


Description & Travel information for Glamorgan and places above it in the hierarchy


Rhondda Valley

Glamorgan parishes diagram

Conservation areas within the Vale of Glamorgan. "Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance"

The Book of South Wales, the Bristol Channel, Monmouthshire and the Wye 1847. By C F Cliffe. Here are selected extracts contributed by Josephine Jeremiah.

The Book of South Wales and the Wye 1861. By Mr and Mrs S.C.Hall. Here are selected extracts contributed by Jill Muir

Geography of South Wales - part of the Coalfield Web Materials site

Principal Markets and Fairs in South Wales. Extracted from Kelly's Directory South Wales 1910

Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516. The Gazetteer compiled by Dr Samantha Letters is a catalogue of markets and fairs in medieval England and Wales. This is the first comprehensive national survey.

Byng's Journal Of a Tour into South Wales, 1787..........'These tours are considered a last picture of pre-industrial England and Wales'. Here is a small collection of extracts compiled by Steve Keates

A Vision of Britain Through Time. "This site contains information about your home area from the 2001 census -- and from every earlier British census back to 1801. It can present this information both as maps of the whole country and as graphs showing change over time in your area. It truly offers a Vision of Britain through time"

The Glamorganshire Canal - Brief history with several photographs

Vale of Glamorgan Railway - on wikipedia

Glamorgan - on wikipedia


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