


Directories information for Berkshire and places above it in the hierarchy


  • General information about Directories in UK and Ireland.  
  • Electoral Registers and Poll  Books  - see Voting Registers
  • Hearth tax returns - see Taxation.  
  • Jurors Lists (those qualified to serve on a jury) are held by the RBA, including the period 1897-1922 (ref. Q/RJ/1 to 19). They typically list just the names and qualification.
  • Militia muster rolls - see Military Records
  • Protestation Returns for Berkshire, 1641/1642 - copies are held by the RBA (T/A 40) and the originals and digital copies are held at the Parliamentary Archives.  On the eve of the English Civil War, Parliament ordered that a protestation be made as an oath of allegiance to the King, to Parliament and to the established church. Signed initially by members of Parliament in 1641, the order to take the protestation was later extended to all males in England and Wales over the age of eighteen. The officials of the parish were required to make the oath in front of the Justices of the Peace of the hundred, and then in turn the parish officials administered the oath of loyalty for their parishioners. The returns usually take the form of a list of the names of all of the men in the parish over the age of eighteen who took the protestation.  Very occasionally, children and servants are listed, as in the case of Sutton Courtenay; or women took the protestation, as in the case of West Shefford. Those who refused to take the oath also had their names listed. The returns were later used to identify Roman Catholics by their refusal, who were then subject to increased taxation.  The returns that survive for Berkshire offer partial but substantial coverage, with most of central Berkshire extant.  Only males are listed and no family relationships. See article in the Berkshire Family Historian, Vol 23, Sep 2009, page 15.
  • Rate Books and Valuation Lists - see Taxation.
  • Trade Directories 
    • See sample pages from a 1915 directory.
    • The University of Leicester's free online Historical Directories collection currently (2020) includes 12 directories for Berkshire from 1833 to 1915.
    • Berkshire FHS sell various Berkshire trade directories 1842 to 1931. 
    • Reading Central Library holds various trade directories for reference, the earliest being the Universal British Directory of 1796.  To see what is available, search in their catalogue for "directory".  They also provide free online the following:  The Post-Office Reading directory 1842Macaulay's Reading directory, almanac, and official register 1865, and Steven's Directory of Reading and neighbourhood 1888.  
    • Windsor and Maidenhead libraries hold a selection of local directories.
    • Direct Resources have provided Surname Indexes to several trade directories of around 1848. The 1847 index for Berkshire includes 4,641 surnames.
    • Stephen Whatley's Gazetteer of England of 1750 is available free online from Google Books in two volumes, with an index from Mel Lockie.  It was never intended to be a complete gazetteer and Whatley concentrates on medieval lordships and their history of ownership but it provides a unique source of information about places not otherwise mentioned in conventional gazetteers.
    • British-Genealogy.com features a list of county directories for Berkshire at parish chest
    • The Genealogist offers subscription access to some Trade Directories.


UK and Ireland