UK and Ireland: Societies
Family History and Genealogy Societies - the GENUKI listing
(The list is organised by geographical area, and gives details of Family History Societies, and of various other societies that are also concerned with UK & Irish genealogy and family history and associated interests, with contact addresses and links to the societies' own web pages.)
Other Societies:
- There is a major national society, the Society of Genealogists, a large number of local societies. Many of these are grouped together into the Federation of Family History Societies, and the Scottish Association of Family History Societies.
- The Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives - "The Association of Genealogists and Researchers in Archives (AGRA) was founded to maintain and promote high standards of professional conduct in the field of genealogy and the reporting of historical research. . . The Members List contains the names of all members and gives details of those who are available to accept commissions."
- The British Records Association aims to encourage and assist with the preservation, care use and publication of historical records.
- The Family and Local History Indexing Group (archived copy) - "FLHIG was formed in June 2004 from the former Genealogical Group of the Society of Indexers (SIGG), continuing with similar aims."
- Family & Community Historical Research Society - scope: "research topics such as Victorian social history, migration, Victorian social classes & history, local history projects, research projects for pre - Victorian England, plus many more aspects of UK 18th, 19th & 20th century family & community history research."
- Details of Local History Societies provided by Local History Magazine.
- The Ulster Historical Foundation provides help with Irish Research.
- GENfair is a commercial organisation which offers online sales of genealogical services and publications. Some Family History Societies in the United Kingdom use GENfair for their online publications sales and membership applications/renewals.
- The British Association for Local History seeks to promote interest local history. The association's publications include The Local Historian - a searchable database of items from this publication is planned.
- The Knights of St Columba "are an Order of Catholic Laymen dedicated to the Service of the Church and fellow man. The Organisation, which is non-political and essentially democratic, exists to support the mission of the Catholic Church and at the same time to work for the spiritual and material good of its members and their families."
- The United Grand Lodge of England is the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales and the Channel Islands. There are similar Grand Lodges serving Ireland and Scotland.
- The Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland was founded in 1885 "by directors of the The French Hospital [founded in 1718] to promote the publication and interchange of Knowledge about Huguenots and to form a bond of fellowship of those who, whether or not of Huguenot descent, respect and admire The Huguenots and seek to perpetuate their memory.
- The Catholic Archive Society is "a voluntary organisation founded in 1979 to promote the care of the archives of the Roman Catholic Church in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland".
- Centre for Research into Freemasonry at the University of Sheffield.
- Freemasons, Friendly Societies and Trade Unions - Articles & Essays.
- The History of the Foresters - from the Foresters Friendly Society website (archived copy).
- The British Agricultural History Society - who provide full texts of back numbers of their Agricultural History Review.
- The Family and Community Historical Research Society - the "aims of the Society are to promote and communicate research in family and community history, with a particular emphasis on the contribution of locally based micro-studies".