| Founded | Closed |
Orford Hill Strict Baptist Church, Norwich, Strict Baptist | 1832 | 1975
Black Thorn Yard, Norwich, Baptist | 1851 | ?
St Martin-in-Balliva, Norwich, Church of England for Castle | 1500 | 1562
St John Baptist, Norwich, Church of England | 1303 |
Meeting House(Timber Hill), Norwich, Plymouth Brethren | 1924 | 2005
St Peter Parmentergate-Per Mountergate, Norwich, Church of England | 1100 | 1981
All Saints, Norwich, Church of England | 1385 | 1973
St John in Southgate, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Chapel (Bridewell), Norwich, Unknown | 1813 | 1828
Meeting Room(Clement Ct), Norwich, Plymouth Brethren | 1885 | 1907
St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Church of England | 1455 |
St Andrew, Norwich, Church of England | 1478 |
Parochial Chapel of St Barbara, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Nelson Hall(nr Theatre St), Norwich, Plymouth Brethren | 1960 | 1980
St Peters Chapel (Lady Ln), Norwich, Wesleyan Methodist | 1824 | 1939
St Michael at Plea, Norwich, Church of England | 1500 | 1990
St Cuthbert, Norwich, Church of England | 1400 | 1492
St Christopher, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
St Stephen, Norwich, Church of England | 1350 |
King's Community Church -Newfrontiers, Norwich, Norwich Community Church | 1996 |
St John Maddermarket, Norwich, Church of England | 1540 | 1981
St Mary the Less, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1565
French Protestants or Walloon Church, Norwich, French or Walloon | 1637 | 1832
Catholic Apostolic Church, Norwich, Irvingite | 1852 | 1953
New Jerusalem Church, Norwich, Swedenborgian | 1832 | 1852
Synagogue (Synagogue St), Norwich, Jewish | 1849 | 1942
St Crowches, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
St Michael at Thorn, Norwich, Church of England | 1185 | 1945
Princes Street Chapel, Norwich, Congregational Independent | 1819 |
St Peter Hungate, Norwich, Church of England | 1431 | 1933
St Michael's Tombland, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Tombland Chaple, Norwich, Independent Methodist | 1837 | ?
Dutch Strangers Church, Norwich, Dutch Church | 1600 | 1830
Room (Gowing's Court), Norwich, Jewish | 1800 | 1828
S. A. Barracks(St John's Alley), Norwich, Salvation Army | 1905 | 1914
St John's Chapel, Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1794 | 1900
Trinity Presbyterian Church(Theatre St), Norwich, Presbyterian | 1867 | 1942
Meeting House (Upper Goat Ln), Norwich, Society of Friends | 1676 |
Dutch Church, Norwich, Primitive Methodist | 1883 | 1901
Bazaar Chapel- Christians, Norwich, Non-Denominational | 1844 | ?
Room (Tombland Alley), Norwich, Jewish | 1828 | 1849
St George Tombland, Norwich, Church of England | 1445 |
St Michael at Conisford, Norwich, Church of England | 1300 | 1360
St Gregory, Norwich, Church of England | 1385 | 2007
St Faith or St Vedast, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
S. A. Citadel(St Giles St), Norwich, Salvation Army | 1892 |
Surrey Road Chapel-Ebenezer Chapel, Norwich, Baptist | 1854 | 1985
St Mary-the-Virgin-in-Conisford, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
SS Simon and Jude, Norwich, Church of England | 1066 | 1990
Hall (Pottergate), Norwich, Seventh Day Adventist | 1937 |
St Julian, Norwich, Church of England | 920 |
Ihsan Mosque, Norwich, Islam | 1977 |
St Mary-in-the-Marsh, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1760
St Matthew-at-Palace, Norwich, Church of England | 1300 | 1350
St Clement-in-Conisford, Norwich, Church of England | 1400 | 1482
Evangelical Free Church, Norwich, Evangelical | 2015 |
Meeting Room(Wensum St), Norwich, Plymouth Brethren | 1924 | 1964
Congregational Chapel(Chapelfield), Norwich, Congregational | 1884 | 1970
St Matthew the Apostle, Norwich, Church of England | 1250 | 1286
St Clement Chapel(Colegate St), Norwich, Particular Baptist | 1814 | 1945
St Lawrence, Norwich, Church of England | 1436 | 1968
St Margaret-at-Newbridge, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Cathedral of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, Norwich, Church of England | 1096 |
Norwich Christian Spiritualist Church, Norwich, Christian Spiritualist | 1936 |
St Clement, Norwich, Church of England | 1066 | 2000
St George at Colegate, Norwich, Church of England | 1459 |
Church of the Holy Apostles, Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1828 | 1900
Recorder Rd, Norwich, Christian Brethren | 1933 | 1935
First Church Christ Scientist(Recorder Rd), Norwich, Christ Scientist | 1934 | 2006
St John the Baptist-in-Colegate, Norwich, Church of England | 1200 | 1300
St Luke-Cathedral Chapel, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | ?
