| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
. | See founded before A.D. 200 | See founded before A.D. 200 | See founded before A.D. 200 | [Missionary College founded at Iona by St. Columba from Ireland 565] | . | . |
. |
Persecution of the British Church under the Emperor, Diocletian. Martyrdom of St Alban, A.D. 304. | |
. | St. Columba died at Iona, 597 |
Bishops of York, London, and Caerleon-on-Usk, at the council of Arles, A.D. 314. | . |
| Eborius | 314 | Restitutus | 314 |
British Bishops present at the Councils of Sardica, 347, and of Ariminum, 360. |
| St. Patrick | 445 |
St Ninian settled at Whithorn, in Wigtonshire, cir. A.D. 400 | (Consecrated in Gaul) |
. | | |
St. German and Gallican Bishops combated Pelagianism in Britain 429 and 447. "Alleluia" Victory, 430. | St. Benen | 455 |
| St. Jarlath | 465 |
| Cormac | 482 |
St. Mungo, driven from Glasgow, founded St. Asaph, cir. 550 | Dubtach I. | 497 |
| Aihill I. | 513 |
Christianity driven into Wales, Devonshire and Cornwall, by the heathen Angles and Saxons, in the Sixth Century. | Aihill II. | 526 |
| Dubtach II. | 536 |
BISHOPS | | David | 548 |
Luidhard | 572 | See Vacant | See Vacant | BISHOPS OF LINDISFARNE. | St. David | ---- | Feidlimid | 551 |
Cynog | ---- | Cairlan I | 578 |
St. Augustine | 597 | | | Teilo | ---- | Eschaid | 588 |
(Consecrated in Gaul.) | | | Ceneu | ---- | Senach | 598 |
Laurentius | 605 | | | Morfael | ---- |
Mellitus | 619 | Mellitus | 604 | | | Haerwnan | ---- | Mac Laisre | 610 |
Justus | 624 | Paulinus | 627 | Fled into Kent, 616. See vacant 38 years | St. Aidan Consecrated at Iona | 634 | Elwaed | ---- | Thomian | 623 |
Honorius | 627-53 | Fled into Kent, 633. -See vacant 30 years | Gwrnwen | ---- |
Deusdedit | 655-64 | Finan | 651 | Llunwerth | ---- |
ARCHBISHOPS | Colman | 662 | Gwrgwyst | ---- |
St. Chad | 664 | Cedd | 654 | Tuda | 664 | Gwgan | ---- | Segene | 661 |
(Synod of Hertford.- The Churches of the Heptarchy united into one Church of Enlgand, A.D. 673) | Theodore | 668-90 | St. Wilfrid (retired) | 669 | Wine | 666 | Eata | 678 | Clydawg | ---- |
Bosa (retired) | 678 | St. Erconwald | 675 | St. Cuthbert | 685 | Eineon | ---- |
St. Wilfrid (restored) | 686 | Waldhere | 693 | Eadberet | 688 | Elford | ---- | Flann Febla | 688 |
Berhtwald | 693 | Bosa (restored) | 691 | Ingwald | 706 | Eatferth | 698 | Ethelman | ---- | Suibne | 715 |
. | St John of Beverley | 705 | Eggwulf | 745 | Elanc | ---- | Congusa | 730 |
Tatwin | 731 | Wilfrid II | 718 | Sighaeh | 772 | Aedilnald | 724 | Maelsgwyd | ---- | Celepeter | 750 |
Nothelm | 734 | ARCHBISHOPS | Eadbert | 774 | Sadwrnfen | ---- | Fredachry | 758 |
Cuthbert | 740-58 | Egbert | 732 | Eadgar | 789 | Cynewulf | 740 | Cadell | ---- | Foendelach | 768 |
Bregwin | 759-62 | Coenwalch | 791 | Sulhaithnay | ---- | Dubdalethy I. | 778 |
Jaenberht | 763 | Ethelbert | 766 | Eadbald | 794 | Higbald | 780 | Novis | ---- | Assiat | 793 |
Eanbald I | 782 | Heathoberht | 794 | Idwal | ---- | Cudiniscus | 794 |
Ethelhard | 790 | Eanbald II | 796 | Osmund | 802 | Egbert | 802 | Asser | ---- | Conmac | 798 |
Wulfred | 803 | Arthwael | ---- | Torbach | 807 |
Samson | ---- | Nuad | 808 |
