


Genealogy information for Boynton and places above it in the hierarchy


  • For those interested in the Boynton family name, it seems that the Boyntons left Boynton around 1231. There are however Boynton family graves etc. in Barmston, Burton Agnes and other parishes (see the East Riding Parish index for links to all the parishes).
  • There are several web sites dealing with the Boynton family, including one set up by Bob Boynton.


  • Surnames interest lists:
  • Mailing lists
    • As you can see from the list below, there are many genealogical mailing lists for Yorkshire. The most active list is YORKSGEN which covers the whole of Yorkshire. Most of the rest of the lists deal with specific towns or small areas. Please keep in mind that someone subscribed to Yorksgen but has an interest in (for instance) Bradford, may not be a subscriber to the Bradford list.
    • There have been big changes with mailing lists (January 2020) in that Ancestry in their wisdom decided to stop active access to the Rootsweb mailing lists, though you can still access the archives there. As a consequence of this, most of the mailing lists have moved to groups.io, and the links below will take you to the relevant page on the groups.io server as these become known. You will find information on how to subscribe there. If you are looking for other mailing lists for the UK, then use the Genuki list of Mailing lists (assuming that the links there work)
    • The YORKSGEN Mailing Group is a moderated group administrated by Lin Duke, dedicated to the genealogy, and history of the whole of the County of Yorkshire. The scope of this list covers the pre-1974 county boundaries. Note that this list now includes the old "ENG-YORKSHIRE", "ENG-YKS-HARROGATE", "ENG-YKS-ROTHERHAM" and "ENG-YKS-YORK" lists which Lin used to administer - she has now terminated these.
    • The West Riding Mailing Group is a moderated group administrated by Lin Duke, dedicated to the genealogy and history of the (old) West Riding of Yorkshire. The scope of this list covers the pre-1974 county boundaries which is the area relevant to genealogy.
    • The East Riding Mailing Group is a moderated group administrated by Lin Duke, dedicated to the genealogy, and history of the (old) East Riding of Yorkshire. The scope of this list covers the pre-1974 county boundaries which is the area relevant to genealogy.
    • The North Riding Mailing Group is a moderated group administrated by Lin Duke, dedicated to the genealogy, and history of the (old) North Riding of Yorkshire. The scope of this list covers the pre-1974 county boundaries which is the area relevant to genealogy, and also the present North Yorkshire (please note that North Yorkshire covers a large part of the old West Riding, parts of the old East Riding, but not all of the old North Riding)
    • The SHEFFIELD Mailing Group is a moderated group dedicated to the genealogy and history of the Sheffield and Rotherham areas. The scope of this list covers the same areas as those covered by the Sheffield FHS and the Rotherham FHS.
    • The BRADFORD Mailing list is an unmoderated mailing list administered by Kim Milne. We focus on the area that is covered by the present day Bradford Postal Codes. BD 1-23. Skipton to the North, Tong to the east, Cleckheaton to the south and Keighley area to the west.
    • The ENG-YORKSHIRE Mailing List no longer exists - combined with Yorksgen (see above).
    • The HARROGATE Mailing List no longer exists - combined with Yorksgen (see above).
    • The YORK Mailing List no longer exists - combined with Yorksgen (see above).
    • The ROTHERHAM Mailing List no longer exists - combined with Yorksgen (see above), but note the Sheffield list below
    • The ENG-TODMORDEN Mailing Group is a moderated group, dedicated to the genealogy and history of Todmorden which borders both Lancashire and Yorkshire.
    • The UPPER DALES GROUP mailing list covers Swaledale and Wensleydale, the most northerly of the Yorkshire dales, and the surrounding area.
    • There are also some other mailing lists that cover areas covered by the above, such as the border areas of Yorkshire/Lancashire ( ENG-LANCS-YORKS).
    • A list of all the mailing lists covering the counties of England and English subjects (under "General") can be found in John Fuller's list of Mailing Lists.
    • The following mailing lists are now inactive, but the contents can still be browsed or searched:
      • Barnsley, Craven, Dewsbury Doncaster, Halifax, Harrogate, Hull, Leeds, Rotherham, and York. If you have an interest in any of these places, please use the "Yorksgen" mailing group (see above).
      To browse or search the Rootsweb archives, go to the list of indexes and enter the relevant place name in the "Find a list" search box.
  • For those new to Genealogy and Family History, the late Roy Stockdill wrote a " Newbies Guide". While this is written for the West Riding of Yorkshire, most of the information will be of interest to a far wider audience. This file should be read in conjunction with the Genuki " Getting started" pages.
  • There are some additional Genealogical links (and some non-genealogical links such as recipes) for Yorkshire on the Blunham home page.
  • The YORKSGEN lectures and presentations took place in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006 with occasional meets for a meal. These presentations were primarily for subscribers to YORKSGEN, but anyone interested in Yorkshire genealogy was welcome to attend. There are programmes of talks and visits, and opportunities to listen to experts on Yorkshire genealogy. The 2000 event was organised by Conrad Plowman and Anne Harley to whom lots of thanks must go. Resulting from these events are quite a few photographs (along with some sound files).
  • Genweb has a section for Yorkshire.


UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Genealogy - links and information.