It was founded in 1836 and closed in 1941. They had a Sunday school round the corner on Mount Street.
Councillor Rothwell has been associated with the Mount Street Sunday School all his life. He is still a teacher at the school and a local preacher on the Methodist Free Church Plan. In the latter capacity there is a great demand for his services and scarcely a Sunday passes without his being called to preach at least once at different churches in the district. He is a life long teetotaller and a member of the Order of the Sons of Temperance. He is the President of the Mount Street Band of Hope and has done much work in the cause of Temperance. He is the leader of the Christian Endeavour Society in connection with the St. Stephen-street Church, which organisation with only two other gentlemen he helped to establish. As President of the Lads' Club, as a Trustee of the Church, in the various institutions of which he has taken an active interest, Mr. Rothwell has found congenial spheres of labour............ Salford City Reporter 1st Sep 1906
The Wesleyan Methodist Association was formed in 1836. In 1857 they joined with the Methodist Reformers and the Protestant Methodists to form the United Methodist free church.
In 1907 the United Methodist Free Church merged with the Methodist New Connexion and the Bible Christians to form the United Methodist Church.
In 1932 the United Methodists joined with the Wesleyan Methodists and the Primitive Methodists to form the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
This site provides historical information about churches, other places of worship and cemeteries. It has no connection with the churches etc. themselves.