100
Bradsell, Francis STB49
Bragg, Richard Esq41
Bragge, William64
Brandon, Lucy201
Brantyngham, Bishop22, 34, 37, 44, 59, 68, 87, 89, 154, 170, 178, 185, 221
Brassyngton, John de187
Braunton, Thomas de160
Bray Alice83
Bray arms83
Brett, Arthur107
Brett, Sir Robert150
Brewer arms205
Brewer family - see Bruere 
Brewer, Bishop William (also Bruer)34, 83, 133, 143, 179
Brideford, William de193
Bridgewater, Henry Earl of169
Bridport, John de145, 147
Briggs, John90
Brintot, John153
Brioniis, Baldwin de35
Brioniis, Emma de35
Britton, John107
Brode, Nigell125
Broke, John187
Broke, Nicholas134
Broke, William176
Bromlegh, John de113, 137
Bronescombe, Bishop17, 21, 26, 44, 47, 50, 52, 57, 69, 74, 84, 91-2, 109, 116-7, 140, 143-4, 147, 170, 173, 185-6, 192-3, 202
Bronwyche, James18
Brook, Jane147
Brook, Thomas gent147
Brooke, John gent124
Brooke, Sir Thomas & Lady213
Browne, John69
Browne, William89-91
Bruer, Alice144, 205
Bruere, Anthony de198
Bruere, Beatrix198
Bruere family (also Brewer)206
Bruere, Grace205
Bruere, Isabella205-6
Bruere, Jane205
Bruere, Margery205
Bruere, Richard205
Bruere, William de (also Briwere; Brewer)198-9, 205-6
Brugg, Richard196
Brugge, Robert24, 93
Brummore, Hardino de174-5
Brush, George193
Bruter, John89
Bruter, William176
Brutton, Elizabeth97
Brutton, John Veryard115
Brutton, Susannah97
Brutton, Ursula97
Brutton, William97
Bryan, Richard90
Brydges, Thomas Esq23
Bryton, John53
Buckingham, Robert de125
Buckland, Charles107, 194
Buckland, John194
Buckland, Robert154
Buckland, William DD149
Buckley, John252
Bucland, William252
Budgell, Anne56
Budgell, Elizabeth56
Budgell family56
Budgell, Catherine56
Budgell, Dorothy56
Budgell, Eustace gent56
Budgell, Dr Gilbert56
Budgell, Margaret56
Budgell, Richard56
Budgell, Thomas56
Budgell, William56
Bukarel, Osmundo clerico de156
Buller arms55, 60
Buller, Elizabeth54
Buller, Sir Francis Bt126
Buller, James Esq54
Buller, James Wentworth Esq59
Buller, Dr William60
Burchell, John86
Burdon family178
Burdon, Jane178
Burdon, John178
Burel, John120, 154
Burg, Robert105
Burleigh, John (also Burley)25, 120
Burnard, James70
Burncestr, William de125
Burnel, John113
Burnell, Edward120
Burnham, John de47
Burrington, Rev Gilbert24-6
Burrington, Rev Gilbert the younger26
Burrough, John70
Burroughs, Elizabeth126
Burroughs, Christopher94
Burroughs, Henry40
Burton, Gilbert65
Butcher, Robert Esq101
Butler, John182
Butstone, Robert167
Butte, John141
Bylhole, John176
Byrdall, John94
Byrdall, Thomas94
Byre, John105
Bysse, Robert LLD86
Cabell, William181
Cade, Alice203
Cade, John203
Cade, Walter128
Call, Richard107
Calmady, Sir Shilston Kt149
Calton, Nicholas28
Calwodelegh, Elizabeth66
Calwodelegh family66, 98
Calwodeley, Humphrey gent100
Calwodelegh, John de66, 100, 114, 140
Calwodelegh, Thomas Esq66, 100
Calwodelegh, Thomas jnr66
Cambrensis, Giraldus82
Came, John193
Camelford, Reginald de93
Campion, John AM188
Canaries, William182
Cannon, Thomas18
Canterbury, St Thomas of53
Cantilupo, Fulcone de144
Cantilupo, Willelmo de144
Canute, King127
Capellano, David156
Caprygge, Walter134
Carbanell, Michael171
Carew, Anne224
Carew arms55, 221, 224
Carew, Lady Dorothy161
Carew, Dowager Lady225
Carew, Dr88
Carew, Elizabeth224
Carew family158
Carew, Sir Gawen226
Carew, George Lord90, 221
Carew, Sir Henry Btix, 160, 225
Carew, Hugh76
Carew, John Esq161, 224
Carew, John West162
Carew, Lady58
Carew, Lady Margaret33
Carew, Mary220, 224, 226
Carew, Matthew161
Carew, Baron Nicholas33, 160, 223
Carew, Sir Peter Kt90
Carewe, Gratiana161
Carewe, Johannis armig161
Carewe, Thomas Esq20, 160, 161-2, 224
Carew, Sir Thomas Bt161-2
Carey, Bishop118
Carnell, John160
Carpenter, Richard114, 182
Carpenter, Robert113
Carpenter, William126
Carr, Edward (alias George)25
Carrington arms60
Carrington, Rev James60
Carslegh, Peter STP126
Carslegh, William28
Carter, John204
Cartwright, Nicholas212
Cartwright, Thomas212
Caru, Elizabeth33
Carvargh, John (or Carbargh)187
Carwithen, William DD87
Cary arms205