Wulfsige | 812 | Ethelnoth | 811 | Heathured | 819 | Ruelin | ---- | Flangus | 812 |
Egbert | 827 | Ceolberht | 824 | Egfrid | 828 | Rhydderch | ---- | Artrigius | 822 |
Fleogild | 829 | Eugene I. | 833 |
Ethelwulf | 839 | Ceolnoth | 830 | Wigmund | 837 | Eanbert | 846 | Farannan (resigned) | 834 |
(Ethelbald | 858 | Eardulph | 854 | Dermod | 848 |
(Ethelbert | 858 | Wulfhere | 854 | Deorwulf | 860 | Elwin | ---- | Factna | 852 |
Ethelred | 866 | Ethelred | 870-89 | Swithwulf | -- | BISHOPS OF CHESTER-LE- STREET | Ainmire | 872 |
Alfred | 871 | Morbiw | ---- | Cathasach I. | 875 |
Plegemund | 891 | Maelcol | 883 |
Ethelbald | 895 | Heahstan | 898 | Llunwerth | ---- | Maelbrigid | 885 |
Edward the Elder | 901 | Athelm | 923-25 | Wulfsige | 898 | Cutheard | 900 |
Althelstan | 915 | Wulfhelm | 928 | Redewald | 928 | Tilred | 915 | Joseph | 927 |
Edmund | 940 | Odo | 941 | Wulstan I | 931 | Theodred | 926 | Wigred | 928 | Eneuris | 944 | Maelpatrick | 936 |
Edred | 946 | Ughtred | 944 | Hubert | ---- | Cathasach II. | 937 |
Edwy | 955 | Aelsine | 958 | Oskytel | 956 | Byrrthelm | 953 | Sexhelme | 947 | Ivor | ---- |
Edgar | 958 | St Dunstan | 959 | Ethelwold (resigned) | 972 | St. Dunstan | 959 | Aldred | 947 | Morgeneu | ---- | Muirdach | 957 |
Oswald | 972 | Aelfstan | 961 | Elfsig | 968 | Nathan | 960 | Dubdalethy II. | 966 |
Edward the Martyr | 975 | Ethelgar | 988-89 | Jeuan | ---- |
Ethelred II | 979 | Sigeric | 990-94 | Aldwine | 990 | Arwystl | ---- |
Elfric | 995-05 | Adulph | 993 | Wulfstan | 996 | BISHOPS OF DURHAM | Murechan (resigned) | 998 |
Edmund Ironside | 1016 | Alphege | 1006-12 | Wulstan II | 1002 | Aelfun | 1004 | Morgenue | ---- | Maelmury | 1001 |
Canute | 1017 | Leovingus | 1013 | Aelfwig | 1014 | Edmund | 1021 | Amalgaid | 1021 |
Ethelmoth | 1020 | Alfric Puttoc | 1023 | Ervin | 1023 |
Harold I | 1035 | Aelfward | 1035 | Edred | 1041 | Trahaearn | 1039 |
Hardicanute | 1040 | Eadsige | 1038-50 | Egelric | 1042 |
Edward the Confessor | 1042 | Robert of Jumieges | 1051 | Kinsius | 1051 | Robert | 1044 | Egelwin | 1056 | Joseph | 1055 | Dubdalethy III. | 1050 |
Stigand | 1052 | Aldred | 1060 | William | 1051 | Bleiddud | 1061 | Cumasach | 1065 |
Harold II | 1066 | Maelisa | 1065 |
William I | 1066 | Lanfranc | 1070-89 | Thomas I | 1070 | Hugh de Orval | 1075 | Walchere | 1071 | Sulien | 1071 |
Maurice | 1085 | William | 1080 | Abraham | 1076 |
William II | 1087 | Anselm | 1093-09 | Rhyddmarch | 1088 | Donald | 1092 |
Henry I | 1100 | Ralph d'Escures | 1114-22 | Gerard | 1100 | Richard de Beaumes | 1108 | Ralph Flambard | 1099 | Griffry | 1096 | Celsus | 1106 |
William de Corbeuil | 1123-36 | Thomas II | 1109 | Gilbert | 1128 | Bernard | 1115 | Maurice | 1129 |
Thurstan | 1114 | Geoffrey Rufus | 1133 | St. Malachy (resigned) | |
Stephen | 1135 | Theobald | 1139-61 | St. William | 1144 | Robert de Sigillo | 1141 | Will St. Barbara | 1143 | Gelasius | 1137 |
Henry Murdac | 1147 | Richard de Beaumes | 1152 | David Fitzgerald | 1147 | Cornelius | 1174 |
Henry II | 1154 | Thomas Becket | 1162-70 | St. William (restored) | 1153 | Hugh Pudsey | 1153 | Gilbert | 1175 |
Richard | 1174-84 | Roger Pont l'Eveque | 1154 | Gilbert Foliot | 1163 | Maelisa II. | 1184 |
