


Bibliography information for St John the Evangelist, Pendlebury, Church of England and places above it in the hierarchy

St John the Evangelist, Pendlebury, Church of England

'Victorian Period Piece' Studies Occasioned by a Lancashire Church by J. Stanley Leatherbarrow: London S.P.C.K 1954 ref. to St John's on page 144-145.


The following books contain useful information about the history of Lancashire.

  • "Family structure in nineteenth century Lancashire" by Michael Anderson. Cambridge University Press 1971. The book is based on a study of the 19th century census enumerators' books, both across several decades, and also on an in depth study of the 2% sample for 1851.
  • Lancashire: a genealogical bibliography. 3 vols. F.F.H.S., in association with S. A.& M.J.Raymond, 1996.

    Topics covered include the history of Lancashire, bibliographies and archival gu ides, journals and newspapers, pedigrees, biographical sources,occupational sour ces, family histories, parish registers, monumental inscriptions, probate record s, official lists of names, directories, estate and family papers, religious rec ords, records of national, county and local administration, educational sources, and migration. Published in three volumes:
    v.1. Sources.
    v.2. Registers Inscriptions & Wills.
    v.3. Family Histories & Pedigrees.

    Published by the Federation of Family History Societies in association with SA & MJ Raymond.

  • Lancashire History Quarterly.
  • "The Place-Names of Lancashire" by Eilert Eckwall.

An index to place names mentioned in the titles of topographical articles in the published volumes of the Victoria County History of Lancashire.


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