Cary, Camilla Annabella211
Cary, Dorothy211
Cary, Edward Esq90, 207, 211
Cary, Sir Edward173
Cary, George211
Cary, Sir George213
Cary, Sir Henry Kt212
Cary, Mary211
Cary, Robert Esq89, 197
Cary, Robert LLD188
Cary, William211
Castlegof, Richard181
Castlegof, Roger181
Castlyn, John138
Caunter, Robert87
Cawsey, Apsam154
Ceely, John177
Certeyn, John104
Cestria, Philip153
Chaffe, William107
Chamberlaine, George Thomas19
Champernoun, Arthur Esq210
Champernoun, John177
Chappyngton, Richard129
Chard, Abbot Thomas68, 79
Chardon, John DD (also Charldon)48
Charles I41, 65, 86, 97, 188, 201
Charles II22, 60, 76, 87, 126, 141, 204
Chatwell, John177
Chaunt, John18
Chedder, William53, 57
Chelley, Nicholas36
Chepe, John193
Chester, John65
Chevreston, Sir William de74
Chichester, Anne94
Chichester, Sir Arthur Bt94
Chichester, Edward Esq225
Chichester, Elizabeth225
Chichester, Sir John Bt197
Chichester, Charles Joseph Esq100, 106
Chichester, Richard145-6
Chichester, Robert de174
Chideok, Sir John194
Chilcot, Mr Robert21
Chippenham, Henry de47
Chippestable, Richard de50
Cholwich, John24-5
Chubbe, William166
Chuddelegh, Sir James Kt196
Chuddelegh, John de196
Chudleigh arms124, 194-5
Chudleigh, Christina25, 197
Chudleigh family123, 180
Chudleigh, George25, 121
Chudleigh, Sir George Bt195, 197
Chudleigh, James Esq194, 197
Chudleigh, John Esq197
Chudleigh, Margaret194
Chudleigh, Lady Mary195
Chudleigh, Richard Esq197
Chudleigh, Robert197
Churchill, Christopher59
Chute, Robert18, 31, 252
Clack arms37
Clack, Thomas42
Clack, William Charles252
Clare, William154-5
Clarke, Christopher114
Cleaveland159, 215, 221
Cleaveland, Elizabeth31
Cleaveland, Ezra STB30
Cleaveland, John30
Cleaveland, Margaret30
Cleivdon arms110
Clere, John (or Clerc)126, 148
Clerk, Robert75
Clifford, Lady Elizabeth64, 119
Clifford, Hugh Esq196
Clifford, Mary196
Clifford, Thomas Lord, Bt23, 64, 119
Clifford, Lord Treasurer196
Clistfumic, Ricardo de156
Cloberry, William196
Clopton, Walter de39
Clyff, William191
Cnolle, Thomas de la120, 181
Cobethorn, John96, 176
Cobham, James de74
Coblegh, John213
Cockram, George114
Cockram, Robert gent114
Codelake, Robert93
Coffin arms72, 185
Coffin family185
Coffin, James73
Coffin, Nicholas24
Coffyn, Robert185
Cogan family170
Coggerston, Thomas104
Coke, John89
Coke, Richard28
Coke, Robert171
Cokker, John213
Cokeman, John206
Colccote, Henry de47
Colcott, Thomas206
Colcott, William205
Coldridge, George May AM188
Cole, John (also Coles)69, 103
Cole, Thomas171
Cole, Willielmo Howell156
Colle, Ralph24-5
Colles, Humphry Esq93
Coles, George71
Coleton, Richard de128
Collins, John204
Collins, Thomas29
Collyer, Richard65, 128
Colwich, John Burridge Esq155
Collys, Richard85
Collys, Walter163
Colsworthy, John165
Colsworthy, John Olivant gent165
Colyn, Stephen25
Coming, Julian117
Coming, John251
Comynge, Sir Walter24
Congham, William120
Conybeare, Daniel149
Compton, Aluric de174
Compton, Cyriacus de174
Compton, William174
Comyns, John BA121
Comyns, Thomas Esq121
Cook, George66
Cook, John87
Coote, Thomas212
Copleston arms55, 205
Copleston family217
Copleston, John126
Copleston, John Bradford59
Copleston, William James59
Corbet, Lady Beatrix89
Corbet, Thomas89
Corbrig, John75
Corne, William de la181
Cornwall, Galtero Archdeacon of175
Cornwall, Richard Earl of17
Corp, Elyenora214
Corp, John214
Cory, Roger85
Coryngdon, John114
Cotton, Edward90
Cotton, Bishop (Dr) William40-1, 65, 69, 90, 124
Cotton, Bishop arms37, 60, 99
Cotton, Rev William arms61
Cotton William jnr90
Courtail, Rev John130
Courtail, Mary130
Courtauld, Lewis130
Courtenay, Lady Alianora39
Courtenay, Anna Sophia222
Courtenay Anne75, 222
Courtenay arms27, 37, 44, 70, 72, 92, 147, 179, 194, 199, 215, 222
Courtenay, Bishop42, 66, 88
Courtenay, Carew Esq17
Courtenay, Countess Catherine35, 75, 166
Courtenay, Earl Edward166, 199
Courtenay, Elizabeth28, 72
Courtenay family30-2, 35-6, 39-40, 159, 202
Courtenay, Francis Esq (also Sir)30, 72
Courtenay, Marquess Henry KG35-6, 40
Courtenay, Earl Henry75
