


Occupations information for Peeblesshire and places above it in the hierarchy


Farm Servants and Labour in Lowland Scotland 1770-1914 edited by T.M. Devine (published in 1984 by John Donald Publishers Ltd of Edinburgh) includes a chapter by Michael Robson entitled "The Border Farm Worker". This appears on pages 71-96 of the book.

"The Peebles-shire Miners" by J.B. Fleming appeared on pages 150-156 of the May 1990 edition of the Scots Magazine (New Series, volume 133, No. 2).


  • A useful guide is D.R.Torrance's Scottish Trades, Professions, Vital Documents & Directories, published by the Scottish Association of Family History Societies.
  • For information on sailors in the past, see the Merchant Marine section.
  • Three useful work-related publications. The first is a general study of work in Scotland since 1800. The other two are specific works about farm servants in Lowland Scotland.
    • Industrial Nation: Work, Culture and Society in Scotland, 1800-Present by W.W.Knox, published by Edinburgh University Press in 1999.
    • Farm Servants and Labour in Lowland Scotland 1770-1914, edited by T.M.Devine, published by John Donald Publishers Ltd. in 1984.
    • Herds and Hinds: Farm Labour in Lowland Scotland, 1900-1939 by Richard Anthony, published by Tuckwell Press Ltd. in 1997.
  • The National Library of Scotland Scottish Book Trade index lists the names, trades and addresses of people involved in printing in Scotland up to 1850, and is fully searchable.

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