


Maps information for Cemetery (1), Corris and places above it in the hierarchy

Cemetery (1), Corris

It is located at SH7544507983 (Lat/Lon 52.655224, -3.842806). You can see this on maps provided by:

Tal-y-llyn / Talyllyn

Gwynedd Family History Society  have a diagram of the ecclesiastical parishes of Merionethshire (under Parishes)  - with some links to photographs of parish churches

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SH744106 (Lat/Lon: 52.678312, -3.85972), Tal-y-llyn / Talyllyn which are provided by:


Map of Merionethshire in 1833  - Copied from the original in "A Topographical Dictionary of Wales" by Samuel Lewis 1833

Gwynedd Family History Society  have a diagram of the ecclesiastical parishes of Merionethshire (under Publications)  - with some links to photographs of parish churches

Welsh county maps on the UK Genealogy Archives site


Ordnance Survey Town Plans of England and Wales, 1840s-1890. On the NLS site. "The most detailed topographic mapping by Ordnance Survey covering towns with more than 4,000 people in England and Wales from the 1840s to the 1890s. Our coverage currently just includes 38 towns in south-west England, as well as London (1893-96), but it will expand geographically as scanning continues....."

Parry's Map of North and South Wales;  On Ceredigion Archives/Catalogues with photographs, postcards

Engravings or prints of subjects, places and personages in Wales, including maps; On Ceredigion Archives/Catalogues with photographs, postcards

For War Department purposes only: censorship and the Ordnance Survey - on the NLW blog

Places of Wales - A NLW site  "Search and browse over 300,000 entries from the tithe maps of Wales and accompanying apportionment documents using original and present-day maps"

The National Library of Scotland has put numerous maps online inluding Ordnance Survey maps for England and Wales from c.1900 which can be overlaid on current maps.

Welsh county maps on UK Genealogy Archives

Ordnance Survey 1:10,560 maps - on the British History Online site. Full Welsh coverage

Lewis Morris and William Morris  Charts of the Welsh coastline by Lewis Morris (1701-1765) and his son, William Morris

Thomas Taylor The Principality of Wales exactly described [...] published by Thomas Taylor (fl. 1670-1730) in 1718 was the first published atlas relating entirely to Wales

Old maps which were obtained courtesy of Ancestry, who retain copyright and reserve all rights in them.

  • 1. England & Wales December 9th 1643  (Districts held by the King/Parliament)
  • 2. England & Wales 1660 - 1892

The National Library of Wales - holds one of the main historical and contemporary collections of Welsh mapping. Their pages lead to a growing body of online information about the collection.

Maps of Wales, provided by John Ball, shows the location of Wales within the British Isles and the positions of its pre-1974 counties and towns.

'A Vision of Britain through time' contains both C19th & C20th maps which have parish boundaries marked on them
Search on a parish name, then scroll down to Administrative Units/parish name - AP/CP, click on that link, scroll down to link Historic boundaries which takes you to the map section.

Coflein   (Royal Conmmission on the Ancient & Historical Documents of Wales)     The site has  very detailed modern maps  - down to individual field level for instance, with named roads

An exceptionally useful set of maps showing parish boundaries, on a one inch to the mile scale, was until 2007 available on CD-ROM - see: Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348. See also details of a name extraction project covering various Welsh counties.

UK and Ireland