


Cemeteries information for Church of the Upper Room Congregational, Heaton Mersey and places above it in the hierarchy

Church of the Upper Room Congregational, Heaton Mersey

The church has/had a graveyard. The extant MIs were transcribed by Mike Berrell in 1988 and published on fiche in 1996 by the Family History Society of Cheshire. The Church hold a set of photographs which are more complete than the ones published.

Copies are held at MLFHS, Stockport Library, SoG, LDS in Salt Lake City.


The list of Lancashire crematoria opening dates may be useful.


  • For details of the graves of the rich and famous, together with biographical information, look at the Find-a-Grave (England) page.

UK and Ireland

  • The National Burial Index is hosted by findmypast (subscription site).
  • List of Registered Cemeteries from Historic England.
  • Gravestone photograph resource: an "index of the names that appear on photos taken by the Gravestone Photographic Resource Project team". This valuable project provides email copies of any of its collection of grave monument images free of charge on request.
  • The Deceased Online website -"the first central database of statutory burial and cremation registers for the UK and Republic of Ireland" (subscription site).
  • The Church Monuments Society provides photographs of the more interesting monuments (NOT monumental inscriptions) in a limited number of church yards.
  • Index for Burials at Sea - from Ancestry and FindaGrave.