


Court Records information for Melrose and places above it in the hierarchy


As a Burgh of Regality, Melrose was presided over by a Regality Court. Many of these old court records were published at the start of this century:

  • Melrose Regality Records, 1547-1706
    Published by the Scottish History Society, 1914-17 (3 volumes).

These out of copyright books have been scanned and put online by the Internet Archive here, here and here.

Other court records relating to Melrose are held in the National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh.


Records of testaments, inventories etc. are held at the National Records of Scotland.

Graham and Emma Maxwell are putting online a searchable index to paternity cases for illegitimate births, based on records in the various courts about the Scottish Borders. This is an ongoing project.


Various court records are held at The National Records of Scotland in Edinburgh. These records include records of testaments and inventories, as well as civil and criminal court records.

Court Records held by the Mitchell Library, Glasgow.

UK and Ireland

  • The TNA has numerous Research Guides pertaining to Courts of Law.
  • Many coroners' inquests were subsequently reported in local newspapers  
  • The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640 - "The aim of the site is to make available to scholars, researchers, local historians and genealogists the records of the Court of Chivalry during its heyday between 1634 and 1640. Over this period the court dealt with well over a thousand cases of which it has been possible to recover details of 738. These cover a wide variety of topics relating to the social, political and cultural history of the period, from ship money and the Bishops' Wars to pew disputes and duelling, from heralds visitations and grants of arms to brawls in the street and quarrels at race meetings."
  • An Introduction to Quarter Sessions Records (archived copy), by Richard Ratcliffe.