


Law & Legislation information for Melrose and places above it in the hierarchy


A descriptive account of the records of one 16th century Melrose notary was published in 1997 by the Walter Mason Trust: The Protocol Book of Sir Ninian Brydin, 1536-1564 was transcribed, translated and edited by Teresa Maley and Walter Elliot. Sir Ninian Brydin was a notary in Selkirk from 1536 to 1545, worked in Edinburgh from 1546 to 1559, then returned to the Borders, working in the Bowden/Melrose area, between the years 1560 and 1564.


A transcript of the Protocol book of Sir William Corbet 1529-1555 edited by Rev. John Anderson and William Angus was published by the Scottish Record Society in 1911. According to the preface to the book, the legal transactions recorded "deal almost entirely with subjects in the counties of Roxburgh and Berwick, chiefly in the parishes of Linton and Merton". This is listed in the LDS Family History Library catalogue in microfilm format, so is hopefully available worldwide in LDS family history centres.


  • Most legal records in Scotland are held at The National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. Green's Glossary of Scottish Legal Terms may be of interest to anyone researching these records. It can be purchased through a number of family history societies and will be found in many libraries.
  • Published listings of lawyers include:
    • The Faculty of Advocates in Scotland 1532-1943 edited by Sir Francis J. Grant, published by Scottish Record Society, 1944.
    • The Lord Advocates of Scotland by George W.T. Omond, published in 3 volumes (1883-1914).
    • History of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen edited by John A. Henderson, published by New Spalding Club, 1912.
    • History of the Society of Writers to H.M. Signet (including list of members from 1594-1890), published by the Society of Writers to H.M. Signet in 1890.
    • The Register of the Society of Writers to the Signet, published at Edinburgh in 1983 (lists members up to recent times).
    • Scottish law list, published 1848-1849.
    • Index juridicus: the Scottish law list from 1852 onwards.
  • Scots Legal Glossary - a table listing some Scots legal terms, some Latin, that are used in legal documents and some obsolete terms that may be encountered by genealogists researching their Scots ancestry.