


Genealogy information for County Carlow and places above it in the hierarchy

County Carlow

  • The Ireland Genealogy Project's County Carlow page, and its listing of the Project's available Carlow Records
  • The Irish Ancestors website (subscription) has the following types of records: State Registration of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Census returns, Land records, Church records, Genealogical Office records, Gravestone inscriptions, Directories, Newspapers, Wills, Deeds, and Occupations.
  • Irish Ancestors' extensive County Carlow website.
  • The LDS FamilySearch Wiki's Ireland Online Genealogy Records.
  • The Fianna website's pages for County Carlow provide important addresses and extensive information about online and other genealogy resources.
  • Roots Ireland (subscription) "offers access to a unique database of more than 20 million Irish records". Its Carlow coverage includes Baptismal/Birth Records, Marriage Records, and Griffith's Valuation (Free Access).
  • County Carlow Ireland Gen Web


Online Resources


  • Going to Ireland: A Genealogical Researcher's Guide. Irvine, Sherry and Nora M Hickey. Trafford Publishing, Victoria, Canada.
  • The Plantation of Ulster  Jonathon Bardon, Gill Books.

The North of Ireland Family History Society have these research guides for sale

  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: A Beginners Guide.
  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: A Research Guide.
  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: Websites.
  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: Locating Church Records.
  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: Census Records.
  •     Researching Your Ancestors in the North of Ireland: Emigration to Australia & New Zealand.

Family History Societies

News Groups & Mailing Lists


UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Genealogy - links and information.