



2 km
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"WOODCHURCH, a parish in the lower division of the hundred of WIRRALL, county palatine of CHESTER, comprising the townships of Arrow, Barnston, Irby, Landican, Noctorum, Oxton, Pensby, Prenton, Thingwell, and Woodchurch, and containing 835 inhabitants, of which number, 74 are in the township of Woodchurch, 6¾ miles (N. by W.) from Great Neston. The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Chester, rated in the king's books at £25. 9. 2., and in the patronage of Mrs. King. The church, dedicated to the Holy Cross, is principally in the Norman style, with a curious ancient font. William Gleave, Esq., alderman of London, in 1665, founded a free school here, and endowed it with lands now producing £80 per annum." [From Samuel Lewis A Topographical Dictionary of England  (1831) ©Mel Lockie]

  • Woodchurch, also a township in Woodchurch ancient parish, Wirral hundred (SJ 2787), became a civil parish in 1866.
  • The civil parish was abolished in 1933 to become part of Birkenhead.
  • The population was 52 in 1801, 96 in 1851, and 140 in 1901.

For the period after 1933, see Birkenhead.


Civil Registration

  • Wirral (1837-1933)

Court Records

  • Wirral (1828-1933)

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Woodchurch which are provided by:



The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

"WOODCHURCH, a parish in the hundred of Lower Wirrall, county Chester, 3½ miles S.W. of Birkenhead, and 7 N.W. of Great Neston. The parish comprises the townships of Arrow, Barnston, Irby, Landican, Noctorum, Pensby, Prenton, Thingwall, and Woodchurch. The living is a rectory* in the diocese of Chester, value £829. The church of the Holy Cross contains four modern painted windows, and an old sculptured font. There are free, National, and Sunday schools. The charities produce about £65 per annum, of which £50 is the endowment of Greave's free school."

"ARROW, a township in the parish of Woodchurch, in the lower division of the hundred of Wirrall, in the county palatine of Chester, 3 miles from Birkenhead."

"BARNSTON, a township in the parish of Woodchurch, and hundred of Wirrall, in the county palatine of Chester, 4 miles to the N. of Great Neston. It is situated near the middle of the peninsular formed by the estuaries of the rivers Mersey and Dee."

"IRBY, a township in the parish of Woodchurch and Thurstaston, hundred of Wirrall, county Chester, 6½ miles S.W. of Birkenhead, and 5 N.W. of Parkgate. It formerly belonged to the Gleggs."

"LANDICAN, a township in the parish of Woodchurch, hundred of Wirrall, county Chester, 3 miles S.W. of Birkenhead, and 6 N. of Great Neston."

"NOCTORUM, a township in the parish of Woodchurch, lower division of the hundred of Wirrall, county Chester, 3 miles W. of the Birkenhead railway station, and 7 N. of Great Neaton."


Historical Geography

Places associated with Woodchurch ancient parish with separate pages


  • 1933 April 1 — Abolished and incorporated into Birkenhead (339 acres, pop. 113 in 1931)


You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SJ281850 (Lat/Lon: 53.356735, -3.081322), Woodchurch which are provided by:


Politics & Government

  • Wirral Rural Sanitary District (1875-94)
  • Wirral Rural District (1894-1933)

Poor Houses, Poor Law

  • Wirral

Voting Registers

  • South Cheshire (1832-67)
  • West Cheshire (1868-85)
  • Wirral (1885-1933)