


Church History information for St Peters Sq, Scotch Presbyterian, Manchester and places above it in the hierarchy

St Peters Sq, Scotch Presbyterian, Manchester

It was founded before 1816. It closed in 1848.

SCOTCH CHURCH MANCHESTER - We have the satisfaction to announce, that the elegant edifice recently erected in St Peter's Square, for a place of worship in connection with the Church of Scotland, was opened last Sunday. The Rev. Dr. Muir of Edinburgh, officiated in the morning, and delivered a highly appropriate lecture on the 132d Psalm. In the afternoon the Rev. Alex. Munro, pastor of the congregation, preached a comprehensive and talented discourse from Hebrews vi, 1st and 3d, and in the evening the service was again conducted by Dr. Muir. The collections amounted to £134. The greater part of the sittings have already been taken, thus showing that the ordinances of public worship, so munifcently and tastefully provided for, will not be neglected by those whose benefit has, in this instance, been chiefly consulted. The building is of stone, in the Grecian style of architecture, and was commenced in August 1831. The interior decorations harmonize well with the simplicity of the exterior; the size withion the walls is 67 feet by 52, and the church is calculated to hold 1000 sitters. The pulpit, togethor with the precentor's desk, is the gift of John Kennedy, Esq.; it has been constructed of two different kinds of oak, and has a singularly beautiful appearance. The church is heated by water conveyed through pipes along the aisles, and is lighted by gas from handsome bronzed chandeliers. The cost of the building, including the purchase of the land, will amount to about £7500. - Manchester Guardian

from The Caledonian Mercury, 14 Feb 1833

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