Courtenay, Hugh de, Kt & Baron28, 36, 46, 157, 159-60, 166, 207, 221
Courtenay, Hugh de the younger28
Courtenay, James Esq130
Courtenay, James the younger130
Courtenay, Lady Jane197
Courtenay, John197
Courtenay, John de39
Courtenay, Katherine215
Courtenay, Kellond Esq212
Courtenay, Margaret202, 215, 221
Courtenay, Mary30
Courtenay, Matilda199
Courtenay, Muriel186
Courtenay, Nicholas29
Courtenay, Bishop Peter215
Courtenay, Sir Peter Kt17, 26, 75, 221
Courtenay, Sir Philip28, 70, 75, 215
Courtenay, Lady Phillippa157
Courtenay, Richard BCL75
Courtenay, Robert199
Courtenay, Earl Thomas75, 166
Courtenay, Sir Thomas186
Courtenay, Sir Walter Kt197
Courtenay, Archbishop William75
Courtenay, William Esq28, 30, 177
Courtenay, Sir William202, 215, 222
Courtenay, Earl William29-30, 35, 42, 166
Cove, Agnes64, 119
Cove, Edward95
Cove, Nicholas Esq95, 119
Coverdale, Dr Miles26
Cowminge, John212
Cowte, Adrian212
Cowte, John212
Cowte, Thomas212
Coye, John137
Coysh, John24-5
Crabbe, John149
Cradock arms55
Creche, John148
Creed, Dr John STP204
Crispyn, John203
Cristenstowe, John de47
Crocker, Elizabeth180
Crocker, Sir John Knt161, 181
Cromwell, Olivervi, 34, 54, 124
Cromwell, Lord Thomas80
Cross, Robert190
Crossing, Richard135
Crugge, John166
Cryer, Thomas73
Cudmore, Alice106
Cudmore, Daniel gent106, 139-41
Cudmore, Edmund106
Cudmore, Joan140
Cudmore, Mary140
Cudmore, Robert Esq141-2
Cudmore, William45
Cudmore, Zachary gent106, 140
Culme, Arthur77
Cupper, William (also Caper)100
Curynteyn, William69
Daber, Richard93
Daccumbe, Johannis de185
Daddo, William94-5, 126
Dade, Robert ap Madocke75
Dale, John39
Dalyngton, Thomas113
Dames, Arthur Longworth19
Daniel, Thomas Esq115
Danyell, William171
Darcie, Elizabeth169
Darcie, Sir George169
Daubenny, Cecilia169
Daubenny, Lord Giles169
Davey, Venerable Bartholomew168
David, rector153
Davie, Sir John Bt126
Davie, William252
Davonport, Francis20
Davy, Bartholomew101, 171
Davy, Honor101
Davye, Simon80
Davyes, David177
Davyes, Hugh gent177
Daysch, John alias Walter18
Dagenel, John39
Danter, John48
Dennis arms205
Dennis, Sir Robert (also Denis)45, 151
Dennis, Sir Thomas (also Denis)45, 109, 150-1, 207
Denys, Peter45
Denys, Richard28-9
Denys, Sir Thomas29, 98, 197
Denys, William187
Derby, George114
Derby, Robert de85
Dernelove, Richard86
Despenser family186
Deules, Richard140
Devon, Amicia Countess of108
Devon, Earls of195
Devon, Katherine Countess of39, 161
Devynell, Richard86
Dicken, Perry192
Dicks, Samuel114
Dickes, William58
Digbie, Alice52
Dinham arms67
Dinham, Eleanor185
Dinham, James gent191
Dinham, Lady Jane (Dynham)186
Dinham, John33
Dinham, Lord John (Dynham)33-5, 185-6
Dinham, Lady Margaret33
Dinham, Oliver de39
Dinham, William196
Dinsworthy, John de39
Dirling, Martin78
Dirling, William78
Distin, Henry121
Dobell, Laurence90
Dobell, Robert90
Dobyn, William187
Doccomb, Roger193
Doddridge, Dorothy165
Doddridge, Sir John Kt165
Dodge, Robert204
Doidge, Dorothy135
Doidge, Richard Esq133
Dolling, Edmund18
Dollyns, Michael197
Dommett, Joseph87
Dommett, Philobeth87, 149
Doughty, John BD76
Douglass, Lady Margaret19
Dovedale, Margaret64
Dovedale, Sir Peter64
Down, Mark81
Downe, Matthew170
Downe, William57
Downing, Nicholas182, 252
Dowrich arms221
Dowrich, Dorothy221
Dowrich, Elizabeth221
Dowrich, Katherine221
Dowrich, Mary220-1
Dowrich, Thomas221
Dowrich, Walter Esq220
Dowse, Henry120
Drake family96-7, 146
Drake, John gent97, 146, 161
Drake, Sir John Bt149
Drake, Richard Esq148
Drake, Sir Thomas Trayton Fuller Elliot Bt185
Drake, Sir William Bt149
Drew arms124
Drew, Thomas Esq212
Drewe, Richard106
Dreynat, John160
Druett, Peter57
Duck arms72, 129
Duck family165
Ducke, Elizabeth167
Ducke, Martha167
Ducke, Nicholas Esq167
Ducke, Richard Esq46, 167
Dudley, Sir Andrew Kt119
Duffeld, Barnard55
Duffield, John120
Dugdale72, 186, 205
Duke, Anne133
Duke family131, 133
Duke, George132
Duke, Peter187
Duke, Richard Esq131-5
Duke, Robert Esq34, 132, 135
Duke, Sarah132, 135
Dun, John (also Done)64, 69
