Politics & Government information for Bradford and places above it in the hierarchy
- In 1889, Ben Tillett came to notice for the part he played in the London Dock strike. As a result of his activities, he was asked to stand as Parliamentary candidate for the Eastern Division of Bradford, but replied 'I shall never seek Parliamentary honours until I have the hearts and consciences of a constituency to back me up in the most spontaneous fashion'. A petition, was signed by over 1000 Bradford people whose names and other information are given in the results of Carol Bartlett's research into the Tillett Petition.
- The US National Archives has an interesting page on the Magna Carta.
- The English Bill of Rights (1689) was the forerunner of the US Constitution.
- The Village Labourer 1760-1832: A Study in the Government of England before the Reform Bill by J.L. and Barbara Hammond (Originally published 1911, New Edition, 1920.)
UK and Ireland
- Links to Local Government Websites (archived copy, July 2022) provided by UK250.
- List of Open Central Government Websites provided by the Cabinet Office.
- Government Publications
- The Developing Franchise - British Isles (archived copy), by Timothy Owston.
- Transcripts of Various Acts of Parliament of Interest to the Genealogist - a large collection, provided by Guy Etchells.
- The Official Home of Revised UK Legislation: The National Archives provide free online full text searchable access to all UK legislation from as early as 1267 for the UK and 1953 for that from the EU, for anyone who is interested in historical UK legislations for their research.