Richard Heaton's Index to Digitalised British and Irish Newspapers
Welsh Newspapers Online - A NLW site - search for/browse articles etc on designated newspapers
Newsplan Cymru Search here on a place name and it will report on which newspapers cover the area and where extant copies are held
Y Brython. National Library of Wales 'Treasurers' series. A Welsh-language magazine published in Tremadog between 1858 and 1863 under the editorship of Alltud Eifion (1815-1905) and D. Silvan Evans (1818-1903). "The Welsh-language magazine, Y Brython (1858-1863), has been digitised by the National Library in order to consider the amount of work involved and the issues which might arise from a project to digitise the whole of the Library's collection of pre-1900 Welsh and Wales-related periodicals on preservation microfilm....."
Online Newspapers Wales - links to Welsh newspaper web sites.
ABYZ News - links to Welsh newspaper web sites
Welsh Newspapers Welsh Library, University of Wales, Bangor "Newspapers are a priceless source, and one which is used extensively for all types of research, academic or otherwise, for subjects such as local and family history, social history, advertising and sport. The collection of the Welsh Library at Bangor is one of the most comprehensive in Wales"
The British Library Newspaper Library It holds the national archive collections in the United Kingdom of British and overseas newspapers.