Duncan, Peter40
Durandi, Thome filius155
Durlyng, William196
Duyn, John65
Dyer, Nicholas176
Dyer, Thomas (Dyere)120, 205
Dyer, William128
Dyker, John94
Dyngel, William193
Dynington, John138
Dynington, Matilda138
Earl, Charles191-2
Eastchurch family166
Eastchurch, James25
Eastchurch, Thomas25
Easton, William252
Edgcomb, Joseph87
Edgecombe, John STP171
Edgecombe, Peter126
Edgecumbe, John126
Edmund, James103
Edmund, Saint, King & Martyr14
Edmunds, Mr Gideon154
Edward the Confessor115, 182
Edward Iii, 37, 45, 50, 83, 91, 108, 145-6, 166, 221
Edward IIii, 23, 66
Edward IIIii, 13, 21, 57, 82, 89, 102, 122-3, 127, 134, 142, 195, 203
Edward IV33, 35, 88, 128, 166, 215
Edward VI17, 23, 36, 40, 48, 81, 110, 112, 119, 158, 167, 207
Eedes, Theophilus155
Egbeare, Richard94
Egbert, Lord59
Egremont, Charles Earl of90
Elford, Walter252
Elizabeth I24, 29, 37, 49, 51, 56, 85-6, 88, 94, 97, 107, 110, 112, 120, 123, 126, 135, 139, 148, 153, 158, 165, 180, 191, 201, 204
Ellicombe, Hugh Middleton gent155
Ellicombe, Jane77
Ellicombe, Rev Richard71, 74, 77
Ellicombe, William77
Ellicombe, William Rous155
Elliott, William171
Ellis, John (also Ellys)25, 141
Elmham, Walter de39
Elston, Richard65
Elyot, Thomas Esq80
Enderby, John134
Englyshe, Alexander167
Epston, Simon de128
Erle arms226
Erle family226
Erle, John141
Erthe, William177
Eugenius III, Pope43
Eugenius IV, Pope171
Evans arms55
Evans, John141
Eveleigh, Alice83
Eveleigh arms83
Eveleigh family83
Eveleigh, John121
Eveleigh, Nicholas83
Eveleigh, William252
Every, William112
Exebrigge, Robert de187
Exemynstre, William de140
Exeter, Edward Earl of167
Exeter, Gertrude Marchioness of101, 167
Exeter, Henry Marquess of166
Exeter, John of74
Exeter, John, Bishop of21, 174
Exeter, John Treasurer of74
Exeter, Paganus of93
Facy, Richard191
Fane, Charles Lord Viscount99, 101, 171
Fane, Lady Elizabeth101
Fane, Sir Henry KB101
Farcy, Oliver176
Faringdon, Isaiah STB135
Faringdon, Walter140
Farthehull, John53
Farwell, William114
Feaver, John BA188
Fermer, John85-6
Ferrers arms179-80, 199, 217
Ferrers family185
Ferris, Samuel70
Floier arms179
Flygh, Thomas176
Fiddes, Dr152
Fielding arms37
Fissacre arms170
FitzAlgari, Hoseberto156
FitzHelie, Girardo156
FitzHenry, Roger78
FitzHugh, Henry Kt134
FitzHugh, John24, 196
FitzJames, Sir John169
FitzOdo, Ingelram198
Fitz Ourse arms92
FitzPagan, Robert Kt189-90
FitzRadulfi. Jordano156
FitzRalph, Richard78
FitzReginald, Earl Henry198
FitzRobert, Moran133
FitzSerri, Rogero156
FitzTebaud, Johanne156
FitzWilliam, Robert156
Fleming, Camilla Annabella211
Fleming, Richard197
Flemyng, Robert154
Fletcher, Thomas172
Flore, Robert de85
Floure, John128
Floyer, Anthony56
Floyer, John53
Floyer, William194
Foliot family185
Forard, Richard gent76
Forbes arms87
Forbes, James BD86
Forbes, Maria86
Ford, Johes (John)43, 161
Ford, Thomas103
Forde, John Esq169
Forrest, John20
Fortescue, Richard213
Fortibus, Isabella de27
Foster, Thomas251
Foulkes, Peter Davy155
Fownes, John Esq212
Fox46, 152
Frankscheyne, John125
Freke, Robert112
Frenshe, Robert200
Froome, Thomas18, 28
Froude, Rev R Hix
Fry, Alicia137
Fry, Elizabeth137
Fry family149
Fry, John Esq148
Fry, Nicholas Esq137
Fry, William Esq137
Frygam, John187
Fulford, Ann94-5
Fulford arms92
Fulford family92
Fulford, Francis Esq94-5
Fulford, John Esq89-90, 92, 94-5
Fulford, Sir John Kt92-4
Fulford, Thomas48, 94
Fulford, Ursula48
Fulford, William92
Furlong, Francis gent65
Fychett, John120
Fysshacre, Edward113
Gale, Theophilus182
Galmeton, Henry de64
Gambon arms110
Gamelyn, William134
Gamon, Richard114
Gandy, Henry167
Garde, John gent212
Gardino, Roger de74
Gardyner, Maria86
Gardyner, Thomas Esq86
Garland, Elizabeth42
Garland, Frances42
Garland, John Esq42
Garnet, William94
Gatewick, Thomas de134
Gaunt, Robert191
Gay, Richard167
Gay, Walter103
Gaydon, John191
Gaylard, Richard64
Gayllard, William176
Gee, John94
Gee. Robert, MA177, 210
Gee, Sarah94
Geere, Gilbert, STB42
George I87
George II87, 115, 204
George III87, 204
George IV204