Baldwin | 1185-90 | Peter de Leia | 1176 | Amlave | 1184 |
Richard I | 1189 | Reginald Fitz jocelin | 1191 | Geoffrey Plantagenet | 1191 | Richard de Ely | 1189 | Philip of Poitiers | 1197 | Geoffrey de Henelawe | 1203 | Thomas O'Connor | 1185 |
John | 1199 | Hubert Walter | 1193-05 | Wm. of St. Mary's Church | 1199 | Jowerth | 1215 | Eugene II. | 1206 |
Henry III | 1216 | Stephen Langton | 1207-28 | Walter de Gray | 1216 | Eustace Fauconberg | 1221 | Luke Nettervil | 1220 |
Richard Grant | 1229-31 | Roger le Noir | 1229 | Richard de Marisco | 1217 | Donat | 1227 |
Edmund Rich | 1233 | Fulk Basset | 1242 | Richard Poor | 1228 | Anselm le Gros | 1230 | Albert of Cologne | 1240 |
Boniface of Savoy | 1245-70 | Sewall de Bovill | 1256 | Nicholas Farnham | 1241 | Thomas the Welshman | 1248 | Reiner | 1247 |
(First Parliament met, 1265) | Godfrey Ludham | 1258 | Henry Wingham | 1259 | Walter Kirkham | 1249 | Richard de Carew | 1256 | Abraham O'Connellan | 1257 |
Walter Giffard | 1266 | Henry Sandwich | 1263 | Robert Stichell | 1260 | Patrick O'Scanlan | 1261 |
Edward I | 1272 | Robert Kilwardby | 1273-78 | William Wickwaine | 1279 | John Chishull | 1274 | Robert Insula | 1274 | Nicholas MacMolissa | 1272 |
John Peckham | 1279-92 | John Romanus | 1286 | Richard Gravesend | 1280 | Anthony Beck | 1283 | Thomas Beck | 1280 |
Robert Winchelsey | 1293 | Henry Newark | 1296 | David Martyn | 1296 |
Thomas Corbidge | 1300 | Ralph Baldock | 1306 |
Edward II | 1307 | William Greenfield | 1304 | Gilbert Segrave | 1313 | John Taafe | 1305 |
Walter Reynolds | 1313 | William Melton | 1316 | Richard Newport | 1317 | Richard Kellow | 1311 | Walter de Jorse (resigned) | 1306 |
Edward III | 1327 | Simon Meopham | 1328 | Stephen Gravesend | 1319 | Louis Beaumont | 1318 | Henry de Gower | 1328 | Roland de Jorse (resigned) | 1311 |
John Stratford | 1333 | Richard Bentworth | 1338 | Robert Greystanes | 1333 | Stephen Segrave | 1322 |
Thomas Bradwardine | 1349 | William la Zouche | 1340 | Ralph Stratford | 1340 | Richard Bury | 1333 | David O'Hiraghty | 1334 |
Simon Islip | 1349 | John Thoresby | 1353 | Michael Northburgh | 1354 | Thomas Hatfield | 1345 | John Thoresby | 1347 | Richard Fitz-Ralph | 1347 |
Simon Langham | 1366 | Simon Sudbury | 1362 | Reginald Brian | 1350 |
William Whittlesey | 1368-74 | Thomas Fastolfe | 1353 |
Simon Sudbury | 1375 | Alexander Neville | 1374 | William Courtenay | 1375 | Adam Houghton | 1361 | Milo Sweetman | 1361 |
Richard II | 1377 | William Courtenay | 1381 | Thomas Arundel | 1388 | Robert Braybroke | 1381 | John Fordham | 1382 | John Gilbert | 1389 | John Colton | 1382 |
Thomas Arundel | 1396 | Robert Waldby | 1397 | Roger Walden | 1405 | Walter Skirlawe | 1388 | Guy Mone | 1397 |
Henry IV | 1399 | Roger Walden | 1398 | Richard Scrope | 1398 | Nicholas Bubwith | 1406 | Henry Chicheley | 1408 | Nicholas Fleming | 1404 |
Thomas Arundel | 1399 | Henry Bowet | 1407 | Richard Clifford | 1407 | Thomas Langley | 1406 | John Catterick | 1414 |
Henry V | 1413 | Henry Chicheley | 1414 | John Kempe | 1422 | Stephen Patrington | 1415 | John Swayn (resigned) | 1417 |
Henry VI | 1422 | John Kempe | 1426 | William Grey | 1426 | Benedict Nicholls | 1418 |