Chapelfield Road Methodist Church, Norwich, Methodist | 1881 |
Cowgate Chapel (Arminian Baptists), Norwich, General Baptist | 1812 | 1907
Chapel (Three King Ln), Norwich, Methodist | 1790 | 1836
St Margaret's Chapel(Three King Ln), Norwich, Particular Baptist | 1788 | 1900
Gospel Hall (St Giles St), Norwich, Pentecostal Church | 1937 | 1980
Octagon Chapel, Norwich, Presbyterian | 1756 |
St Margaret de Westwick, Norwich, Church of England | 1540 | 1975
Methodist Mission Chapel(Ber St), Norwich, Wesleyan Methodist | 1868 | 1938
Presbyterian Meeting House-on site of Octagon Chapel, Norwich, Presbyterian | 1687 | 1756
St Bartholomew-in-Ber-Street, Norwich, Church of England | 1300 | 1549
St Michael at Coslany, Norwich, Church of England | 1500 | 1994
Old Meeting House(Colegate), Norwich, Independent | 1693 |
St Giles, Norwich, Church of England | 1086 |
St Catherine-in-Newgate or Winewaloy, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1600
St Etheldreda, Norwich, Church of England | 1066 | 1970
St Edward, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1738
Queen's Road Chapel, Lakenham, Primitive Methodist | 1872 | 1952
St Swithin, Norwich, Church of England | 1385 | 1951
St Marys Baptist Church(St Mary's Pn), Norwich, Baptist | 1744 |
St Martin at Palace, Norwich, Church of England | 1086 | 1989
St Francis (part monastic-Greyfriars), Norwich, Church of England | 1400 | 1900
St John de Sepulchre, Norwich, Church of England | 1540 | ?
Jewish Cemetery(Mariners Ln), Norwich, Cemetery | 1842 | 1885
St John the Theologian, Norwich, Russian Orthodox | 2007 |
Zoar Baptist Chapel(St Mary's Pn), Norwich, Strict and Particular Baptist | 1886 |
St Edmund the King, Norwich, Church of England | 869 | 1999
Episcopal Chapel Union Place(Rehoboth), Norwich, Episcopal | 1823 | 1873
St Benedict, Norwich, Church of England | 1185 | 1942
Gospel Hall (Kings Head Yd), Norwich, Unknown | 1885 | Yes
Crooks Place Chapel, Norwich, Wesleyan Methodist | 1821 | 1882
St Mary at Coslany, Norwich, Church of England | 1066 | 1974
Thorpe Free Church, Thorpe Hamlet, Free Church | 1965 | 1981
Chapel, Lakenham, Primitive Methodist | 1823 | 1873
Mission Room, Lakenham, Unknown | 1885 | ?
