


Maps information for Rousay and Egilshay and places above it in the hierarchy

Rousay and Egilshay

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference HY422303 (Lat/Lon: 59.155606, -3.012019), Rousay and Egilshay which are provided by:


UK Ordnance Survey maps contain a vast wealth of information, showing position and place names for cities, towns, villages, hamlets, farms and even individual houses. Their "getamap" page provides online access to sections of their current Landranger (1:50,000) and Pathfiner (1:25,000) maps. The northern isles are covered in the Landranger 5 map, Mainland in Landranger 6, and the southern isles in Landranger 7. They are an invaluable aid for serious Orkney genealogists.

Caledonian Books has reprinted four Ordnance Survey maps of Orkney, dating from about 1890. These are available from Caledonian Books, Collieston, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8RT, Scotland. Ask for sheets 117-120.

For an online gazetteer and the 1882 edition of Ordnance Survey see the Old Maps website.

For online copies of older maps of Orkney see the National Library of Scotland map images.

The online History of Orkney Maps by John K Chesters includes details of forty maps of Orkney dating from 1573 to 1883.

James Irvine's book The Orkneys and Schetland in Blaeu's Atlas Novus, 1654 looks at the fifth volume of Joanne Blaeu's Atlas Novus, the first comprehensive atlas of Scotland. Published in 1654, it contains the well-known map of Orkney and Shetland by Timothy Pont that includes more place-names than any subsequent map until the Ordnance Survey of the 19th century. This volume reproduces the map and the translated descriptions of Orkney and Shetland with editorial footnotes. The book (with colour illustrations and laminated case board cover) may be obtained direct from the editor at 11 Agates Lane, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 2NG. Cost: £14.95 + postage.


  • A guide to Scottish maps, their history and so on, was published by the Scottish Library Association in 1991. The Scot and His Maps by Margaret Wilkes is extensively illustrated and includes a further reading list at the back. It is 48 pages long and its ISBN 0 900649 81 X.
  • Both the National Library of Scotland and The National Records of Scotland have large collections of maps and plans. About 800 maps from the period 1560-1928 are available online. Local archive centres and libraries around Scotland will often hold maps for their areas.
  • Scotland under Robert The Bruce is a printed map produced by John Garnons Williams, which maps Scotland with the spellings of place names and clan names as they were at 1314, the year of Robert the Bruce's victory over the English at Bannockburn. The map shows over 600 place-names and 170 clan names in their earliest forms.
    (The former URL is no longer active.)
  • Map of Scotland by S. Lewis & Co., London, circa 1840
  • Betts's New Map Of Scotland, circa 1847
  • The Roy Maps and Gazetteer has a huge variety of maps from different areas and different eras.  A particularly fascinating map is the Roy Military Survey of Scotland 1747-55 which shows Scotland just post Culloden.  You can choose between the Highlands and Lowlands, select by county, place name or geographic location.

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