


Genealogy information for Berkshire and places above it in the hierarchy


  • Help from Genuki to get you started: 
  • Help from the Berkshire FHS:
  • Research Services
  • Professional research:  For those thinking of using the services of a paid researcher, and only in response to a prior written application, Berkshire FHS can return a short list of names and contact details of researchers who undertake commissioned projects. This information is offered by the society purely as a public service. Inclusion of a researcher on a list neither constitutes nor implies recommendation, endorsement or warranty of any kind by the society. Client and researcher should always negotiate any commissioned work directly and in entirety.
  • Mailing lists, message boards and forums for Berkshire: 
    • Berkshire FHS runs for its members the most active forum to discuss issues concerning Berkshire genealogy and to solicit help and advice.  
    • Facebook Berkshire genealogy group.
    • Groups.io discusion group Berkshire Genealogy  - for the discussion of genealogy and family history relating to the county of Berkshire, UK. (It replaces the now closed BERKSHIRE list at RootsWeb).
    • British Genealogy
    • Curious Fox is a village by village contact site for anybody researching family history, genealogy and local history in the UK and Ireland. Every UK county, town and village has a page for family history, local history, surname and genealogy enquiries.


UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Genealogy - links and information.