For details of guides and textbooks on genealogy and family history, see the Genealogy section.
What's here
- Internet Archive Texts - "The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books"
- Open Library - "an interface to the published books on and links to other online book collections"
- HathiTrust - contains over 10 million digitised volumes, including many (all?) of Google Book's and the Internet Archive's available full texts, but also a lot of volumes related to history and genealogy from other sources.
- Google Books Library Project- "An enhanced card catalog of the world's books . . If the book is out of copyright, you'll be able to view and download the entire book".
- The British Library's Catalogue Search allows you to search for over 13 million books in their collection.
- Bibliography of British and Irish History - "The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) is the most comprehensive and accurate guide available to what's been written about British and Irish history. It's an essential resource for research and teaching. BBIH is a subscription service and is available remotely via university and research libraries worldwide."
- The on-line Books Page provides links to "over 3 million free books on the Web".
- The Clique - Booktrade and Library Information Services. "Booktrade information for British booksellers, librarians, learned, literary and historical societies, associations and their members for over a century." Information relating to old, rare and out-of-print books in Britain and lists of societies, booksellers and libraries etc.
- The Victorian Women Writers' Project aims "to produce highly accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the 19th century".
- The British Book Trade Index, or BBTI, is an index of the names and brief biographical details and trade details of people who worked in the book trade in England and Wales and who were trading by 1851.
- The Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History provided by Ian Maxted.
- The New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors aims to catalog all deceased authors, and all authors of books published before 1964, as an aid to determining copyright status.
- A very large collection of out-of-copyright books is made available by the Internet Archive.
- The Archive CD Books Project - Book Depository listing of the Project's output. "Archive CD Books was a web site that coordinated the on-going and important project of reproducing old books, maps and other documents of historical significance by scanning them and then transferring these scanned images onto CD" (Review.)
- The History Press. "the UK's largest local and specialist history publisher".
- Halsgrove Publishing's Community History Series.
- GENfair - FFHS-associated "online shop for books, CDs, fiche, maps, etc."
- The Society of Genealogists Bookshop
- The Parish Chest - The Family History Federation's comprehensive online shopping facility, for publications from individual family history societies, together with other genealogical goods and services.
- Current Publications from 'The Family History Partnership. (The Partnership's members include such authors as Colin Chapman, Jeremy Gibson, and Stuart Raymond.)
- Chapel Books - "Books and documents for the genealogist and local historian researching England, Wales and Scotland ... arranged by county."
- The National Archives Bookshop - "the full range of National Archives publications, plus other titles selected to aid your research."
- Family History Bookshop - at The Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, Canterbury.
- - Great Britain/British - from "The World's Largest Publishers of Genealogical Reference Books."
- Internet Genealogical Bookshop - books from all major genealogy and local history publishers.
- Family History Books Online - a service from the Family History Federation
- - "Biblio offers over 85 million used, rare and out-of-print books."
- Abe Books - "the world's largest online marketplace for books"
- BookFinder - "A one-stop search site that lets users view the collections of over 50,000 sellers of new, used, rare, and out of print books."
- AddAll - "Book Search and Price Comparison."
- Archive CD Books USA and (via the Book Depository) Archive CD Books UK sell digital reproductions of old books.
- BookButler (archived copy) is a portal to over 60 online book stores, many specialising in second-hand texts and avoids searching each store individually.