


Genealogy information for Rousay and Egilshay and places above it in the hierarchy

Rousay and Egilshay

  • The Rousay Roots website provides a wealth of genealogical information on Rousay families, including family histories of most of the old families in the islands of Rousay, Egilsay, and Wyre, censuses from 1841 to 1901 as well as monumental inscriptions from all the cemeteries in these three islands.


There are many organisations and individuals who are able and willing to help people to research their Orkney ancestry. Here is a list of some of them. Also listed are a number of written resources, online, which will be of help in family history research.

  • The Orkney Family History Society has a very helpful website for those researching their Orkney ancestry.
  • Bibliography of Orkney Family Genealogies
  • Civil registration of births, marriages, and deaths began in Scotland on 1st January, 1855. Copies of all the resulting records are housed in New Register House in Edinburgh. To access these records see Civil Registration.
  • Useful genealogical information is available in the Census section.
  • Dave Higgins's website is designed to help those researching the history of the Norquay family.
  • James M. Irvine's book Trace your Orkney ancestors contains a wealth of information about the many resources, both in Orkney and elsewhere, which may be of use to people researching their Orkney ancestry.
  • There is a page providingsome information about Orcadians who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company.
  • A good introduction to Scottish Family History research can be found here.


  • Scotland - Genealogy - links and information.
  • Genealogy in Time Magazine provides comprehensive monthly compilations of newly-available online resources - these cover numerous countries. Separate cumulative listings, covering from 2008 up to June 2016, are provided for England & Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
  • Society for One-Place Studies - Scotland.
  • The BBC's "Who Do You Think Your Are" Resources site - no longer being updated.
  • Ecclegen is a website which deals with ecclesiastical genealogy. It contains the whole of the text of Ewing’s Annals of the Free Church of Scotland, 1843-1900, along with supplementary material on a good number of the ministers. It also has a digital General Index of Scottish Presbyterian ministers. This contains the names of all the ministers listed in the Hew Scott’s Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae (Vols.1-8), Ewing’s Annals, David Scott’s Annals of the Original Secession Church; Small’s History of the Congregations of the United Presbyterian Church (Vols.1 and 2); and other lesser reference works. It is, I think, easy to search and a click will then take you to the appropriate page of these reference works. Only online material is listed in the Index and a link is provided in each case. This makes searching these works much easier.

UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Genealogy - links and information.