Dwellings information for Rousay and Egilshay and places above it in the hierarchy
Rousay and Egilshay
It is important to know the name of the farm or croft in which families resided in order to keep them all straight. For Rousay this job is made much easier due to Hugh Marwick's book The Place-Names of Rousay, described below under Names, Geographical.
- Orkney (Exploring Scotland's Heritage series): Author: Anna Ritchie. Published by HMSO, Edinburgh.
1996 (update of a 1985 edition on Orkney and Shetland). 163pp. In print.
Descriptions of 85 historical sites, with illustrations and nine suggested tours. - Orkney: An Illustrated Architectural Guide: by Leslie Burgher. Published by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland in 1991. 105pp. ISBN: 1-873190-02-6. In print.
Part of the publisher's "Architectural Guides to Scotland" series. Well illustrated with photographs and contains short descriptions and historical notes on 92 buildings. - Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments of Scotland: 12th Report, Volume II: Inventory of Monuments in Orkney: Ed. D Rollo. Published 1946 by HMSO Edinburgh.
Details of 1088 sites.
- The DiCamillo Companion to British and Irish Country Houses aims to list details of every country house ever built. There is a mass of information about history, architects, owners, estates, access, use as film sets, etc. You can search by county or town, as well as by house or owner name, etc.
- Raising the Bar, an introduction to Scotland's Historic Pubs, by Historic Scotland.
UK and Ireland
- The DiCamillo Companion to British and Irish County Houses - information on present and demolished country houses throughout UK and Ireland, including history, information about owners, etc.
- Lost Heritage lists significant English country houses which have been demolished, severely reduced in size, or are ruin, including many in Berkshire, some with pictures.
- British Listed Buildings Online is an online database of buildings and structures of architectural and historic interest with data for each building, some photographs, location on a map, Google Streetview and Bing Birds Eye View.
- The Land Registry offer historical reports of past ownership.
- Valuation Office survey 1910 - 1915. - see Taxation.
- For Public Houses (pubs) - see Occupations (under Inns, Hotels and Pubs).
Barratt, Nick. Tracing the History of Your House, PRO Publications (2006), 272pp. [ISBN-13: 978-1903365908].