Robert Fitz-Hugh | 1431 | Thomas Redburne | 1433 |
John Stafford | 1443 | Robert Gilbert | 1436 | Robert Neville | 1438 | William Lyndwood | 1442 | John Prene | 1439 |
John Kempe | 1452 | William Booth | 1452 | Thomas Kempe | 1450 | John Langton | 1447 | John Mey | 1444 |
Thomas Bouchler | 1454 | Lawrence Booth | 1457 | John Delabere | 1447 | John Bole | 1457 |
Edward IV | 1461 | George Neville | 1465 | Robert Tully | 1460 |
Lawrence Booth | 1476 | William Dudley | 1476 | Richard Martin | 1482 | John Foxall | 1475 |
Edward V | 1483 | Thomas Rotherham | 1480 | Richard Hill | 1489 | Thomas Langton | 1483 | Edmund Connesburgh | 1477 |
Richard III | 1483 | John Sherwood | 1485 | Hugh Parry | 1485 | Octavian de Palatio | 1480 |
Henry VII | 1485 | Thomas Savage | 1496 | Richard Fox | 1494 | John Morgan | 1496 |
John Morton | 1486 | Thomas Savage | 1501 | William Warham | 1502 | William Sever | 1502 |
Henry Dene | 1501 | William Barons | 1504 | Robert Sherborne | 1505 |
William Warham | 1503-32 | Christopher Bainbrigg | 1508 | Richard Fitz-James | 1506 | Christopher Bainbrigg | 1507 |
Thomas Wolsey | 1514 | Thomas Ruthall | 1509 | Edward Vaughan | 1509 | John Kite | 1513 |
Cuthbert Tunstall | 1522 | Thomas Wolsey | 1523 | Richard Rawlings | 1523 | George Cromer | 1522 |
Henry VIII | 1509 | Edward Lee | 1531 | John Stokesley | 1530 | Cuthbert Tunstall | 1530 | William Barlow | 1536 |
Robert Holgate | 1545 | Edmund Bonner | 1540 | Robert Ferrar | 1548 | George Dowdall | 1543 |
Thomas Cranmer | 1533 | Nicholas Ridley | 1550 | Hugh Goodacre | 1552 |
Nicholas Heath | 1555 | Edmund Bonner (rest'd) | 1553 | Henry Morgan | 1554 |
Edward VI | 1547 | Thomas Young | 1561 | Edmund Grindal | 1559 | James Pilkington | 1561 | Thomas Young | 1560 | Adam Loftus | 1562 |
Mary | 1553 | Reginald Pole | 1556-58 | Edmund Grindal | 1570 | Edwin Sandys | 1570 | Richard Davies | 1561 | Thomas Lancaster | 1568 |
Elizabeth | 1558 | Matthew Parker | 1559 | Edwin Sandys | 1577 | John Aylmer | 1577 | Richard Barnes | 1577 | Marmaduke Middleton | 1582 | John Long | 1584 |
John Piers | 1589 | Richard Fletcher | 1595 | Matthew Hutton | 1589 | Anthony Rudd | 1594 | John Garvey | 1589 |
Edmund Grindal | 1575 | Matthew Hutton | 1595 | Richard Bancroft | 1597 | Tobias Matthew | 1595 | Henry Ussher | 1595 |
John Whitgift | 1583 | Richard Vaughan | 1604 |
Tobias Matthew | 1606 | Thomas Ravis | 1607 | William James | 1606 |
James I | 1603 | Richard Bancroft | 1604-10 | George Abbot | 1610 | Christopher Hampton | 1613 |
George Monteigne | 1628 | John King | 1611 | Richard Neile | 1617 | Richard Milbourne | 1615 |
George Abbot | 1611 | Samuel Haranet | 1628 | George Monteigne | 1621 | George Monteigne | 1627 | William Laud | 1621 | James Ussher | 1624 |
Richard Neile | 1632 | William Laud | 1628 | John Howson | 1628 | Theophilus Field | 1627 |
Charles I | 1625 | William Laud | 1633 | John Williams | 1641 | William Juxon | 1633 | Thomas Morton | 1632 | Roger Mainwaring | 1636 |
Beheaded 1645, See vacant. | Died 1650, See vacant. | Died 1659, see vacant | Died 1653, see vacant |
. |
