


Census information for Radnorshire and places above it in the hierarchy


Llandrindod Wells Library have copies of 1841 - 1901 census returns for all of Radnorshire, as have Powys Archives

The UK BMD web site "provides 2556 links to websites that offer on-line transcriptions of UK births, marriages, deaths and censuses. A wide range of other indexes and transcriptions are also available for most counties, these may include parish records, wills, monumental inscriptions etc..."

Carry out initial searches on all censuses 1841-1911  on  LDS Family Search  - using basic data supplied by Find My Past (subscription site) and all follow up searches are directed there


England and Wales - Census - links and information.

Census for England, Wales and Scotland: missing pieces. Details on Find My Past

Wales - census aid - piece numbers etc to allow a TNA search (for area descriptions etc)

NHS 1939 Register Service - National Archives site. "The 1939 Register, taken on 29 September 1939, provides a snapshot of the civilian population of England and Wales just after the outbreak of the Second World War. The information was to produce Identity Cards and, once rationing was introduced in January 1940, to facilitate the issuing of ration books. Information in the Register was also used to administer conscription and division of labour, and to monitor and control the movement of the population caused by military mobilisation and mass evacuation."

UK and Ireland

  • UK & Ireland - Census - links and information.