


Taxation information for Melrose and places above it in the hierarchy


In the 1690s a tax was levied by Parliament on every hearth in Scotland. Both landowners and tenants had to pay this tax and are therefore recorded in the records which were kept at the time. The Melrose hearth tax records (reference E69/21) are held at the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh, as are many other tax records for the parish. In 2002 I transcribed these hearth tax records and analysed them as part of my postgraduate Masters degree. My notes from this are now online.


Many taxation records are held at The National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh.

  • Historical Tax Rolls  - Carriage tax rolls, cart tax rolls, clock and watch tax rolls, consolidated schedules of assessed taxes, dog tax rolls, farm horse tax rolls, female servant tax rolls, hearth tax records, horse tax rolls, inhabited house tax, land tax rolls, male servant tax rolls, poll tax rolls, shop tax rolls, window tax.

UK and Ireland

Gibson, Jeremy, Mervyn Medlycott and Dennis Mills. Land and Window Tax Assessments. Federation of Family History Societies (1998) 72pp. [ISBN-13: 978-1860060540]

Gibson, Jeremy. The Hearth Tax and other later Stuart Tax Lists and the Association Rolls.  Federation of Family History Societies (1996) 80pp. [ISBN-13: 978-1860060182] [The Hearth Tax was levied between 1662 and 1689 on each householder according to the number of hearths in their dwelling.]