St George's RC Chapel(Fishergate), Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1920 | 1965
St Helen, Norwich, Church of England | 1250 |
The Tabernacle-Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion, Norwich, Methodist | 1755 | 1925
St Saviour, Norwich, Church of England | 1385 | 1996
St Mary Unbrent, Norwich, Church of England | 1400 | 1550
Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1896 |
Calvert Street Chapel, Norwich, Wesleyan Methodist | 1809 | 1966
St Matthew(Rosary Rd), Thorpe Hamlet, Church of England | 1851 | 1982
Kingdom Hall (Grapes Hill), Norwich, Jehovah's Witnesses | 1956 | 1990
Emmanuel Chapel(St Pauls Opening), Norwich, Mormon | 1842 | 1947
Cherry Lane Chapel, Norwich, Methodist | 1769 | 1811
Providence Baptist Chapel (old Meth. Chapel), Norwich, Strict Baptist | 1818 | 1936
Elim Pentecostal Church, Norwich, Pentecostal | 1963 |
Norwich Synagogue, Norwich, Jewish | 1945 |
St Martin at Oak, Norwich, Church of England | 1441 | 1976
St Olave or St Tooley, Norwich, Church of England | 1500 | 1546
Surrey Road Chapel(Botolph St), Norwich, Baptist | 1985 |
Trinity United Reformed Church, Norwich, Presbyterian | 1956 |
Unthank Road Baptist Church, Norwich, Baptist | 1925 | 1955
Gospel Hall (Dereham Rd), Norwich, Unknown | 1937 | 1990
Peafield Chapel, Lakenham, Primitive Methodist | 1823 | 1872
Priory Yard Chapel(Whitefriars), Norwich, Baptist | 1697 | 1875
The Tabernacle(Orford Place), Norwich, Methodist | 1753 | 1755
Kingdom Hall (Rosary Road), Norwich, Jehovah's Witnesses | 1969 |
St Olave's Chapel, Norwich, Church of England | 1300 | 1345
St Paul(Normans Ln), Norwich, Church of England | 1185 | 1942
St Peter Southgate, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1887
Kingdom Hall (Chatham St), Norwich, Jehovah's Witnesses | 1987 |
St James at Pockthorpe, Norwich, Church of England | 1540 | 1972
St Botolph, Norwich, Church of England | 1400 | 1548
St Nicholas' Chapel, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Friends Burial Ground-Quaker, Norwich, Cemetery | 1658 |
All Saints-in-Fyebridge, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1600
Jewish Burial Ground(Quaker Ln), Norwich, Cemetery | 1813 | 1853
St Alban Temporary Mission Church, Lakenham, Church of England | 1901 | 1932
City Church(Cowgate), Norwich, Christian Brethren | 2005 |
Chapel (Cowgate), Norwich, Primitive Methodist | 1842 | 1942
S. A. Castle(Bull Cl), Norwich, Salvation Army | 1890 | 1994
St Mark's District Parish, Lakenham, Church of England | 1844 |
Meeting House (Chatham St), Norwich, Society of Friends | 1670 | 1975
City Mission Room(Gildencroft), Norwich, Independents-Unsectarian | 1851 | ?
Chapel(Dereham Rd-1942), Heigham, Primitive Methodist | 1850 | 1942
Chapel (Quaker Ln), Norwich, Particular Baptist | 1885 | 1927
Baptist Chapel (Gildencroft), Norwich, Baptist | 1896 | 1938
St Augustine, Norwich, Church of England | 1540 | 1997
Rose Yard Chapel, Norwich, Primitive Methodist | 1824 | 1842
Rosary Road Cemetery, Thorpe Hamlet, Cemetery | 1819 |
St Alban, Lakenham, Church of England | 1932 |
Holy Trinity, Heigham, Church of England | 1861 |
Methodist Church, Thorpe Hamlet, Primitive Methodist | 1901 | 1985
St Leonards Priory, Thorpe Hamlet, Benedictine | 1400 | 1534
City Mission - Pockthorpe Inf and British School, Norwich, Non-Denominational | 1838 | ?
British Schoolroom, Heigham, Non-Denominational Unsectarian | 1845 | ?
