GENUKI Management of Sections
Version 3
GENUKI pages are grouped into sections for reporting and maintenance purposes. A section is an identifiable set of GENUKI pages assigned to one or more maintainers, who are responsible for their integrity and currency. Any number of maintainers may be associated with a GENUKI section.
The list of maintainers is held in a table on the GENUKI web server which is indexed by an identifier consisting of the maintainer's unique set of initials. The table entries include the maintainer's email address.
The table of maintainers can be viewed on the maintainers page which lists all maintainers sorted alphabetically by surname. Selecting the name of a maintainer presents a more detailed page showing the GENUKI sections associated with the maintainer, and the maintenance roles in each section for which the maintainer is responsible. This page also flags problems requiring attention. This is designed to be the starting point for maintainers to see the sections and roles for which they are responsible, and what requires attention.
The more detailed maintainer pages list the sections and roles for which the maintainer is responsible. Unless indicated otherwise all roles in a section are being fully undertaken. A coloured star marks those where assistance is required:
- Active. This is the normal status and means that the section and/or role has a maintainer assigned who is actively updating web pages and/or database entries.
- Pending
. The section and/or role has a maintainer assigned but a replacement maintainer is being sought.
- Care and Maintenance
. The section and/or role has a maintainer assigned who is correcting broken links, and staying in touch with the GENUKI system administrator and Trustees but is not active in updating the section's web pages.
- Inactive
. No maintenance is being performed.
Each GENUKI section has a number of maintenance roles associated with it and each role is linked to one or more people in the maintainers table. There is no limit to the number of people that can be linked to each of the section's roles. The maintenance roles include:
- web - web page updates
- gaz - gazetteer updates
- chdb - church database updates
However, for the GENUKI Organisation Section (Org), defining additional roles also allows the provision of contact links for these roles. When the person performing that role changes it just requires a change to the relevant entry in the Section table.
The additional roles are:
- newm - contact with prospective new maintainers.
- chair - chair of the Genuki trust.
- copyr - handles copyright issues.