


Genealogy information for Peeblesshire and places above it in the hierarchy


Michael Robson's Surnames and Clansmen: Border family history in earlier days is a study of Border family life over three hundred years ago, based on extensive original research. The book includes an index of surnames mentioned (nearly 400) and focuses in detail on three of them for illustrative purposes (Chisholm, Mader/Mather, and Yarrow). The book was published by the author in 1998, has 200 pages, and its ISBN is 0953401502.

RootsWeb mailing lists covering this county are SCT-PEEBLES-SHIRE and BORDER.

Other online resources for Peeblesshire include the following:


  • Scotland - Genealogy - links and information.
  • Genealogy in Time Magazine provides comprehensive monthly compilations of newly-available online resources - these cover numerous countries. Separate cumulative listings, covering from 2008 up to June 2016, are provided for England & Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
  • Society for One-Place Studies - Scotland.
  • The BBC's "Who Do You Think Your Are" Resources site - no longer being updated.
  • Ecclegen is a website which deals with ecclesiastical genealogy. It contains the whole of the text of Ewing’s Annals of the Free Church of Scotland, 1843-1900, along with supplementary material on a good number of the ministers. It also has a digital General Index of Scottish Presbyterian ministers. This contains the names of all the ministers listed in the Hew Scott’s Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae (Vols.1-8), Ewing’s Annals, David Scott’s Annals of the Original Secession Church; Small’s History of the Congregations of the United Presbyterian Church (Vols.1 and 2); and other lesser reference works. It is, I think, easy to search and a click will then take you to the appropriate page of these reference works. Only online material is listed in the Index and a link is provided in each case. This makes searching these works much easier.

UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Genealogy - links and information.