


Church Records information for 3rd (Brookside) Presbyterian, Ahoghill, Presbyterian and places above it in the hierarchy

3rd (Brookside) Presbyterian, Ahoghill, Presbyterian

PRONI: Registers of Baptisms 1859-1962 and Marriages 1845-1911.

County Antrim

  • A guide to the parish records held at PRONI in Belfast can be found in this PDF file.
  • The National Library of Ireland (in Dublin) holds many Catholic Parish Registers, including those from County Antrim. Many of these have been digitised by the National Library of Ireland and can be searched online here.
  • This webpage lists the Roman Catholic parishes within County Antrim, indicating the earliest known existing parish registers and also where copy registers are held. Note that it does not claim to be a complete list.


General Guidance:

Prior to the commencement of the civil registration of births, deaths and marriages in 1864, parish registers may contain the only surviving record of a particular individual or family. They can supply evidence of direct links between one generation & the next (via baptismal registers) and between families (via marriage registers). Familysearch recommend the following strategy:

  1. Search any available surname indexes first. 
  2. Search all parish registers (and any other available church records) for the appropriate locality & time period. Include the available Church of Ireland records, even if your family was not Church of Ireland.  Widen your search area if you cannot find records in the expected locality.
  3. Note all entries, including burials, for the surname you are searching (unless the name is very common) and note gaps or missing pages in the records, as you may want to search alternative records for the missing time periods.
  4. If you find little or no mention of your family in parish records, search other records.
  5. Use the additional information (residence, occupation, etc.) given in parish registers to find other records to search.

Parish names and boundaries may differ between Roman Catholic Parishes, Church of Ireland Parishes and the name of the city/town. Reference should be made to an online sources such as the GENUKI Gazetteer, the IreAtlas Townland Database, or Irish Ancestors; or reference books (such as A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland by Mitchell Brian),

Research Guides:

Online Records:

  • The General Register Office (GRO) in Dublin gives free access to screenshots of their original civil registration records (fully surname-indexed) at www.irishgenealogy.ie.  These records include marriages that took place in churches for the period 1845-1947. Note that marriages in Roman Catholic churches were only recorded from 1864, and records for churches in the north of Ireland will cover only up to 1922.
  • The website www.irishgenealogy.ie (free) also gives access to digitised images of church baptism, marriage & burial records as follows:
    • Church of Ireland parishes in Dublin City, County Kerry and County Carlow
    • Roman Catholic parishes of Dublin City and County Cork (Cork and Ross except most of Cork City)
    • Roman Catholic Diocese of Kerry, includes parishes in western & north-western areas of County Cork.
    • A small number of Presbyterian records relating to a congregation in Lucan.

Specific Denominations:


Church of Ireland:

  • Online Records: Church of Ireland Anglican Record Project.
  • Online Guide: Church of Ireland records - availability, and range of years covered; information from Fianna.
  • Downloadable: Guide to PRONI holdings Your Family Tree Series - 3
  • Online Guide: Genealogy - Church of Ireland web site
  • Publication: Refaussé, Raymond, Dr., Church of Ireland Records, Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 2000






  • Online Information: Methodist Historical Society of Ireland
  • Downloadable Guide: PRONI Methodist Church Records - See page 3 of Your Family Tree Series - 3
  • Publication: ffeary-Smyrl, Steven C., Exploring Irish Genealogy, No. 1. Irish Methodists - Where do I start?, Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations, Dublin, 2000


Roman Catholic:

Society of Friends (Quaker):

  • Online Archive Guide: Historical Library, Quakers in Ireland, Dublin
  • Online Records: births, marriages, deaths, congregational records, and school records on FindMyPast (££/€€/$$).
  • Publication: Eustace, P. B. and Goodbody, O. C., Quaker Records Dublin Abstracts of Wills, Stationery Office for the Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin, 1957.
  • Publication: Goodbody, O. C. and Hutton, B. G., Guide to Irish Quaker records, 1654-1860, Genealogical Pub. Co. Baltimore, MD, 1999
  • Publication: Library of the Ulster Quarterly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 2000 CD-ROM, Craigavon Museum Services, Craigavon, (2000)
  • Publication: The Quaker Corner - from Joanne Todd Rabun of Eugene, Oregon, U.S.A.


These Websites offer national and multi-county indexes, transcriptions or images of parish registers

  • Irish Family History Foundation Parish Registers and Civil Registration with links to NLI images. (££/€€/$$)
  • Irish Genealogy Church Records Cork, Kerry and Dublin, Civil Records for Ireland Some images. (Free)
  • Emerald Ancestor  Births, deaths and marriages from historic Ulster (££/€€/$$)
  • Ulster Historical Foundation  Baptism and Marriage records Co. Antrim and Co. Down. (££/€€/$$)
  • Findmypast Ireland  Parish records from across Ireland and across all religions. Some images. (££/€€/$$)
  • Ancestry Parish records from across Ireland and across all religions. Some images. (££/€€/$$)
  • Familysearch: Parish records  indexes from across Ireland and across all religions. (Free)

The following libraries have collections that include indexes and transcriptions of parish registers:

UK and Ireland