St Margaret-in-Fyebridge, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Douro Place Chapel, Norwich, Non-Denominational | 1920 | 2009
Mission Church, Heigham, Church of England | 1873 | 1906
St Matthew(Telegraph Ln W), Thorpe Hamlet, Church of England | 1982 |
St Barnabas, Heigham, Church of England | 1906 |
A Room, Catton New, Primitive Methodist | 1851 | 1878
St Philip, Heigham, Church of England | 1871 | 1975
Potters House Church, Norwich, Christian Fellowship | 2008 |
Dereham Road Baptist Church, Norwich, Baptist | 1890 | 2000
S. A. Mission Hall, Thorpe Hamlet, Salvation Army | 1956 | 1967
St Matthew's Church Mission Room, Thorpe Hamlet, Church of England | 1886 | 1937
Methodist Church, Heigham, Methodist | 1939 |
Chapel (Park Ln), Norwich, Latter Day Saints | 1925 | 1965
Chapel (Belvior St), Norwich, Wesleyan Reform | 1869 | 1989
St James Carrow, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Chapel (Park Ln), Norwich, Swedenborgian | 1852 | 1925
Baptist Church (Silver Rd), Norwich, Baptist | 1911 | 2009
St Peter's Church (Park Ln), Norwich, Methodist | 1894 | 2011
Congregational Church(Clarke Rd), Norwich, Congregational | 1896 | 1984
Kingdom Hall (Clarke Rd), Norwich, Jehovah's Witnesses | 2006 |
Church(Dereham Rd), Norwich, Seventh Day Adventist | 1964 |
St Leonard(Kett's Hl), Thorpe Hamlet, Church of England | 1907 | 1981
St Mary Magdalen-Pockthorpe, Norwich, Church of England | 1902 |
St Bartholomew (Temporary Church), Heigham, Church of England | 1873 | 1880
Carrow Priory or Abbey(Virgin Mary+St John the Evangelist), Norwich, Benedictine | 1146 | 1600
Christ the King(Hall Rd), Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1934 |
Methodist Church (Plumstead Rd), Norwich, Methodist | 1910 | 1940
St Luke(Aylsham Rd), Catton New, Church of England | 1915 |
St Thomas(Earlham Rd), Heigham, Church of England | 1888 |
St Bartholomew(1946-), Heigham, Church of England | 1946 |
Christ Church, Catton New, Church of England | 1841 |
Chapel(Nelson St), Heigham, Primitive Methodist | 1878 | 1950
City Christian Centre(Nelson St), Norwich, City Church | 2005 |
Methodist Church (Rosebery Rd), Norwich, Methodist | 1908 |
Chapel (Sun Ln), Norwich, Methodist | 1818 | 1908
Earlham Cemetery, Norwich, Cemetery | 1856 |
Christ Church, Eaton, Church of England | 1873 |
St Bartholomew(-1942), Heigham, Church of England | 1540 | 1942
New Hope Christian Centre, Norwich, The Christian Fellowship Norwich | 1987 |
United Reformed Church(Martineau Ln), Norwich, Congregational | 1937 | 1987
St Andrew, Trowse Newton, Church of England | 1540 |
St George's, Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1964 |
Parochial Chapel, Trowse Millgate, Church of England | 1550 | 1883
Philadelphia Chapel, Catton New, Wesleyan Methodist | 1850 | 1958
Cemetery, Trowse Newton, Cemetery | 2000 |
St Paul, Norwich, Church of England | 1968 |
Norwich Incorporation Burial Ground, Norwich, Cemetery | 1885 | ?
Jessop Road URC, Norwich, United Reform Church | 1931 |
Chapel, Trowse Newton, Congregational | 1870 | 2000
Free Church(Ipswich Rd), Norwich, Congregational | 1956 |
St John the Baptist and All Saints, Lakenham, Church of England | 1540 |
Mission Room, Catton New, Unknown | 1900 | 1956
St Anne, Earlham, Church of England | 1932 |
Methodist Church (Heartsease Lane), Norwich, Methodist | 1953 |
St Catherine's Chapel on Mousehold, Norwich, Church of England | 1550 | 1900
Methodist Church (Sprowston Road), Norwich, Methodist | 1875 | 1958
Mount Zion Family Life Centre, Norwich, Unknown | 1966 | 2007
Chapel, Sprowston, Particular Baptist | 1830 | ?