Gerde, John197
Gerneys, Robert (also Gerveys)138
Gerum, Radolpho144
Gervase, Nicholas78
Gervays, John144
Getsins, Daniel212
Gibb, William153
Gibbes, Anstice153
Gibbes family152
Gibbes, John153
Gibbes, George snr153
Gibbes, Mr George152-3
Giffard, Thomas211
Giffard, Walter211
Gifford, Richarda171
Gifford, Roger171
Gilbert family175
Gilbert, John114, 175
Gilbert, rector203
Gilbert, Sir John180
Gilbert, Otho175
Gillingham, Thomas120
Glandfield, Oliver197
Glandville, John de203
Glascencia, John de153
Glatton, John39
Godde, William28
Goddeford, John170
Godolphin arms220
Godolphin, Thomasin219
Godridge, Jame185
Godridge, John185
Godwin arms49
Godwin, Francis STB48-9
Godwin, Lord Bishop Thomas48, 73
Gogeyn, Michael85
Golde, Roger79
Golston, German252
Gordon, James121
Gorge, Rose114
Gorge, Thomas Esq114
Gorges, Thomas de189-90
Gould arms55
Gould, Elizabeth54, 58
Gould, Frances42, 58
Gould, James107
Gould, Moses Esq54, 58
Gould, William MA42, 54, 58
Grandisson, Bishopii, xi, 20, 22, 28, 36, 72, 74, 83, 85, 98, 102, 112-3, 116-8, 140, 150, 157-9, 170, 195, 200, 203
Graunt, Richard65
Graves, Lord47
Gray, Walker115
Greenway arms219
Greenway, Joan218
Greenway, John218
Gregory, George95
Grendon, Thomas40, 105
Grenville arms220
Grey, John148
Grig, Peter212
Grimston, Peter de125
Grove arms220
Grove, Hugo armig220
Grugge, Thomas161
Gulston, Anne56
Gulston, Bishop William56
Gulydford, Sir Henry KG226
Gulydford, Lady Mary226
Gurvas, Petur61
Gurwalde, Richard171
Gybb, John153
Gybbe, Margaret153
Gybbe, Thomas153
Gybbe, William154, 200
Gylberd, Elizabeth180
Gylberd, John Esq180
Gylberd, Otho180
Haccombe arms157
Haccombe, Isabella159
Haccombe, Jordan de159
Haccombe, Lady Margaret157, 159
Haccombe, Sir Stephen de157-9
Halberton, Gregory de125
Hall arms72
Hall, Bishop Joseph124
Hall Dr Joseph, arms61
Hall, Dr Robert arms61, 86
Hals, Richard, or Holland126
Halse, John STB17
Halstede, Robert de74
Halys, John alias Sparwe138
Hamond, John28, 128
Hammett, John155
Hammond, Colonel30
Hancock, Dorothy165
Hancock, Edward Esq165
Hancock family165
Hancock, Walter86
Hanford, Elizabeth80
Hanford, Henry80
Hankyn, William197
Hann, Francis141
Hansford, William165
Harness, Samuel139
Harpyn, Alan120
Harrington, Richard31
Harris, John Esq139
Harris, William139
Harrison, Benjamin94
Harry, John211
Harryes, Thomas93
Hart, Richard204
Harthey, Anthony (or Harvey)181-2
Hartnoll, John107
Hartnoll, Thomas107
Harys, William Esq139
Harward, Charles59
Hassarde, Gilbert193
Hassarde, John68-9
Hatheleseye, Richard de24
Hauley, Alice216
Hauley, Elizabeth216
Hauley family217
Hauley, Joan216
Hauley, Sir John Kt216
Hauley, Nicholas Esq216
Havering, James de27
Hawker, John65-6
Hawkins, Oliver177
Hawtrey, Charles AM49
Haydon family34
Hayn, Alice61
Hayn, John (also Hayne)61, 209
Heath, John133
Heath, Staplehill Esq133
Heath, Thomas133
Hege, William le134
Hele, Alice82-3
Hele arms37, 83
Hele, Elizaeus82-3
Hele family82
Hele, Narcisus65, 121
Hele, Sampson65
Hele, William121
Helliar, William49
Hellier, Christopher24-5
Helmore, Edward58
Hellyar, William124
Helyar, Richard204
Hembur, Radulfo de156
Hembury, John148
Hender arms83
Hendiscott, Christina141
Hendiscott, John Esq141
Hendre, Hamond de93
Hendre, Stephen de113, 160
Henlegh, Richard64
Henner, John74
Henry (Franciscan Friar)207-8
Henry (a monk)52
Henry (vicar)57
Henry I109, 122, 178, 202
Henry IIii, 17, 50
Henry III17, 66, 84, 108, 133, 151, 155, 169, 186, 202
Henry IV199-200
Henry V131
Henry VIiii, 75, 162, 166, 172
Henry VII60, 66, 80, 96, 123
Henry VIIIiii, vi, 25, 35, 54, 65, 68, 73, 79-80, 93, 98, 106-7, 131, 158, 161, 207, 215, 226
Henshaw, Nicholas154
Hensley, David40
Henson, Richard101
Henton, Thomas de120
Herbert, Lord, KG36, 212
Herne, Robert58
Herward, John141
Hewgot, Margaret94
Heydone, Walter de85
Heynes, Dean221
Heywood, Elizabeth66
Heywood, Emma Maria66
Heywood, George BA66
Heywood, William Edward66
Hicks, Robert148
Hicks, Rear Admiral Thomas210
Higgons, Thomas18
Hill, Elizabeth224
Hill, John61, 148