(Interregnum, 1649) | [The bishops driven from their dioceses and the clergy ejected from their benefices. Abolition of the House of Lords, Civil War. Great sufferings of the clergy. Oppression of the faithful laity. Rivalries of the Presbyterians and Indepependents. The use of Prayer Book and the administration of the Sacraments made a penal offence. Religious Anarchy. Suppression of personal liberty. Abolition of the House of Commons. Military dictatorship of Cromwell. Restoration of the Monarchy and Revival of the Church.) |
. |
Charles II | 1660 | William Juxon | 1660 | Accepted Frewen | 1660 | Gilbert Sheldon | 1660 | John Cosin | 1660 | William Lucy | 1660 | John Bramhall | 1660 |
Gilbert Sheldon | 1663 | Richard Sterne | 1664 | Humphrey Henchman | 1663 | James Margetson | 1663 |
William Sancroft | 1677/8 | Henry Compton | 1675 | Nathaniel, Lord Crewe | 1674 | William Thomas | 1678 | Michael Boyle | 1678 |
John Dolben | 1683 | Lawrence Womack | 1683 |
James II | 1685 | Thomas Lamplugh | 1688 | John Lloyd | 1686 |
. |
[Attempt of the King to subject the country to Papal domination. Protest and Imprisonment of "The Seven Bishops," viz:- Archbishop Sancroft of Canterbury, and Bisops Lloyd of St. Asaph, Ken of Bath and Wells, Trelawney of Bristol, Lake of Chichester, Turner of Ely, and White of Peterborough, Their notable trial at Westminster and triumphant acquittal. The Revolution.) |
. |
William III | 1689 | John Tillotson | 1691-94 | John Sharpe | 1691 | . | . | . | . | Thomas Watson | 1687 | . | . |
Anne | 1702 | Thomas Tenison | 1695 | George Bull | 1705 | Narcissus Marsh | 1702 |
Philip Bisse | 1710 |
George I | 1714 | William Wake | 1715/6 | Sir William Dawes | 1714 | John Robinson | 1714 | Adam Ottley | 1713 | Thomas Lindsay | 1713 |
Lancelot Blackburne | 1724 | Edmund Gibson | 1723 | William Talbot | 1722 | Richard Smallbrooke | 1724 | Hugh Boulter | 1724 |
George II | 1727 | Edward Chandler | 1730 | Elias Sydall | 1731 |
John Potter | 1737 | Nicholas Clagget | 1732 |
Thomas Herring | 1743 | *Edward Willes | 1743 | John Hoadley | 1742 |
Thomas Herring | 1747 | Matthew Hutton | 1747 | Thomas Sherlock | 1748 | Joseph Butler | 1750 | Hon. Richard Trevor | 1744 | George Stone | 1746 |
Matthew Hutton | 1757 | John Gilbert | 1757 | Richard Trevor | 1752 | Anthony Ellis | 1752 |
George III | 1760 | Thomas Secker | 1758 | Hon. Robt. Hay Drummond | 1761 | Thomas Hayter | 1761 | Samuel Squire | 1761 |
Frederick Cornwallis | 1768 | Richard Osbaldeston | 1762 | Robert Lowth | 1766 | Richard Robinson | 1765 |
Richard Terrick | 1764 | John Egerton | 1771 | Charles Moss | 1766 |
William Markham | 1777 | Robert Lowth | 1777 | Hon. James Yorke | 1774 |
John Warren | 1779 |
John Moore | 1783 | Beilby Porteous | 1787 | Thomas Thurlow | 1787 | Edward Smallwell | 1783 |
Hon. Shute Barrington | 1791 | Samuel Horsley | 1788 |
Hon. William Stuart | 1794 | William Newcome | 1795 |
Charles Manners Sutton | 1805 | John Randolph | 1809 | Lord George Murray | 1800 | William Stewart | 1800 |
Edw. V. Vernon Harcourt | 1808 | William Howley | 1813 | Thomas Burgess | 1803 |
George IV | 1820 | William Howley | 1828 | Charles James Blomfield | 1828 | William Van Mildert | 1826 | John Banks Jenkinson | 1825 | Lord John G. Beresford | 1822 |
William IV | 1830 | Edward Maltby | 1836 |