St Catherine(Aylsham Rd), Norwich, Church of England | 1936 |
Oak Grove Chapel, Norwich, Evangelical | 1937 |
Our Lady Mother of God, Norwich, Roman Catholic | 1972 |
Bowthorpe Road Methodist Church, Earlham, Methodist | 1942 |
St Andrew, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Church of England | 1866 |
St Andrew(1500-1882), Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Church of England | 1550 | 1882
St Cuthbert, Sprowston, Church of England | 1886 |
Hillcrest Chapel, Thorpe St Andrew, Undenominational | 1936 |
Congregational Chapel, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Independent | 1839 | 1897
St Francis Church, Norwich, Church of England | 1956 |
Witard Road Baptist, Norwich, Baptist (Bethany) | 1954 |
Mile Cross Methodist Church, Norwich, Methodist | 1934 |
Gospel Hall (Antingham Rd), Norwich, Unknown | 1980 |
Church of the Good Shepherd, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Church of England | 1951 |
South Park Evangelical Church, Norwich, Evangelical | 1959 |
St Elizabeth, Earlham, Church of England | 1950 |
Brethren Meeting Room, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Brethren | 2007 |
Kingdom Hall(Old Hall Rd), Norwich, Jehovah's Witnesses | 1965 |
S. A. Citadel, Hellesdon, Salvation Army | 1938 |
Church of the Good Shepherd (Temporary Mission), Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Church of England | 1912 | 1951
Chapel (N. Walsham Rd), Catton Old, Primitive Methodist | 1878 | 1972
Part of Dwelling, Catton New, Baptist | 1851 | ?
Chapel, Catton New, Wesleyan Methodist | 1822 | ?
Missionary Room, Catton New, Baptist | 1823 | ?
Sprowston Methodist Church, Sprowston, Methodist | 1958 |
Holy Apostles R.C Church, Earlham, Roman Catholic | 1959 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Eaton, Mormon | 1965 |
Caston Road Hall, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Undenominational | 1961 | 1995
Meeting Hall, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Brethren | 1995 |
Eaton Parish Burial Ground(Church Ln), Eaton, Cemetery | 1945 |
Church(Church Ln), Eaton, Congregational | 1905 | 1938
Methodist Church(Church Ln), Eaton, Methodist | 1926 | 1980
St Edmund, Markshall, Church of England | 1550 | 1695
St Michael Church, Hellesdon, Church of England | 1965 | 2007
St Mary, Hellesdon, Church of England | 1385 |
St Andrew, Eaton, Church of England | 1280 |
UEA Chaplaincy, Norwich, Multiple Faith Building | 1966 |
Chapel, Eaton, Wesleyan Methodist | 1800 | ?
St Margaret, Catton Old, Church of England | 1185 |
Thorpe Road Cemetery, Thorpe next Norwich or Episcopi, Cemetery | 1859 |
Mount Mizar Church, Earlham, Christian Fellowship | 2007 |
St Boniface RC Church, Hellesdon, Roman Catholic | 1980 |
Gage Road Chapel, Sprowston, Evangelical | 1981 |
All Saints, Keswick near Norwich, Church of England | 1550 |
St Mary, Earlham, Church of England | 1385 |
St Peter, Cringleford, Church of England | 1385 |
St Andrew, Whitlingham, Church of England | 1550 | 1630
Earlham Christian Centre, Earlham, Assembly of God | 1975 |
St Paul, Hellesdon, Church of England | 1964 |
White Woman Lane Methodist Church, Catton Old, Methodist | 1975 |
Meadow Way Chapel, Hellesdon, Evangelical | 1971 |
St Wandregesilius, Bixley, Church of England | 1272 |
Methodist Church(Norwich Rd), Costessey (New), Methodist | 1964 |
SS Mary and Margaret, Sprowston, Church of England | 1540 |
Sprowston Cemetery, Sprowston, Cemetery | 2000 |
Hebron Hall or Chapel, Costessey (New), Brethren | 1980 | 1987
Hebron Hall Independent Chapel, Costessey (New), Independent | 1987 |
St Mary, Arminghall, Church of England | 1300 |
St Andrew, Belhaugh or Belhawe, Church of England | 1100 | 1800