Hill, Ralph171
Hill, Robert Esq224
Hill, Sir Roger121
Hille, Vincent24
Hobbs, Thomas107
Hode, Peter53
Hodge, John115
Hodges, Alexander58
Hodgkinson, Tilleman121
Hody, John105, 191
Hody, Richard Esq161
Hoggys, Walter191
Hoker, John19, 46, 54, 73, 110
Hokesham, Roberto de156
Holand, Richard53
Holbeam arms183
Holbeam family183
Holbrine arms183
Holbrine, John Esq183
Holbrine, Margaret183
Holby, Christina164
Hole, Thomas198
Holecombe, John171
Holland arms37
Holland, Ralph25
Holland, Roger100
Holmes, Steven alias171
Holrigg, Pretonilla de199
Holway arms72
Hollwyll, John212
Holyburton, Patrick181
Holywel, John120
Honiton, Nicholas de145, 147
Honneywell, William gent192
Honorius III, Pope178
Honywood, Edward252
Hooker, Zackary161
Hooper, John141
Hoper, Richard89
Hopkins, John76
Hopton, David39
Hore, John149, 181
Hore, Roger181
Horewell, Roger181
Horner, Susannah Strangways90
Horpole, Thomas de176
Horseford, John105
Hosegood, Anthony171
Houlditch, Edward BA167
Houlditch, Richard167
Howe, William73
Huchenson arms41
Huchenson, Elizabeth42
Huchenson, Mary42
Huchenson, William40-2
Huchenson, Dr William40-1, 188
Huchin, William39
Hudde, William Esq86
Huddesfeld, Katherine215
Huddesfeld, Sir William Kt214
Huddy arms224
Huddye, Mary224
Huddye, William224
Hughlyng, William138
Hugo, Thomas252
Hugone et Islabona175
Hull family166
Hull, George Esq161, 167
Hull, John166
Hull, William161
Hungerford arms27
Hunt, Anthony101
Hunt arms37
Hunt, John gent23, 25
Hunt, Roger89
Huntingdon, John Earl of125
Hureton family185
Hurne, John atte148
Husy, John69
Hutchenson, Ralph STP40
Hutchinson arms60
Huwych, William59
Hyckeling, Hugh de23
Hyll, John111
Hylle, Richard18
Hylling, Hugh93
Hyllyng, Osmond69
Hyngeham, Ralph de145
Ida, Saint59
Ide, Walter Rector of64
Ilminster, John de147
Inglett, Giles24-5
Innocent III, Pope179
Innocent IV, Pope108
Isacke, Edward17
Iscanus, Bartholomew82
Izacke78, 220
Jackson, John18
Jago, John101
James I18, 37, 41, 85-6, 204
James, Edward86
Jenkins, Mr127, 128, 130
Jenkyns, Richard18
Jennings, John141
Jennings, William114
John, King78, 97, 131, 143, 162
John XXII, Pope116
Johnson, Thomas251
Jones, John Esq FSA56
Jones, Rev John PikeNotice to Readers
Jones, Pitman armig77
Jones, Thomas182
Jones, William29
Jordayn, John129
Josceline, vicar113
Joyet, Gregory138
Jule, Geoffry65
Juner, John141
Juyll, John187
Juynnour, Dominus Thomas141
Kaleway, John Esq111
Karslake, William142
Kaulvyle, Gilbert de64
Kaulwodeley, Miles de64
Kayleway, Giles Esq17, 40
Kaynes, William120
Keleway, Simon gent112
Kelland, Charles177
Kelland, John (Kellond)177, 212
Kelland, Samuel177
Kellesye, Adam de48
Kelly, Arthur Esq47
Kelly, John de46
Kelly, John Esq46, 80
Kelly, Nicholas28
Kelly, Oliver Esq46
Kelway, Simon gent114
Kendall, George18
Kendall, Mr Johnvi, ix
Kene, Thomas211
Kennell, John90
Kenrygge, Richard170-1
Kensall, Robert193
Kenton, Dni Richard vicar of17
Keton, John181
Keyleway, Giles112
Kingdon, Mr51
Kirkham arms202
Kirkham family172
Kirkham, Robert196
Kirkham, Roger195
Kirkham, Thomasine196
Kirton, Seymour101
Kitson, Rev Edward Addicott183-4, 188
Kitson, Thomas AM209
Kitson, Walter162
Kitson, William AM209
Knight, Mary42
Knight, Robert gent42
Knyght, Elias193
Knoll, William148
Knyghston, John gent105
Knyghston, Robert gent105
Knyght, William154
Knyghton, Henry de216
Kympe, Robert197
Kyng, John Esq111
Kyngton, Robert de181
Kynwalmersson, William134
Kyrkham, Elizabeth172
Kyrkham, George172
Kyrkham, James172
Kyrkham, Lady Jane172
Kyte, John53
Lacy arms22, 179, 194
Lacy, Bishop Edmund22, 28, 39, 52, 68, 72, 75, 85, 87, 89, 92, 97, 102-3, 105, 109, 111, 113, 117-8, 123, 125, 144, 147-8, 153, 162-3, 170, 172, 178-80, 189, 216, 221
Lacy, George MA90
Lacy, Waltero144
Lake, James197
Lamplugh arms55
Lamplugh, Bishop Thomas55
Landon, Laurence138
Lane, John111-2
Lane, Tomasyn111
Langdon, Rhoda119
Langdon, Walter Esq119
Langdon, William AB209
Lange, Jane185
Lange, Thomas185
Langeford, Clement de211
Langerigge, Robert de211
Langeton arms223
