


Boughrood / Bochrwd


"BOUGHROOD (BACH-RHYD), a parish in the hundred of PAINSCASTLE, county of RADNOR, SOUTH WALES,7 miles (W. by S.) from Hay, containing 354 inhabitants. It is beautifully situated on the eastern bank of the Wye, across which there is a ford, from which the name of the place, signifying " the little ford," has been derived, where a boat and horse are in constant attendance, and on the western bank of which passes the road from Hay to Builth. The village is delightfully embowered in wood, and sheltered by hills of moderate elevation; and on the opposite bank of the Wye, which just below the ferry-house makes the most remarkable horse-shoe bend in the whole of its course, gliding along its smooth bed in unruffled tranquillity, strongly opposed to the impetuosity which characterizes the earlier part of its course over its rocky channel, extends a more elevated ridge of hills, clothed to the summit with majestic timber.... ........." ( A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, Samuel Lewis, 1833)



Cole, E J L          Boughrood - Trewern           Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 28  1958      Welsh Journals Online 

Green, Eileen. The Fowkes of Boughrood Castle : a study in social mobility. Tenby : Eileen and Harry Green, 1973. 32p

Rowlands, R W           Boughrood in the Middle Ages                 Radnorshire Society Transactions Vol 38  1968      Welsh Journals Online  

Williams, Sylvia. Llyswen and Boughrood : a visitor's guide to the area. [Port Talbot] : Sylvia Williams, 1994. 40p




Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by   I.G   Jones, & D. Williams. UWP,  Cardiff, 1976. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Boughrood Parish; Statistics; Area 1633 acres; Population 152 males, 162 females, total 314

  • Boughrood Parish Church     Attendance - morning 86, afternoon 33    2 services in English             "The Sunday School discontinued at present to be reorganised on the opening of a new Day school lately erected......"   Henry de Winton, Minister
  • Llanirhimp, Ebenezer Chapel, Primitive Methodist      Erected 1829    Attendance - morning 30, afternoon 107, evening 64       Edward Powell, Occasional Minister, Boughrood Court

See Welsh Chapels and Churches for a photograph of Boughrood St Cynog Church

See John Ball's site Welsh Churches and Chapels Collection for a photograph/data re St Cynog's Church, Boughrood

Church of St Cynog, Boughrood on the Radnorshire Churches Survey site

St Cynogs - on flickr

Remains of churchyard cross, Boughrood - on geograph.org.uk


    Church Records

    Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Radnorshire parish registers

    As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

    • Baptisms 1689-1709, 1711-1979; Marriages 1695-1708, 1711-1971; Burials 1689-1709, 1711-19, 1729-1973; Banns 1824-1870
      Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the NLW and/or Powys Archives.  
      Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the NLW 

    Description & Travel

    Boughrood - on wikipedia

    You can see pictures of Boughrood / Bochrwd which are provided by:




    Land & Property

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Boughrood and Llowes tithe maps and awards 1839-1843


    Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348.   Here is a gazetteer/finding aid plus a set of overview maps to accurately identify the position of parishes within the county

    Family Search have an interactive map called "England and Wales Jurisdictions 1851" showing parish (and other) boundaries with optional background maps such as Ordnance Survey. There is also a Search facility, do read the guidance notes to get maximum benefit from this useful resource. See here for further background information to assist in the interpretation of this data.

    Victorian Powys for schools site - Map of Boughrood in 1887, and 1840

    You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SO142403 (Lat/Lon: 52.054069, -3.253026), Boughrood / Bochrwd which are provided by: