


U - Buckinghamshire Vocabulary

The following list of words are quoted from three articles published in the "Records of Buckinghamshire" by Alfred Heneage Cocks, M.A, between 1897 and 1909 (some editing has been used to produce a unified list). See the introduction for further details..

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y

UCKLED, see Huggled.
UGLY, threatening, fierce. Used of the weather, animals, and mankind. "Aw, 'e didn't do nothin'; he on'y looked ugly."
UNKID or UNKED. Webster gives the word as corrupted from uncouth, and explains it as odd, strange, ugly, old, lonely, dreary. [UNKID is redefined in Alfred Cocks' second list of Bucks words as follows] dull, miserable. "What a unkid wet day." Halliwell spells it unkard; lonely, dreary, solitary. Also; old, ugly, awkward, strange, unusual, particular, inconvenient, froward. He adds that few provincial words are more common than this. Derived from A.-S., un-cwyd, quiet, solitary.
UNLOOSE, to let go. In fishing from a punt, when about to change the "pitch," the fisherman requested the person at the stern end to "unloose," or else to "ease her a-going," when he wanted the lanyard let go, which held the punt to the ryepeck at that end.
UNMASSIFUL, something uncommon. Halliwell gives unmercifully, as, very [Western Counties].
UP-A-DAY, "well-to-do," "up in the world," in good circumstances; conceited.
UP-END, to alter the position of anything (timber, stone,etc.), from a horizontal to perpendicular position.
UP-STREET, the regular expression in Marlow, for , in, or, into, the town; as opposed to what was formerly called the fforrens. "Shall you be going up street this evening?" "He've took a house, somewheres up street."
UP TO THE LAST 'OLE, as perfectly as possible, etc. "That suited me fine, up to the last 'ole."
UPPITY, slightly conceited, in unusually good spirits.
UPSTRAPALOUS, for obstreperous.
URGE, to irritate, make angry.