


Church History information for Biddlesden and places above it in the hierarchy


Biddlesden Abbey

In 1147, Ernald de Bosco, the steward to the Earl of Leicester, founded an abbey of the Cistercian Order, to the honour of St. Mary and St. Nicholas. Hence, with the earl's permisiion, the abbey was made subject to Gerondon Abbey in Leicestershire. The monks remained in quiet possession of the abbey until the dissolution, when it was finally surrendered in 1539. In Browne Willis's book, "The History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred and Deanry of Buckingham", he details the returns made by the King's Vistors at the Dissolution as follows:

"Value by the first survey 130l. 4s. 3d.
By the second Survey, 138l. 7s. 8d.
Monks there 11, whereof Priests Nine, Incontinent none, desirous Capacities One. An Abbat quodam having a Pencyon by Convent Seal 13l. 6s. 4d.
Servants 51, whereof Hinds 24, waiting Servants 13, Boys and Children 9, Women for the Dairy 4, Bells, Lead, and other Buildings worth there by Estimation 51l. 6s. 8d.
The entire Value of the moveable Goods 61l. 5s. 4d. Stocks and Stores none. Woods there 400 Acres."

Browne Willis also lists the 'Names of the Religous' at surrender together with their pensions as follows:

"To Richard Green, Abbat 40l.
To Thomas Todd, Sub Prior 6l.
To Robert Weston alias Bartlet, Richard Brackley alias Mayo, John Northampton alias Dawkins, Robert Northampton alias Tayler, John Shalleston alias Colles, John Aukland alias Robinson, John Bradley alias Keeling, Richard Shepshed alias Palfrey, or Palfreyman 5l. 6s. 8d. each. Here was also a pension of 20 Marks paid to Richard Benet, a quondam Abbat during Life, as certified by Dr. John London, one of the Visitors, who calls him a very honest Man, and says that divers of the Monks were very Aged Men."

Very soon after the Dissolution the church was demolished and then according to Browne Willis, the five large bells were sold, or given away by Sir Robert Peckham, to Denham parish, where they were used until 1683, when the 5 bells were were run into 8.

In 1712 Browne Willis visited the site of the Abbey ruins, and found a good proportion still standing (see 'Descriptions and Travel'). However, by the time he actually wrote his book he reported that all traces of the Abbey's existence had been removed, by the then owner Mr. John Sayer, the site being used for the building of the current house of Biddlesden Park.

St Nicholas

The chapel of St Nicholas was allegedly sited in an orchard near the principal house in Evershaw. However, by the early 18th century there was no trace left of it.

St Margaret

The original chapel of St Margaret's was built in the 13th Century, and was according to Browne Willis, approximately 40 to 50 feet long and 16 to 17 feet wide. The church reportortedly had a Bell Turret, and contained virtually no paintings or ornaments. After the destruction of the Abbey building this was used as the village church until 1730 when it was demolished and replaced when Biddleden Park was built.

The present church of St Margaret was built about 1730 by Henry Sayer. It is plain brick building with stone dressings and has a bell turret with one bell. There is a 14th century gravestone in the churchyard which came from Biddleden Abbey.


  • Photographs of churches in Buckinghamshire.
  • The Quaker FHS have a series of pages on locating Quaker Records in various parts of the UK. There are separate pages for most of the pre-1974 English counties, including Buckinghamshire.

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