Victoria | 1837 | John Bird Sumner | 1848 | Thomas Musgrave | 1847 | Chas. Thos. Longley | 1856 | Connop Thirlwall | 1840 |
Chas. Thos. Langley | 1862 | Chas. Thos. Longley | 1860 | Arch. Campbell Tait | 1856 | Hon. H. Montagu Villiers | 1860 | Marcus G. Beresford | 1862 |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Foundation of nine additional Bishoprics in England. Great increase of the Episcopate in the Colonies. Rivival of the Convocations of the Clergy of Canterbury and York. Revision of the Authorised Version of the Bible. Establishment of Diocesan Conferences of Clergy and Laity. Meeting of the Pan-Anglican Conference of Bishops at Lambeth. Establishment of Houses of Laymen for both English Provinces. Great efforts of the Church for the Education of the People. Great increase in the Foreign Missionary work of the Church. |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Arch. Campbell Tait | 1868-82 | William Thomson | 1863 | John Jackson | 1869 | Charles Baring | 1861 | Wm. Basil T. Jones | 1874 | Robert Knox | 1886 |
Edward White Benson | 1883 | William Connor Magee | 1891 | Frederick Temple | 1885 | Josh. Barber Lightfoot | 1879 | Disestablished Bishops | Robt. Samuel Gregg | 1894 |
Edward VII | 1901 | Frederick Temple | 1896-02 | William D. Maclagan | 1891 | Mandell Creighton | 1896 | Brooke Foss Westcott | 1890 | John Owen | 1897 | William Alexander | 1896 |
George V | 1910 | Randall Davidson | 1903 | Cosmo Gordon Lang | 1908 | A. F.Winnington-Ingram | 1901 | Handley C.G. Moule | 1901 | David Prosser | 1926 | John Crozier | 1911 |
Cosmo Gordon Lang | 1928 | William Temple | 1929 | Herbert Hensley | 1920 | Charles D'Arcy | 1920 |
Edward VIII | 1936 | William Temple | 1942-44 | Geoffrey Francis Fisher | 1939 | Godfrey Day | 1938 |
George VI | 1936 | Geoffrey Francis Fisher | 1945 | Cyril Forster Garbett | 1942 | John W.C. Wand | 1945 | Alwyn Terrell Petre | 1939 | William Havard | 1950 | John Gregg | 1939 |
Elizabeth II | 1952 | Arthur Michael Ramsey | 1961 | Arthur Michael Ramsey | 1956 | Henry M. Campbell | 1956 | Arthur Michael Ramsey | 1952 | John Richards | 1956 | James McCann | 1959 |
Fredk. Donald Coggan | 1974 | Fredk. Donald Coggan | 1961 | Robert Wright Stopford | 1961 | Maurice Henry Harland | 1956 | Eric Roberts | 1971 | George Simms | 1969 |
Robert Runcie | 1980 | Stuart Blanche | 1974 | Gerald Alexander Ellison | 1973 | Ian Thomas Ramsey | 1966 | George Noakes | 1982 | John Armstrong | 1980 |
George Carey | 1991 | John Stapylton Habgood | 1983 | Graham Leonard | 1981 | John S. Habgood | 1973 | Ivor Rees | 1991 | Robin Eames | 1986 |
Rowan Williams | 2002 | David Hope | 1995 | David Hope | 1991 | David Jenkins | 1984 | Huw Jones | 1996 | Alan Harper | 2007 |
Justin Welby | 2013 | John Sentamu | 2005 | Richard Chartres | 1995 | Michael Turnbull | 1994 | Carl Cooper | 2002 | Richard Clarke | 2012 |
| | | | | | Tom Wright | 2003 | Wyn Evans | 2008 | | |
| | | | | | Justin Welby | 2011 | | | | |
| | | | | | Paul Butler | 2014 | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that the data in this table is accurate, I offer no guarantees that this is so. Original Table generated by Colin Hinson who added some corrections and additions by Barney Tyrwhitt-Drake. |