Langeton, John de203
Langeton, Master William223
Langford, Clement de210
Langford, William149
Langley, John24-5, 148
Langton, Archbishop Simon133
Lapflod, Andrew20
L'Archdeacon, Lady Cecily157
L'Archdeacon, Sir John157
Latham, William39
Laud, Archbishop86
Laverock, John74
Lavington, Andrew165
Lavington family166
Lavington, John165
Lawry, Isabella138
Lawry, Thomas138
Leache, John139
Leche, Christina138
Lee, Thomas167
Leeche, Adam de128
Lega, Willielmo de156
Legat, Geoffry134
Legat, Nicholas64
Legh, Edward160
Legh, Hugo43
Legh, Johis43, 48
Leland13, 142, 157, 170, 216
Lenna, Henry de170
Leonard, William40, 112
Lercedekne, Lady Cecily159
Lercedekne, Elizabeth159
Lercedekne, Sir John Knt158-60
Lercedekne, Margaret159
Lercedekne, Matilda159
Lercedekne, Michael160
Lercedekne, Sir Thomas159
Lercedekne, Sir Warren160
Leveson, William25, 177
Lewis, Rev Richard30
Lewis, Samuel165
Lewson, William120
Ley arms37
Ley, Rev Carrington137
Ley, Henry42
Ley, Richard181
Ley, Thomas197
Leybourne, Beatrix de89
Leybourne, Sir John de Kt89
Leybourne, Thomas de89
Leycester, John de181
Leycestr, Roger de89
Leyman, John193, 204
Lichfield, Bishop of17
Lideford, Edwardo de156
Lillington, Richard181
Limsey, Mary221
Limsey, William Esq221
Lingham, Robert20
Lisle, John48
Littilton, Henry190
Littlejohn, Edward107
Lobb, Stephen135
Lock, Christopher121
Locker, John19
Lodeford, John141
London, Roberto175
London, Stephen de176
Londonderry, Robert Earl of207
Long, Jane185
Long, John185
Long, Mr Richard126
Long, Thomas148-9
Long, Thomas Jnr126
Loteby, Thomas93
Louis, Rev Thomas183
Lovday, William de176
Lovecock, John103
Lovecock, Nicholas176
Lovecock, Philip, alias Polton191
Lovecock, Stephen203
Lovet, Henry196
Lovewyk, John105
Lowsemore, George107
Luffewike, John (also Lowike or Lovecock)190
Lustelegh, Robert de187
Lutterel, Elizabeth28
Lutterel family51
Lutterel, James Esq28
Lux, William18
Lyff, John69
Lyght, William204
Lylle, Adam de (also Lylborn)16, 18
Lyndge, Thomas76
Lynn, William Esq76
Lysons, Mr16, 87, 131, 170, 186, 214-5
Lyte, Peter187
Magill, Hugh101
Maidegoud, Henry28
Mainwaring, Christopher Esq125
Majendie, Andrew130
Major, John72, 75
Mallack, Elizabeth68
Mallack, John68
Mallack, Roger Esq114
Mallack, Rose114
Mallock, Samuel194
Mallebirg, William de125
Mallock, Rawlin Esq (Mallacke)114, 209-10
Mallock, Rev Roger209-10
Mallock, William MA210
Mallocke, Samuel107
Malmeshull, Edmund190
Maloylsel, Robert187
Malteby, John de125
Manericke, Peter alias Bull69
Manley, Edward Jnr, gent115
Manley, John Esq207
Manley, Robert30
Manning, George86
Manning, Thomas115
Marisco, Richardi de144
Marker, Henry197-8
Marleburgh, Hugh de89, 176
Marshall, Alexander141
Marshall, Cuthbert148
Marshall, Bishop Henry34, 44, 78, 133, 198
Marshall, Philip gent114
Marshall, Thomas73
Marston, Nicholas187
Marston, Thomas de24
Marston, William90
Martin V, Pope179, 189
Martin, Alice81
Martin, Lady Matilda84
Martin, Lord Nicholas84
Martyn, Agnes119
Martyn, Ann120
Martyn, Edward118
Martyn, Elizabeth119
Martyn family34
Martyn, Jane120
Martyn, John134
Martyn, Lady64
Martyn, Mary119
Martyn, Rhoda119
Martyn, Richard Esq119-20
Martyn, Roger70
Martyn, Thomas119
Martyn, William Esq34, 119-20
Mary, Queen86, 107, 110, 153
Marying, John100
Mascall, Matthew142
Massey, John88
Massey, Robert88
Mathews, Thomas76
Mathu, John75, 148
Matthew (nephew of Simon d'Apulia)143, 147
Matthew, John197
Maud, Queen143
Maundere, Thomas105
Maurice (Rector of St Laurence)74
Maveriche, Radford193
May, John134
Maydeston, Benedict154
Mayn, Peter193
Maynard, Samuel87
Maynewayryng, Nicholas187
Medley, John MA59
Melhiwissh, Richard gent105
Melhuish, Lewis gent191
Melhuish, Richard Esq192
Melhuish, Robert gent191
Melhuish, Roger Esq191
Melhuish, Thomas gent191-2
Melhuish, William Esq192
Merivale, John Herman Esq46
Merrey, John85
Merrick, Margaret86
Merrick, William86
Merwode, Roger85
Methe, Thomas de176
Mey, Edward181
Mey, Richard18
Michel, Abbot William140, 200
Michell, Robert, alias Cooke86
Michell, Thomas39
