Description & Travel information for Farlam and places above it in the hierarchy
The place-names of Cumberland and Westmorland by Sedgefield, Walter John, published in 1915, University Press (Manchester) is available as full-text from Open Library.
Historical Guides to the Lakes and a collection of historical prints are available on a LakesGuides (site formerly by the Geography Department, Portsmouth University)
Black's Guide to the English Lakes of Cumberland and Westmorland by Blacks, Edinburgh is available in Open Library.
Legends of Westmorland and the Lake district. Published in 1874, Hamilton, Adams, and Co.; [etc., etc.] (London) is available in Open Library.
Old photos of Cumberland are available on the Cumbrian page of the Francis Frith site.
Many present day photographs are available on Visit Cumbria.
Further Links to Cumberland, Lake District and Cumbria sites are provided on this site.
Cumbria and the Lake District Tourist Board.
- The EDGE Guide to Cumbria and the Lake District provides a wonderful overview of the area, including its history, sights, and many photographs.
- English Heritage are responsible for the care and repair of many buildings of historic importance. The Historic England Archive (previously the National Monuments Record) is English Heritage's public archive and is the home of around 10 million items covering England's buildings, archaeology and maritime sites. English Heritage's ambitious Images of England initiative aims to put a photograph of every listed building in England on the internet.
- The Badger's Heritage website features many pen and ink drawings of churches, schools, pubs, hotels, bridges, locks, mills, cottages & villages in Berkshire, Hampshire, Middlesex, Oxfordshire, Surrey, West Sussex and Wiltshire.
- Destination England from Lonely Planet.
- There are many links on the (Internet Archive snapshot from 2018) England's Buildings webring.
- ViewFinder - an online image resource for England's history provided by Historic England.
- The England in Particular website from Common Ground encourages the study of our own localities.
UK and Ireland
- Descriptions of the county and its towns and parishes from different periods can be found in trade directories from the early 19th century onwards - see Directories.
- Travel Writing - transcriptions of a number of books describing early travels in Britain, from Vision of Britain.
- The U.K. Database of Historic Parks and Gardens provided by Landscapes & Gardens at the University of York.
- The complete texts of Defoe's Tour of Great Britain (1778), Thompson's Tour of England and Scotland (1785) and Stebbing's Tour of the west of England. Made available by The Center for Retrospective Digitization, Göttingen State and University Library.
- Geograph British Isles - "aims to collect a geographically representative photograph for every square kilometre of the British Isles".
- Historical Aerial Photography - "an unsurpassed collection of information about old aerial photographs of the UK, from the 40's to the 90's..."
- Britain From Above - "the unique Aerofilms collection of aerial photographs from 1919-1953".
- Round the Coast scanned photographs from "An album of pictures from photographs of the chief seaside places of interest in Great Britain and Ireland" (George Newnes Ltd., 1895)" provided by by Rosemary and Stan Rodliffe.
- A modern map of the United Kingdom.