Middleton, John198
Miller, John133
Milman, Francis177
Milone, magistro175
Milward, John STD86, 114
Mohun, Alice de144
Mohun arms147, 205
Mohun family150, 206
Mohun, Johanne de144
Mohun, Reginald de74-5, 144, 206-8
Molis, Roger de (Mules)186
Molyns, Peter113
Montgomery, George137
Monyk, Peter57
Moore, Francis167
Moore, George AM49, 167
Moore, Giles gent124
Moore, John (later Stevens)135
Moore, Thomas139
Moore, William139
More arms110
More family110
More, Francis87
More, Henry204
More, John Esq111, 141, 187
More, Sir John Kt112
More, Ralph141
More, Thomas141
Morehead, William Esq100
Moris, Thomas212
Morrice, William17
Morrish, George141
Morton, Robert Esq134
Mortuo mari, Hugone de144
Moungwell, William58
Mouthcombe, Robert de64
Mules, Sir John186
Mules, Murial186
Muschamp arms217
Musgrave, Dr164
Mylton, Nicholas128
Nagle, Joseph Esq99-100
Nanshog, Richard de93
Nantes, Daniel MA32
Napleton, Timothy31
Nassington, Philip de203
Nassyngton, John de176
Neck, Rev Aaron187
Neucome, John de85
Nevil family70
Nevile, Hugh de Kt74
Nevile, John de Kt74
Newte, Mary77
Newte, Samuel77
Newton, John151
Newton, William de20
Neyle, Celia Eliza164
Nicholas IV, Pope108, 145, 162, 173
Nieuport, Henry de85
Nodder, William175
Nonant family122
Norman, Adrian193
Norman, Hugo72, 74
Norris, William105
Northam, William de85
Northcote, Hugh212
Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry Bt77, 212
Northleigh arms72
Northmore arms37, 55
Northmore, Rev Edward24-5
Northwode, William de176
Norton, Agnes de28
Norton, Henry de28
Norton, Richard LLD48, 90
Nunate, John175
Nycoll, Thomas129
Nycolson, Ralph191
Nyvill, Hugone de144
Oakhampton, Roger de17
Obing, Monsieur130
Odekyn, Thomas193
Olave, Saint127
Oldham, Bishop (also Oldam)35, 68, 75, 79
Oldrive, William (also Olgrove)75-6
Oliver, Rev GeorgeDedication page
Olwye, William de176
Olyver, William101
Oram, George18
Osbert, John57
Osborne family152
Osborne, Julia152
Osborne, Peter212
Osmund, rector169-70
Oterhampton, William89
Oteri, Tibil de156
Otery, John187
Otterton, Nicholas Prior of133
Overton, Henry18
Oxenbryge, Master114
Oxenden, George Chichester Esq198
Oxenham arms37, 72
Oxton, John de74
Paddon, Thomas187
Pake, Henry148
Palerna, Peter de78, 162
Palfriman, John104
Palk arms37
Palk, Wilmot Henry204
Papejay, John120
Parkinson, Anthony83
Parr, Bartholomew gent76, 155
Parr, Elizabeth155
Parr, John154-5
Parr, Robert154
Parr, Samuel Esq167
Parr, Sarah155
Parry, Robert196
Parys, Major89
Paskowyn, John57
Passemere, Rev George68, 70
Patch, Gayer BA167
Pate arms55
Patey, Mr53
Patrick, Edward176
Paule, Richard165
Paulet arms194
Paulett, Sir William65, 89
Pawlyn, Walter48
Peake, John58
Peardon, John119
Pease, Francis155
Peck, Richard114
Peet, John128
Pelsont, Mary211
Pelsont, Richard Esq211
Pembroke, Countess of177
Pembroke, Henry Earl of177, 212
Pembroke, Mary Countess of212
Pembroke, William Earl of212
Penels, Richard176
Penford, Walter105
Penfound, William161
Percenhale, Richard de28
Perens, Robert212
Perer, Roger28
Perer, Thome186
Perour, John64
Peryns, Robert114
Pester, John149
Petell, Christopher86
Peter, Mr John47
Peter, Thomas gent219
Peton, Ralph76
Petre arms53, 55, 220
Petre, Sir George Kt53
Petre, John Esq53, 207
Petre, Otho Esq90
Petre, William53
Petre, Sir William53
Pett, Phineas177
Peynton, John de la120
Peyton, Dorothy221
Peyton, Thomas Esq221
Phelypp, John129
Philip, rector189
Philip & Mary114, 131, 167
Phillips, Laurence alias Colmer41
Pilehead, Nicholas103
Pilton, Thomas de85, 113
Pitman, John jnr139
Pitman, John MA76-7
Pitman, Mary77
Pitt, Martin75
Plantagenet, Catherine35, 75, 166
Play, William (or Clay)141
Playstowe, John75
Plymeswode, Thomas48
Plymyton, Roger de181
Poddyng, Robert125
Pole, Cardinal36
Pole, Sir Courtenay Bt107, 193-4
Pole, Edward107
Pole, John107, 194
Pole, Sir John Bt194
Pole, Sir John de la Bt106
Pole, Sir John William Bt107
Pole, Sir William Bt84, 107, 131, 159, 183, 194, 215
Pole, Sir William Templer Bt107
Pollard, Sir Amice Kt197
Pollard, Anthony Esq141